初中英语听力检测与训练音频 奇速英语备战中考
初中英语听力检测与训练音频 奇速英语备战中考
2024-07-01 05:38:21  作者:离开沵的爱  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/znj440404.html







What is the boy going to buy?

A. Some juice.

B. Some oranges.

C. Some apples.



1. Whose schoolbag is the heaviest?

A. Lily’s.

B. Bob’s.

C. Ann’s.

2. What are they doing?

A. They are drinking.

B. They are eating.

C. They are resting.

3. What is the weather like when they are talking?




4. What time does Lucy have to go to bed on Tuesday?

A. At nine.

B. At ten.

C. At seven.

5. Why doesn't the girl agree with the boy's idea?

A. Because students are busy.

B. Because students are too young.

C. Because students have to study hard.



6. What are they talking about?

A. The classroom

B. The bedroom

C. The house

7.How is the kitchen?

A. It is large

B. It is nice

C. It is modern


8. What does the man do?

A. A news reporter

B. A ping-pong fan

C. A sportsman

9. How does the man feel?

A. Happy

B. Excited

C. Surprised

10. Why does he practice English?

A. Because he wants to play better.

B. Because he likes it very much.

C. Because he wants to make more friends.


11. How does Lisa mainly learn English?

A. By making flashcards.

B. By reading the textbook.

C. By working with a group.

12. Who asks David to go to his teacher for help?

A. Lisa.

B. His parent.

C. Mr Wang.

13. How is Mr Wang?

A. He is friendly.

B. He is strict.

C. He is serious.


14. How old is Danny?

A. 24.

B. 26.

C. 28.

15. How long has Danny worked?

A. 6 years.

B. 8 years.

C. 10 years.

16. What does Danny think of his job?

A. Tired.

B. Hard.

C. Pleasant.


17. What does the speaker call Jackie to do?

A. Ask Jackie to cook a meal.

B. Invite Jackie to a party.

C. Tell him to go shopping.

18. Where are the friends meeting?

A. In the City Hotel.

B. Near a restaurant.

C. At a McDonald’s.

19. How will they go to the cinema?

A. By bus

B. On foot

C. By Subway

20. When will the movie finish?

A. At 2:30 pm.

B. At 4:30 pm.

C. At 5:00 pm.


初中英语听力检测与训练音频 奇速英语备战中考(1)


1~5 CCAAB 6-7 CC 8-10 CBC

11-13 CBA 14-16 CAA

17-20 BCBB

21. tennis 22. bus 23. music

24. (his) teachers 25. (some) photos


M: I’m going shopping, Mum. Do you need anything?

W: Yes, get some apples and some oranges to make juice with.

M: Well, we already have lots of oranges.

W: OK, just some apples then.



1. M: Lily, your schoolbag is heavier than mine.

W: Yes, Bob. But Ann’s is even heavier.

2. M: Some soup? It’s delicious when it’s hot.

W: No, thanks. I am full.

3. M: Oh! There's a rainbow in the sky.

W: Yes, and there are many colors.

4. M: Lucy, there’s a good movie on Tuesday night. Would you like to go and see it with me?

W: Sorry, I can’t. I have to go to bed at nine.

5. M: I think students should be allowed to have part- time jobs.

W: I disagree. They are not old enough.



W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, would you please tell me something about the house?

W: Well, it has a nice living room, a large dinning room and three comfortable bedrooms.

M: It sounds good. What about the kitchen?

W: Oh, it is quite modern. It has a fridge and electric stove.

M: How many bathrooms are there in it?

W: There are two bathrooms in it. Both of them are nice .


W: Good morning, Mr Wang. I’m a news reporter from the Youth Sports. Nice to meet you.

M: Nice to meet you, too.

W: You know, our city is going to hold an important Olympic Games. Do you have a big plan for it as a

ping-pong player of our national team.?

M: Of course. I feel very excited about the Games. I hope to take part in it, so I practice very hard every day.

W: What else do you plan then?

M: I’m trying to improve my English so that I can make more friends.

W: I hope your dream will come true..


M: How do you learn English, Lisa?

W: Oh, David, I learn English mainly by working with a group.

M: Do you ever learn it by making flashcards?

W: Oh, yes. It helps me to remember vocabulary. What about you?

M: By reading the textbook. But I am not good at English. My parents often ask me to go to our teacher for help.

W: That’s good. Have you ever done that?

M: No. I am a bit nervous when I meet our teacher, Mr Wang.

W: No need really. Mr Wang is kind to us all.


Danny is 28 years old. He is my good friend. He has an excellent job at a bank. I couldn’t believe him when he once told me that he had decided to give it up. I tried to make him change his mind, but I failed. “You’d better change your decision,” I said, “you’ve worked there for six years and I’m sure you would have a wonderful future. You might become a bank manager after 10 years.” “I know,” Danny answered, “I liked to work at the bank. It is a pleasant job, and I worked hard. The bank manager told me that my future was excellent.” “Then why do you want to leave?” I asked.

“Because of the money,” Danny said. “I enjoy counting my own money, but I hate counting other people’s money.”


Jackie, today is my twelfth birthday. I phoned you but nobody answered the phone. I wanted to invite you to my birthday meal today. I’m going shopping with Amy and Clara this morning. Then we’ll have lunch. Please join us at lunchtime if you can. My birthday meal will be held at McDonald’s near the City Hotel at one o’clock. We’re meeting at the gate of the restaurant at 12:45. We will wait for you for 15 minutes before we go inside. I hope you can come. There will be a lot of friends. We will have our favorite McDonald’s food. Oh, I nearly forget. At 2:30 we’re going to see a movie together. The cinema is near the restaurant. So we won’t have to walk far. The movie will finish at 4:30. I really hope you can join us. It will be a wonderful afternoon.


Tom studies in the No. 3 Middle School. His English is very poor. He tries his best to improve his English by asking his teacher for help. He used to play football, but now he likes to play tennis. He is outgoing. He never stops talking. His favorite subject is music. He prefers eating brown bread and fish. He often goes to school by bike. But yesterday his bike was broken. So he has to go to school by bus today. It is sunny tomorrow. His family will go to Tian’an Men Square and take some photos there. Do you want to make friends with him? Please call him at 0791-66506778.




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