2024-10-01 08:14:38  作者:柈張臉  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/zuy450083.html

FORM comes from Latin Verb formare意为 to shape, give form to(动词词根), also comes from Latin Noun forma 'form'.(名词词根), 同义词根有来源于希腊语词根MORPH


inform [ɪn'fɔrm] vt. 通知;告诉;报告 vi. 告发;告密 CET4 TEM4

[拆] in(into) form(to give form) -> 给...以形状 -> 描述某物 -> 告知, 通知


v-t if you inform someone of something, you tell them about it. 告知; v-i if someone informs on a person, they give information about the person to the police or another authority, which causes the person to be suspected or proved guilty of doing something bad. 检举; v-t if a situation or activity is informed by an idea or a quality, that idea or quality is very noticeable in it. 弥漫 (思想或品质等) [正式]

● 拓展

informed [ɪn'fɔrmd] adj. 见多识广的;消息灵通的;有根据的;明智的(猜测或决定) v. 通知;使了解;提供资料(inform的过去式和过去分词)

informative [ɪn'fɔrmətɪv] adj. 提供有用信息的;教育性的

informal [ɪn'fɔrml] adj. 非正式的;不拘礼节的;随便的;通俗的;日常使用的

information ['ɪnfɚ'meʃən] n. 信息,资料;知识;情报

informality [ɪnfɔr'mæləti] n 非正式; 不拘礼节

● e.g.

They would inform him of any progress they had made. 他们将把自己所取得的任何进展都告诉他

deform [dɪˈfɔrm] vt. 使变形;使成畸形 vi. 变形;变畸形 adj. 畸形的;丑陋的 TEM8

[拆] de(away, off) form(to shape) -> put out of shape(使变形)

● 拓展

deformed [dɪ'fɔrmd] adj. 畸形的;丑陋的;残废的 v. 使……残缺;使……变形(deform 的过去式和过去分词)

deformity [dɪ'fɔrməti] n. 畸形;畸形的人或物;道德方面的缺陷

deformation ['difɔr'meʃən] n. 变形

● e.g.

Bad rheumatoid arthritis deforms limbs. 严重的类风湿性关节炎会使肢体畸形

conform [kən'fɔrm] vi. 符合;遵照;适应环境 vt. 使遵守;使一致;使顺从 adj. 一致的;顺从的 CET6 TEM4

[拆] con(together) form(to form) -> to shape together -> 与...共同成型 -> 一致; 遵守


v-i if something conforms to something such as a law or someone's wishes, it is of the required type or quality. (与法律、愿望等) 相符合;

● 拓展

conformity [kən'fɔrməti] n. 遵守;符合;一致信奉英国国教 nonconformity [,nɑnkən'fɔrmɪti] n. 不一致;不信奉国教;不墨守成规

conformation [,kɑnfɔr'meʃən] n. 构造;一致,符合;构象

conformist [kən'fɔrmɪst] n 英国国教徒

nonconformist [,nɑnkən'fɔrmɪst] n 非国教徒

● e.g.

The lamp has been designed to conform to new safety standards. 该灯设计得符合新的安全标准

transform [træns'fɔrm] vt. 改变,使…变形;转换 vi. 变换,改变;转化 CET4 TEM4

[拆] trans(across到另一方) form(to shape) -> to shape across让形状从一边到另外边 -> 使变形; 使转变

● 拓展

transformation [,trænsfɚ'meʃən] n. [遗] 转化;转换;改革;变形

transformer [træns'fɔrmɚ] n. [电] 变压器;促使变化的人

transformable [træns'fɔ:rməbl] adj. 可变化的;可变形的;可转化的

● e.g.

Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy. 你的新陈代谢率就是你身体将食物转换成能量的速度

formulate ['fɔrmjə'let] vt. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达 CET6

[拆] form(shape) ula(a small thing) ate(v后缀) formula(a little shape: 后来指处方, 方案准则) -> 使成为处方/小方案 -> 用公式简述


v-t if you formulate something such as a plan or proposal, you invent it, thinking about the details carefully. 构想出 (计划或提案); v-t if you formulate a thought, opinion, or idea, you express it or describe it using particular words. 用独特的词语表述

● 拓展

formulation [,fɔrmjə'leʃən] n. 制订,规划;(想法或理论的)系统阐述;表达方式;制剂,配方

formula ['fɔrmjələ] n. [数] 公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品

● e.g.

Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape. 他一点一点地构想出了他的逃跑计划

perform [pɚ'fɔrm] vt. 执行;完成;演奏 vi. 执行,机器运转;表演 CET4

[拆] per(completely完全地) form(to finish) -> 完成的很彻底 -> 履行; 完成


v-t when you perform a task or action, especially a complicated one, you do it. 做; 执行 (尤指复杂的任务或行动); v-t if something performs a particular function, it has that function. 行使 (某种功能);

● 拓展

performance [pɚ'fɔrməns] n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行;表现

performer [pɚ'fɔrmɚ] n. 演出者;执行者;演奏者

● e.g.

