2024-06-26 06:20:52  作者:希望袮婞福  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/kbe503026.html


803rd article803期双语推文




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On the Chinese lunar calendar, March 3rdis the day for worshiping the Yellow Emperor, also known as the Xuanyuan Emperor. Each year an ancestor worship ceremony is held on that day, bridging the Chinese nation's past, present and future. A five-thousand-year cultural foundation gives Chinese people great confidence in moving forward.


Culture is essential for the long-term vitality of a nation and gives the people a sense of belonging. Cultural confidence represents a fundamental and profound force that sustains the development of a country and a nation. Chinese traditional culture conveys unique concepts, wisdom, bearing and charm, endowing Chinese people with deep confidence and pride.


Zhengzhou, located in the heart of the Central Plains, is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization. As one of the eight ancient capitals, it enjoys a long history and profound culture.


In order to help people better understand Chinese culture, we are going to tell stories about the Yellow Emperor, the legendary ancestor of Chinese people.




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It is said that the Yellow Emperor wanted to choose someone talented to run the country in his stead as he grew older. Following a series of competitions, his two sons, Chang Yi and Xuan Xiao, were tied. He then personally made a final test for them.


The Emperor fetched two gourds which seemed normal but possessed magic making them bigger on the inside, each capable of holding enough water to flow 200 li. Giving the gourds to his sons, he instructed them to make water flow from Songshan Mountain to the Ying River, 300 li away from each other. He promised to name the winner as King.

他拿出两个葫芦给兄弟俩一人一个,说:“嵩山北坡到东边颍河300里路程,从嵩山开始放葫芦里的水,谁的水能流到颍河, 谁继帝位。不要小看这葫芦,里面浩瀚如海,开口即流,水流200里才会干涸。”

Time and again, the sons tried and failed. Each could only gather enough water to flow for 200 li. Eventually, they decided to work together by alternating, pouring their water every 100 li and combining their water to finish the final 200 li, completing the challenge together. The Yellow Emperor was filled with pride for his sons, and allowed them to govern the country together, with Xuan Xiao as the King and Chang Yi as his right hand.


The water poured by Xuan Xiao was later called Zhenshui, the water left by Chang Yi was called Weishui, and the combined portion was named the Shuangji River.


Solidarity has long been a traditional virtue of the Chinese people.




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People in ancient times had to rely entirely on nature for survival, due to the shortage of necessities.


One day, the Yellow Emperor was hunting in the mountain with his men. He found and shot a tiger in its back with his bow, but the tiger escaped despite its painful injury. Several days later, the tiger was found alive, eating a plant and licking its wound, which was basically healed.


The Emperor released the tiger and turned his attention towards the plant. He was inspired to bring it back and use it to heal injured people. As with the tiger, their wounds soon stopped bleeding.


Seeing this, the Emperor ordered the physician Qi Bo to lead a team in researching plants and animals. After long periods of study, the group made steady progress, culminating in the earliest medical treatise in China. In memory of the Emperor, later generations named the earliest medical book after him - Huangdi Neijing – in combination with Five Elements Theory, Pulse Theory, Meridian Theory, and Etiology Theory, which formed the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine.




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Since prehistoric times, people had no choice but to walk for travel. A visit to distant places needed several days of walking, which easily hurt the feet when carrying heavy things.


One summer, the Emperor was working in the fields. A strong wind blew his hat off, which rolled away on the ground. Seeing the hat roll, he had a flash of inspiration. He chopped down a round cross section of a tree and put the stump sideways on the ground. When he pushed it forward, the stump rolled for several meters. He then fixed a cross-shaped wooden frame as an axle between two similar stumps to ensure they turned in the same direction, allowing it to carry things. Cang Jie, a minister of the Yellow Emperor, named the invention a "cart".


Vehicles in ancient China were called "xuanyuan", "xuan" refers to a cloth-covered frame, while "yuan" refers to the stick used to control the animals in front of "xuan". As the legendary inventor of the first traditional Chinese vehicle, the Yellow Emperor was thus called Xuanyuan.

古代装有帷幕的车叫“轩” ,车前面用来驾牲口的那根直木叫“辕”, “轩辕”合起来就是指古时候的车。由于传说车是黄帝发明的,所以人们就称黄帝为“轩辕氏”。《史记》中记载:“黄帝者,少典之子,姓公孙,名曰轩辕。”

In addition, the Emperor also created boats, becoming the pioneer of water transport in China. The invention of both land and water vehicles made people's lives much more convenient and efficient, greatly improving their productivity.




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After uniting the Yellow River Basin, the Yellow Emperor frequently held large-scale ritual ceremonies and celebrations, all of which required music. As no music was available at the time, he charged Ling Lun with creating a way to play music.


Ling Lun traveled from Daxia Mountain to Kunlun Mountain, where he finally found a kind of bamboo with a consistent outer thickness. He cut the bamboo into 12 wind instruments, and finally composed a twelve-note system by playing them in a way that imitated the voice of a phoenix.


There are also records in Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals • The Ancient Music. It is said that Ling Lun, who was ordered by the Yellow Emperor to create music, discovered quality bamboo in the Kunlun Mountain valley and carved it into 12 pipe-shaped tools, by which he produced 12 tones that imitated the sounds of a phoenix.

《吕氏春秋 • 古乐》中记载:黄帝让伶伦制定声律,伶伦在嶰溪之谷截取良竹,以其声为黄钟之宫。又做十二筒,按凤凰的鸣叫声定为十二律。

"Ling Lun melody" and "delicate flute" were later used to describe people who had a talent for music. It is said that Ling Lun also made 12 bells and formed five traditional Chinese melodies by working together with Rong Jiang, to better share the beauty of music. Traditional chimes are said to be developed from these bells.





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