2024-06-28 07:13:39  作者:馬路上内急  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/brv508445.html

1857年五月中旬的一个夜晚,纳撒尼尔·克雷斯维克(Nathaniel Creswick,也译尼特利尔· 基斯域克)和威廉· 帕雷斯这两位板球爱好者的一次聊天无意间揭开了现代足球崭新的一页。他们决定成立一个足球俱乐部,经过筹备,英国【也是世界上】第一个足球俱乐部——谢菲尔德足球俱乐部【Sheffield F.C】于1857年10月24日正式成立。他是国际足联和英足总公认的世界上最早成立并参与现代足球赛事的俱乐部,亦是英国有纪录存盘的最古老俱乐部。

克雷斯维克和帕雷斯被选举成为俱乐部秘书和队长。并且责制订俱乐部和球赛条例,这就是知名的“谢菲尔德规则”【Sheffield Rules】。于1858年10月21日,在俱乐部的第一个年度股东大会上通过。上面首先明确了比赛要用脚来踢,只有在几种特殊的情况下才可以用手,以及比赛的时间,裁判的职责,球队的人数等等。随后,俱乐部将规则印刷成册并分发给周边城市的球队。



谢菲尔德规则Sheffield Rules

1、The kick off from the middle must be a place kick。【中场开球必须采用定位踢的方式】

2、Kick out must not be more than 25 yards [23 m] out of goal。【发球的距离不能超过端线25碼】

3、A fair catch is a catch from any player provided the ball has not touched the ground or has not been thrown from touch and is entitled to a free-kick。【安全接球可以是从任意球员踢来的,但是球被接到前不能触地,不能从界外踢来,而且安全接球后的接球球员有权进行安全接球踢球】

4、Charging is fair in case of a place kick (with the exception of a kick off as soon as a player offers to kick) but he may always draw back unless he has actually touched the ball with his foot。【球员踢定位球的瞬间(中场开球例外),冲撞是合理的。但是这名球员随时可以撤回动作,除非他的脚已经触球】

5、Pushing with the hands is allowed but no hacking or tripping up is fair under any circumstances whatever。【比赛允许用手推人,但是在任何情况下都不允许故意踢对方球员或者牵绊对方球员】

6、No player may be held or pulled over。【比赛不允许牵抱、拽人】

7、It is not lawful to take the ball off the ground (except in touch) for any purpose whatever。【比赛不允许以任何原因而将球移动到场外】

8、The ball may be pushed or hit with the hand, but holding the ball except in the case of a free kick is altogether disallowed。【足球可以用手推或击打,但除了开任意球外,比赛中不得用手持球】

9、A goal must be kicked but not from touch nor by a free kick from a catch。【只有用脚踢进的球才可以算进球,但从界外直接踢进或通过开任意球而进球的方式不算】

10、A ball in touch is dead, consequently the side that touches it down must bring it to the edge of the touch and throw it straight out from touch。【边线以外的球为死球。此时出界一方应从球出界的球场边线上朝着与球场边线垂直的方向将球掷入场内】

11、Each player must provide himself with a red and dark blue flannel cap, one colour to be worn by each side。【每个球员必须为自己准备一个红色和深蓝色的法兰绒帽子,每一方要穿同一种颜色】



Sir Nathaniel Creswick

1863年10月初,由伊顿公学,哈罗公学,什鲁斯伯里学校,拉格比公学,马尔堡大学和西敏寺(Westminster College,剑桥的一个学院)的七个学生代表,重新修订了剑桥规则。

1863年剑桥大学的规则【1863 Cambridge University Rules】

1、The length of the ground shall not be more than 150 yds. and the breadth not more than 100 yds. The ground shall be marked out by posts and two posts shall be placed on each side-line at distances of 25 yds. from each goal line.【场地的长度不超过150码,宽度不超过100码。 在每条边线上距球门线25码处,各树立两根标志杆】

2、The GOALS shall consist of two upright poles at a distance of 15 ft. from each other.【球门由两根立竿组成,相距15英尺】

