2024-09-29 03:03:44  作者:青春范儿  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/quq456073.html





( ) 1. dear ​ ​ A. chair ​ ​B. pear ​​ C. near

( ) 2. sorry ​ ​ A. do ​ ​B. come ​​ C. on

( ) 3. ruler ​ A. jump ​ ​B. excuse ​​ C. blue

( ) 4. those ​ A. three ​ ​B. with ​ C. think

( ) 5. young ​ A. yes ​ ​B. fly ​​ C. only

( ) 6. school ​ A. cook ​ ​B. book ​ C. afternoon

( ) 7. father ​ A. have ​B. same ​ C. banana

( ) 8. dress ​ A. very ​​B. tree ​​ C. these

( ) 9. bike ​ A. sit ​​B. it ​ C. find

( )10. watch ​ A. wrong ​B. well ​​ C. write


( ) 1. baby ​ A. babys ​​ B. babies ​​ C. babyes

( ) 2. boy A. boys ​ ​ B. boies ​ C. boyes

( ) 3. family A. familys ​ B. families ​ C. familyes

( ) 4. photo ​ A. photos ​ B. photoes ​ C. photo

( ) 5. man A. mans ​ B. manes ​ C. men


1. meet (同音词) ___________ 2. mum (同义词) __________ 3. desk (近义词)__________

4. knife (复数) ___________ 5. let’s (完全形式)__________ 6. your (主格) __________

7. catch (过去式) ___________ 8. down (反义词)___________ 9. does (过去式) __________

10. they (宾格) ____________ 11. tall (反义词)______________ 12. box (复数) __________

13. fish (复数) ____________ 14. their (同音词) _____________ 15. woman (复数)__________

四、从右栏中找出左栏句子的下句(每词1分, 共8分)

( ) 1. They are new students. A. Can’t you see it?

( ) 2. I can’t find my pen. B. Which is yours?

( ) 3. The bird is in the tree. C. Can you look after them?

( ) 4. The girl in a blue blouse is over there. D. How old is he?

( ) 5. Here is a green pencil-box. E. Where is my pen?

( ) 6. Tom is Mr Brown’s son. F. What colour are they?

( ) 7. Some sweaters are in the yellow box. G. Whose is it?

( ) 8. A green pen and a blue pen are on the desk. H. What’s her name?


My name ______ Lin Tao. I am ______student. I am _____ Class One, Grade Six. I _____ a good friend. Her _________ is Kate. She is __________a yellow coat today. She is thirteen. She is ______ American girl. She and I _____ in the same class. We ______ to school at 7:15 and go home ______5 o’clock. What’s the time now? It’s 5 o’clock. It’s time ______ go home.


___the morning ___ the afternoon ___the evening ___night

___a cold morning ___ a Friday afternoon ___ wet evenings ___the 9th of June

___ the night of January the second ___ the morning of July the fourteenth


Mike and his sister

Mike is eleven. He has a sister and her name is Cathy. She is fifteen. Mike and his sister are in the same school. Their father is a Chinese teacher and their mother is an English teacher. They have many books. But Mike and Cathy don’t have many books. So they often borrow books from their classmates. Today is Sunday. They have no lessons. They are both at home. Mike is flying a kite now, and Cathy is doing her homework.

判断下列句子是正确的 (T) 还是错误的 (F)。

( ) 1. Mike’s sister is fourteen.

( ) 2. Mike and Cathy are in the same school.

( ) 3. Their father is an English teacher.

( ) 4. Their mother is a Maths teacher.

( ) 5. Mike and Cathy often borrow books from their father.

( ) 6. Today Mike has lessons, but Cathy doesn’t have lessons.

On Sunday

It is Sunday today. The weather (天气) is fine. Mingming and Dongdong are in the park. It is a big park. They can see many people there. They come here to have a rest. Some boys are playing football on the green grass. Some girls are singing and dancing. An old man is reading a newspaper under a big tree. A young woman and her little son are playing with a toy bus. How happy they are!

( ) 1. Is it a fine day today?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it’s raining. D. No, it’s true.

( ) 2. What day is it today?

A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday. D. Sunday.

( ) 3. Many people come to the park to ______.

A. work B. study C. have a rest D. play football

( ) 4. What are the boys doing? They are ______.

A. singing B. dancing C. playing football D. reading books

( ) 5. What are the young woman and her little son doing?

A. They are reading a newspaper. B. They are playing with a toy bus.

C. They are playing with a toy car. D. They are flying kites.



1. 11岁,个子很高,戴眼镜。

2. 喜欢踢足球,还喜欢打电脑游戏。

3. 非常善良,爱帮助人。

4. 数学学得好,经常帮助你学数学。

5. 他家离你家很近,你们经常在一起玩。

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