2024-06-09 01:07:30  作者:醜爸爸  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/cru422225.html




Tencent scores overseas hit with PUBG mobile game

英国《金融时报》 路易丝•卢卡斯 香港报道


Tencent, the Chinese tech giant, has scored its first big hit overseas, wooing 263m users to its PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds mobile game in the past year, according to data from app tracker Sensor Tower.

据追踪移动app的Sensor Tower介绍,中国科技巨头腾讯(Tencent)首次在海外有了一款走红产品,其手机游戏《绝地求生》(PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, PUBG)在过去一年里吸引了2.63亿用户。


此处作动词,表示“赢得;获胜,取得(很大成功)”,英文解释为“If you score a success, a victory, or a hit, you are successful in what you are doing.”举个:

His new book has scored a spectacular success.



常用于新闻报道中,表示“极力劝说(某人做某事),争取…的支持,拉拢”,英文解释为“to try to persuade someone to do something such as buy something from you, vote for you, or work for you – used in news reports”举个:

The company wooed customers by offering low interest rates.


Tencent and rival Alibaba have grown to a combined market valuation of $930bn on the back of strong growth in China. However, they have struggled to gain much more than a toehold overseas.



表示“(事业发展壮大的)初步的立脚点”,英文解释为“your first involvement in a particular activity, from which you can develop and become stronger”举个:

The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in China.


At the same time, smaller Chinese tech companies have successfully expanded abroad. TikTok, the popular short video app owned by ByteDance, passed 1bn downloads worldwide last month, while several other Chinese start-ups are adopting business models whollypreedicated on overseas markets.

与此同时,一些规模较小的中国科技公司已在海外市场成功扩张。字节跳动(ByteDance)推出的受欢迎的短视频app TikTok(抖音国际版)全球下载量上月达到10亿次。还有几家中国初创企业采用完全面向海外市场的商业模式。

be predicated on/upon sth

表示“基于某事物,取决于某事物”,英文解释为“If an action or event is predicated on a belief or situation, it is based on it or depends on it”举个:

The company's expansion was predicated on the assumption that sales would rise.


Yet the huge popularity of PUBG Mobile shows Tencent is making some headway in India, a favoured market for both Tencent and Alibaba as they plot global expansion.


Even so, as in China, PUBG Mobile has not escaped the notice of regulators in India, who are wary of a violent game that can prove addictive. Some cities in Gujarat, a state in north-west India, have banned the game altogether.



表示“小心翼翼的,谨慎的”,英文解释为“someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or harmful”举个:

I'm a bit wary of driving.


Tencent said it was working on efforts to promote “healthy and responsible” game playing in India, much as it has in China.


“We were thus surprised to learn that local authorities in a few cities have decided to impose a ban on playing our game,” the company said in a statement.


“We are working to understand the legal basis of such bans, and hope we can have a constructive dialogue with relevant authorities to explain our objectives and that they withdraw the prohibition.”


Randy Nelson, head of mobile insights at Sensor Tower, attributed the game's popularity in India to the fact it can run on a wide variety of phones, including lower-end Android phones. About 70 per cent of the game's downloads in India come from the Google Play store.

Sensor Tower的“移动洞察”主管兰迪•尼尔森(Randy Nelson)将这款游戏在印度的高人气归因于它可以在各种手机上运行,包括低端Android手机。在印度,这款游戏的下载量约有70%来自Google Play商店。

Tencent has historically lagged behind Alibaba in India, but has taken steps in recent months to expand in the country. Tencent has launched on India's Unified Payment Interface payment system and taken stakes in food delivery service Swiggy and messaging app Hike Messenger.

腾讯传统上在印度落后于阿里巴巴,但近几个月采取措施在该国扩张。腾讯已在印度的统一支付接口(Unified Payment Interface)支付系统上推出服务,并入股送餐服务Swiggy和即时信息app Hike Messenger。


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