3、The choice of goals and kick-off shall be determined by tossing and the ball shall be kicked off from the middle of the ground.【用猜币选择球门或开球权。开球应从场地中央开出】

4、In a match when half the time agreed upon has elapsed, the side shall change goals when the ball is next out of play. After such change or a goal obtained, the kick off shall be from the middle of the ground in the same direction as before. The time during which the game shall last and the numbers in each side are to be settled by the heads of the sides.【在一场比赛中,双方约定的时间已经过了一半,当球下一次出界时,该方应改变球门。在改变球门或取得进球后,开球应该从球场中央开始,方向与之前相同。比赛持续的时间和双方的人数由双方负责人决定】

5、When a player has kicked the ball any one of the same side who is nearer to the opponent's goal line is OUT OF PLAY and may not touch the ball himself nor in any way whatsoever prevent any other player from doing so.【当队员将球踢出时,同队任何站在球前面的队员较对方队员更接近对方球门线时,不得参加比赛接触球,也不得以任何方式阻碍其他队员接触球】

6、When the ball goes out of the ground by crossing the side lines, it is out of play and shall be kicked straight into the ground again from the point where it first stopped.【当球被踢出边线外则为死球,由对方在出界地点 将球直接踢入场内,恢复比赛】

7、When a player has kicked the ball beyond the opponents' goal line, whoever first touches the ball when it is on the ground with his hand, may have a FREE kick bringing the ball straight out from the goal line.【当一队将球踢出对方球门线时,对方任何队员谁先拿到球便可持球在球门线发任意球】7.垂直端线25码处。

8、No player may touch the ball behind his opponents' goal line who is behind it when the ball is kicked there.【当球被踢到对方球门线后,任何球员都不得在对方球门线后触球】

9、If the ball is touched down behind the goal line and beyond the line of the side-posts, the FREE kick shall be from the 25 yds. Post【如果球落到球门线之后和边线标志杆之外时,任意球应该在距球门线25码处发】

10、When a player has a free-kick, no-one of his own side may be between him and his opponents' goal line and no one of the opposing side may stand within 10 yds. of him.【当一队员踢任意球时,同队队员不得处在他与对方球门线之间,并且对方队员不可站在距离他10码之内】

11、A free kick may be taken in any manner the player may choose.【队员可选择任何方式踢任意球】

12、A goal is obtained when the ball goes out of the ground by passing between the poles or in such a manner that it would have passed between them had they been of sufficient height.【球从两竿之间或从其间上方无限高度穿过,算胜一球】

13、The ball, when in play may be stopped by any part of the body, but it may NOT be held or hit by the hands, arms or shoulders.【在比赛进行中,可用身体任何部位接触球,但不得用手、臂、肩部持、击球】

14、ALL charging is fair; but holding, pushing with the hands, tripping up and shinning are forbidden.【所有冲撞都是公平合法的,但禁止用手抱、推,用脚绊或吵闹】


Rev. R. Burn (Shrewsbury), Chairman

R.H. Blake Humfrey (Eton)

W.T. Trench (Eton)

J.T. Prior (Harrow)

H.L. Williams (Harrow)

W.R. Collyer (Rugby)

M.T. Martin (Rugby)

W.P. Crawley (Marlborough)

W.S. Wright (Westminster)

参考文献:1、19-11-2001:24体坛聊不完 《哈巴斯托姆:欧洲中世纪的足球游戏,一种起源竟然跟“人头”有关?》

2、2018-09-07 百一味《世界杯回忆录3:现代足球的发展》




6、2012-06-18 15:30 网易体育李芸、潘昊《英国足球简史:从暴徒足球到世界第一联赛》

7、2018-06-16 · 听雨楼主《举办世界杯是怎么赚钱的?》

8、2018年12月14日 11:14 东方体育日报《全球仅九块!落户康桥基地的《剑桥规则》之石什么来头?》

9、斯巴达克斯教育网(Spartacus Educational)《剑桥规则》


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