1、钻石星尘拳 Diamond Dust;
2、冰之环 Koltso Кольцо or Ring of Ice;
3、寒冷的龙卷风 Холодный Смерч or Kholodnyi Smerch;
4、极光雷电冲击 Aurora Thunder Attack;
5、极光处刑(曙光女神之宽恕) Aurora Execution;
6、冰之柩 Freezing Coffin。
1、钻石星尘拳 Diamond Dust;
2、冰之环 Koltso Кольцо or Ring of Ice;
3、寒冷的龙卷风 Холодный Смерч or Kholodnyi Smerch;
4、极光雷电冲击 Aurora Thunder Attack;
5、极光处刑(曙光女神之宽恕) Aurora Execution;
6、冰之柩 Freezing Coffin。