We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness, or courage. 我们正在寻找各个年龄的、曾有过无畏、善良或英勇之举的杰出人士

reform [rɪ'fɔrm] v. 改革,革新;重组;(使)改过自新;(石油炼制)重整 n. 改革,改良;改正 adj. 改革的;改革教会的 CET4 TEM4

[拆] re(again) form(to shape) -> 再次修改形状 -> 改革


n-var reform consists of changes and improvements to a law, social system, or institution. a reform is an instance of such a change or improvement. 改革; 改良; v-t if someone reforms something such as a law, social system, or institution, they change or improve it. 改革; 改良; v-t/v-i when someone reforms or when something reforms them, they stop doing things that society does not approve of, such as breaking the law or drinking too much alcohol. 改造; 改过自新

● 拓展

reformatory [rɪ'fɔrmətɔri] n. 少年犯管教所,青少年教养院 adj. 改革的,革新的;感化的

reformation [,rɛfɚ'meʃən] n. 革新;改善

reformatory [rɪ'fɔrmətɔri] n. 少年犯管教所,青少年教养院 adj. 改革的,革新的;感化的

● e.g.

The party embarked on a programme of economic reform. 这个政党开始了一个经济改革的计划

uniform [junəˌfɔrm] adj. 统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的 n. 制服 vt. 使穿制服;使成一样 CET6

[拆] uni(one) form(shape) -> 一个形状 -> 一致


n-var a uniform is a special set of clothes which some people, for example soldiers or the police, wear to work in and which some children wear in school. 制服; adj if something is uniform, it does not vary, but is even and regular throughout. 一致的; adj if you describe a number of things as uniform, you mean that they are all the same. 同样的

● 拓展

uniformity [,jʊnə'fɔrməti] n. 均匀性;一致;同样

uninformative [,ʌnɪn'fɔrmətɪv] adj. 不提供信息的;不增长见闻的

form [fɔrm] n. 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格 vt. 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造 vi. 形成,构成;排列 CET4 TEM4


n-count a form of something is a type or kind of it. 种类; n-count when something can exist or happen in several possible ways, you can use form to refer to one particular way in which it exists or happens. 方式; n-count the form of something is its shape. 形状; n-count you can refer to something that you can see as a form if you cannot see it clearly, or if its outline is the clearest or most striking aspect of it. 外形; v-t if something is arranged or changed so that it becomes similar to a thing with a particular structure or function, you can say that it forms that thing. (某物) 改变而形成 (另一物); v-t if something consists of particular things, people, or features, you can say that they form that thing. 构成; v-t if you say that something forms a person's character or personality, you mean that it has a strong influence on them and causes them to develop in a particular way. 塑造; n-uncount in sports, form refers to the ability or success of a person or animal over a period of time. 竞技状态

● 拓展

unformed [,ʌn'fɔrmd] adj. 未成形的;未充分发展的

format ['fɔrmæt] n. 格式;版式;开本 vt. 使格式化;规定…的格式 vi. 设计版式

formless ['fɔrmləs] adj. 没有形状的;无定形的;形体不明的

formative ['fɔrmətɪv] adj. 形成的;造型的;格式化的 n. 构词要素

formation [fɔr'meʃən] n. 形成;构造;编队

malformation ['mælfɔr'meʃən] n. 畸形;变形

malformed [,mæl'fɔrmd] adj. 畸形的,难看的

multiform ['mʌltɪfɔːm] adj. 多样的;多种形式的

formal ['fɔrml] adj. 正式的;拘谨的;有条理的 n. 正式的社交活动;夜礼服

[拆] form(shape) al(adj后缀) -> 由形状的(表示一切都有了固定的模式) -> 正式的 CET4


adj formal speech or behaviour is very correct and serious rather than relaxed and friendly, and is used especially in official situations. 正式的 (演讲、行为); adj a formal action, statement, or request is an official one. 官方的; 正式的 (行为、陈述、要求等) [adj n]; adj formal clothes are very elegant clothes that are suitable for formal occasions. 适合正式场合的 (服装) [adj n]; adj formal education or training is given officially, usually in a school, college, or university. 正规的 (教育、培训等) [adj n];

platform ['plæt'fɔrm] n. 平台;月台,站台;坛;讲台 CET4 TEM4

[拆] plat(flat平) form(shape) -> 平台


n-count a platform is a flat raised structure, usually made of wood, that people stand on when they make speeches or give a performance. 讲台; 舞台; n-count a platform is a flat raised structure or area, usually one that something can stand on or land on. (用于放置物品或着陆的) 平台; n-count a platform is a structure built for people to work and live on when drilling for oil or gas at sea, or when extracting it. (在海上为钻探石油或天然气而建的) 平台; n-count the platform of a political party is what they say they will do if they are elected. (政党的) 施政纲领; n-count if someone has a platform, they have an opportunity to tell people what they think or want. 发表意见的机会

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