2024-07-01 01:17:03  作者:断木簪  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/iap393384.html



常用:thank sb. for sth. ; be thankful to sb. for sth.

高级:be grateful to sb. for sth. ; express one’s gratitude to sb. for sth. ; appreciate sth.

2. 参加(活动/比赛)

常用:join in ; take part in

高级:go in for; participate in; get involved in; compete in

3. 吸引某人

常用:attract sb. ; draw sb.

高级:appeal to sb.; have a strong appeal to sb.


常用:like ; love ; enjoy ; be interested in

高级:be fond of; have a bent for; have an amazing appetite for; be keen on / about;be drunk with; be crazy about; be addicted to; be addicted to; be bent on


常用:be good for; do good to

高级:be beneficial to; contribute to


常用:be coming soon

高级:be approaching; be around the corner


常用:remember sth.

高级:keep sth. in mind; bear sth. in mind


常用:believe that...; be sure that...

高级:hold the firm believe that...; be convinced that...


常用:help / aid / assist sb.

高级: give sb. a hand; do sb. a favor

10. 考虑某事

常用:think about sth.; consider sth.

高级: take sth. into consideration / account

11. 期望做某事

常用:expect/want to do sth.

高级:look forward to doing sth.; can’t wait to do sth.; desire / long to do sth.

12. 全神贯注于

常用:focus on; put one’s heart into

高级: concentrate on; be absorbed in; be devoted to

13. 影响


高级: have an effect / influence / impact on

14. 拒绝


高级: reject; turn down; decline(谢绝); say no to

15. 尊敬,尊重


高级:show respect for; look up to; admire

16. 建议

常用:suggest that...; advise that...

高级:put forward the suggestion that...; recommend that...

17. 参观


高级:pay a visit to; go to... for a visit

18. 发生

常用:happen in (someplace); occur

高级:hit (someplace); take place; come about

19. 想到

常用:sb. think of sth.

高级:sth. occur to / strike sb.; sb. come up with sth.

20. 使用,利用

常用:use, employ

高级: make use of; take advantage of; make the best of


21. 促成;导致


高级:contribute to; lead to; result in; bring about

22. 提高

常用:improve; raise; increase

高级:promote; strengthen

23. 同意某人的观点

常用:agree with sb.

高级:share the same idea with sb.

24. 向某人道歉

常用:apologize to sb.; say sorry to sb.

高级:make an apology to sb.

25. 决心做某事

常用:decide to do sth.

高级:determine / be determined to do sth.; make up one’s mind to do sth.

26. 位于

常用:be in; lie in (/ on / near)

高级:be located in; be situated in (/ on / near)

27. 知道;意识到

常用:know; realize

高级:be aware of / that; be conscious of; come to realize

28. 把时间用于

常用:spend (all his spare time) in / on

高级:devote (all his spare time) to...

29. 试图做某事

常用:try one’s best to do sth.

高级:attempt / seek to do sth.; make every effort to do sth.

30. 尽力做某事

常用:try one’s best to do sth.

高级:spare no efforts to do sb.; make every effort to do sth.

31. 对……满意

常用:be satisfied with

高级:express one’s satisfaction with

32. 重视,关注

常用:value; pay attention to

高级:take sth. seriously; attach great importance to; lay stress on

33. 擅长做……;精通

常用:be good at; be skilled at / in; be expert in

高级:do well in; have a good command / knowledge of; be familiar / acquainted with

34. 忙于……

常用:be busy with...

高级:be occupied with; bury oneself in

35. 由……组成

常用:be made up of

高级:consist of; be composed of

36. 对……生气

常用:be angry with sb.

高级:be annoyed with sb.; be cross with sb.

37. 适当的,适合的

常用:be fit for

高级:be suitable for; be appropriate for

38. 因……而著名

常用:be famous of / be well-known for

高级:be noted for; be celebrated for

39. 习惯于(做)某事

常用:be used to (doing) sth.

高级:be accustomed to (doing) sth.

40. 越来越多的

常用:more and more

高级:an increasing / a growing number of


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