2024-11-25 02:37:25  作者:挥霍我的爱  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/dfl491979.html





1) 以下是我们在后文的“语言环境”体验了出现“微辣中辣特辣”的英语语言环境后“获得”的英语口语:

1. People in English speaking countries also say Not Spicy, Mild,Medium,and Hot to talk about how spicy/Hot/sharp your food is.

2. I heard people say Mild when they mean they want only a little spiciness in their food, Medium when they mean the food is between mild and hot, and Hot when they want their food very spicy.

3. When their food is very spicy/hot/sharp, they will say My mouth is on fire, or My mouth is burning.They also say I want my food super spicy, or extremely spicy when they mean very very very spicy food.

2) 在语言环境中体验英语“微辣中辣特辣”:


1. Thai spiciness is in a class of its own. Foods are created withstaple ingredients such as dry roasted chili and fresh chili.

In choosing a level of spiciness, we encourage you to be adventurous!

But please, don't overestimate yourself...or your tongue!

In order to ensure that our guests enjoy their experience

with the taste of Thailand, we have included an explanation of

the levels of spiciness used here at Pad Thai:

Not Spicy

This is not a translation for 'bland.'

On the contrary, even without any additional spiciness,

you will still savor the unique taste of Thai food.

And if you would like a pinch of spiciness,

we offer condiments that you can add on your own.


For beginners who would like to give it a try and those who are

accustomed to Thai spiciness.


This does not mean 'a little here, a little there.' It's very spicy, but an

alternative for those who want to advance from the "mild" or

are not yet ready for the 'hot.'


We mean it! Be prepared for the tears.

Suggested only for pros or the truly daring.

Of course, each individual will have a different response

to the levels of spiciness, but this is just a guide to

help you enjoy and savor the rich and unique taste of Thailand.

Don't forget to indicate the degree of spiciness when you place your order.

Enjoy your meal !

2. 1. How do I stop my mouth from burning after eating a pepper?

I just ate a pepper (wasn't supposed to be in my food from Chipotle). Anyway, it's been 10 minutes and my mouth is still on fire.

Don't drink water...even ice water....it will just spread the oil from the pepper around your mouth. Try some milk or better yet, a banana. Either of those will help to neutralize the "heat."

Try milk or sour cream. per wikipedia: The most effective way to relieve the burning sensation it causes is to cool the mouth and throat with any cool food... show more

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