2024-06-29 11:18:17  作者:逗比娃  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/vpb373528.html






3. 不知道该如何跟同学们相处,她感到有些迷茫


5. 老师的一席话深深地打动了我,我决心更加努力地学习英语。

6. 会议大约持续了三个小时。

7. 公园是公众娱乐休闲的地方

8. 他瞥了一眼地图,然后告诉我们,往前再走不到20英里就是一个村庄。


10. 夜晚,同学们到达了这个小村庄。


12. 听到那个令人兴奋的消息,她大笑起来。

13. 直到失去所有的财产,他意识到被骗了。

14. 农历正月初一是春节。


16. 万一计划失败,我们将采取其他的措施解决这个问题

17. 我们怎么能克服这些困难呢?

18. 当今,社会上似乎有种共识,那就是上大学是成功的唯一通道

19. 他正在努力实现他的目标。

20. 演讲过程中,他不时地参阅发言稿。


1.Word comes that he won first prize in the competition, making us delighted and excited.

On hearing the news that he finished in first place in the competition, we all feel delighted and excited.

2.①It is a great honor to give a speech here, as a representative of all the students of our school.

②I am honored to be on behalf of all the students of our school to address/make a speech here.

③I feel honored to deliver a speech here on behalf of all the students of our school.

3. ①Not knowing how to get on with her classmates, she felt as if she were at sea.

②She felt somehow/ sort of at a loss, wondering how to get on with her classmates.

③She didn’t know how to get along with her classmates, feeling kind of confused.

4.①So many things does the little boy know that we feel surprised. (so...that句型、倒装句)

It is that the little boy knows so many things that surprises us. (强调句型)

What surprises us most is that the little boy knows so many things. (主语从句 表语从句)

Much to our surprise, the little boy knows so many things.(运用插入语或固定短语)

5. ①Deeply touched/ moved by what the teacher said, I’m determined to learn English harder.

What the teacher said left me affected, so I was determined to make more efforts to study English.

It was the teacher’s moving words that made me determined to concentrate more on my English study.

6.①The meeting took / lasted approximately/ roughly three hours.

②The meeting ended/came to an end about three hours later.

③It took three hours or so/ more or less to cover the meeting.

7. ①A park is a place where people rest and relax.

② A park is a public place for relaxation/amusement.

8.①He glanced at the map, telling us that there would be a village merely twenty miles away.

Having glanced at the map, he informed us that the next village was within twenty miles./ less than//no more than twenty miles ahead (of us ).

9.We study in a classroom, whose windows/the windows of which face west.(定语从句)

We study in a classroom, the windows facing west(独立主格结构)

10. ①It was in the evening that the students got to/reached/arrived at the small village. (强调句)

百变魔句英汉互译 :坚持是一种信仰,专注是一种态度!

②It was evening when the students arrived at the small village.(定语从句)

Not until (it was)evening did the students get to the small village. (倒装句)

④Evening had already fallen when the students found their way to the small village.

11.①The Spring Festival that we look forward to is drawing near / approaching.

Around the corner is the Spring Festival that we are longing for/dying for.

12. ①As soon as she heard the exciting news, she began to laugh.

On hearing the exciting news, she burst into laughter.

The moment/instant she heard the exciting news, she began to laugh.

Immediately/Directly she heard the exciting news, she burst into laughter.

Hardly/Rarely had she heard the exciting news when she burst into laughter.

=No sooner had she heard the exciting news than she burst out laughing.

13. ①Not until he had lost all his wealth did he wake up to the fact that he was cheated.

It was not until he had lost all his possessions that he realized he was taken in.

③Only after he had got all his properties lost did he become aware of being cheated.

14. ①The Spring Festival falls on / occurs on the first day of the first month ofthe lunar year.

②People celebrate the Spring Festival on the first day of the first month of the lunar year.

15.①The visitors were deeply impressed by the first-class design, as well as the beautiful trees and grass and modern buildings there.

②The first-class design as well as the beautiful trees and grass and modern buildings left a deep impression on the visitors.

16. ①If the plan were to/ should fail, other measures would be taken to deal with the problem.

Should the plan fail, we would take/ adopt other steps to solve/ settle the problem.

17. ①How is it that we get rid of the difficulties?

②What measures/steps should we take to overcome the difficulties?

③What is it that we should do to get over / smooth away the difficulties?

18. There seems to be a consensus in society that going to university is the only access to success.

19. ①He is making every effort / sparing no effort to achieve his goal/ realize his aim.

②He is doing what he could / as much as he could to make his goal come true.

20. ①While making his speech, he occasionally referred to /turned to his speech draft.

During the process of his speech, he consulted his script /manuscript now and then.

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