2024-07-03 11:28:44  作者:厉害的羯  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/wfd138697.html






Module 1 I want a hot dog,please.

一、 短语:

1. want的用法:want to do sth.想要做某事 want sb. to do sth 想要某人做某事 want sth. 想要某物

2. enjoy doing sth.享受做某事 enjoy oneself=have a good time过得愉快

3. look 形容词;看起来。。。怎么样;look at 某物

4. let sb.do 让某人做


1.Can I help you? (店员)我能帮助你吗?

2. want do you want?I want a/an 可数名词单数;I want some 可数名词复数/不可数名词单数

3.I (don’t) know. 我(不)知道。

4. Here’s (单数) Here’re (复数) 给你… Here you are .给你

5. — How much is it? 这个多少钱?(一般疑问句) — It’s 数字dollar(s).

/ It’s 数字cent(s) 几美元/几美。

6. — What do you want to eat ?你想要(吃点/喝点)什么? I want to eat…… 

7.Enjoy your meal! 享受你的大餐吧!

I want a hot dog,please.

Module 2 When are we going to eat?


1.look like 看起来好像

2.have a picnic 去 野餐,吃野餐 have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早午晚餐

3.walk around the lake 绕湖而行

4.go under the tree 去树下面

5.Let’s V 原型 ,让我们......

6.go to the park 去公园

7.go to bed 去睡觉

8.play chess 下象棋

9.stay hungry 挨饿

10.at 具体时间点:在几点钟 at 7:00 at noon 在正午 at night 在午夜

11.one hour to go 还剩一小时


1.What time is it?几点了?

It’s …整点:数字 o’clock (几点整) half past 数字 (几点半)

When are we going to eat?



1)构成:主语 is/am/are going to do .计划打算做某事。(计划好的,一般都会发生)


I’m going to get up and have breakfast.

It’s going to rain soon.很快要下雨了。


I’m not going to get up and have breakfast.

一般疑问句:将is/am/are 直接提到句首;some变any,一二人称互相转换

Are you going to have breakfast? Yes,I am. No, I’m not.

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 一般疑问句

问:When are we going to go eat? 我们什么时候去吃东西?

答:We are going to eat at half past twelve. 我们将在十二点半吃。

问:what are you going to do , 你将要去干什么?

答:I am going to have lunch.


构成:主语 will do 将要发生的事

陈述句:It will be sunny in Harbin.

否定句:直接在will 后加not

It will not be sunny in Harbin.


Will it be sunny in Harbin?

Yes, it will. No, it won’t.(won’t =will not)

注意:“will”后面直接加动词原形;will后加形容词要加be: will be sunny…

Module 3 I took some photos.


1.fly away 飞走了

2.have a very funny day 过了非常有趣的一天

3.want to have a picnic 想要去野餐

4.brought sandwiches and drinks 带了三明治和饮料

5.buy food 买吃的,买食物

6.play football 踢足球

7.lots of = a lot of 许多

8.take photos 照相

9.start to rain开始下雨

10.run quickly to hide 快跑去躲雨

11.left our food 留下了食物

12.get wet被淋湿 go home 回家

13.on the tree 在树上 (本身长在树上) in the tree在树上(不是长在树上的)

14.be angry with 对····生气

15.a funny day 有趣的一天

16.make snowman 堆雪人

17.middle of the night 半夜

18.in the sky 在空中

19.shine brightly/sadly(副词修饰shine动词)

20.spoil my fun 坏了我的兴致

I took some photos.


1. on 星期 ,在星期几

2. Please write to me soon. 请尽快给我写信。

3. There is / are / was / were 某地有。。。

4. start to 动原 ,开始做某事


构成:主语 is/am/are 动词ing 现在进行时构成

陈述句:The sun is shining 阳光灿烂

I’m watching TV 我在看电视

否定句:直接在is/am/are 后加not

I’m not watching TV 我在看电视

一般疑问句:将is/am/are 提到句首,一二人称转换,some变any

Are you watching TV? Yes,I am. No,I’m not.

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 一般疑问句

What are you doing?


1.直接叫ing; play-playing

2.动词以不发音的e结尾,去掉e+ing; make-making take-taking

ride-riding come-coming have-having dance-dancing


Module 4 I can't carry all these things.


1.Do one’s homework 做作业

2.make a birthday card 做生日贺卡

3.studying music hard 努力学习音乐

(hard 形容词坚硬的,努力的;副词努力地;hardly几乎不)

4.at / in the supermarket 在超市

5.Buy things for your birthday给你的生日买东西

6.Buy sth.for sb= buy sb. Sth.给某人买某物

7.Have an American birthday 过美国生日

8.Carry all these things 搬所有的东西

9.Be on the phone在接电话

10.Grab the balloons.抓住气球

11.fall down 掉下、跌落 fall down the stairs掉下楼梯

12.fly away飞走 run away跑开 go away走开

13.come out出来 come in进来

14.pick up the apples 捡起苹果

15.walk to the blackboard 走向黑板

16.be careful 小心

17.a birthday party 生日派对

I can't carry all these things.


1. What a mess. 真是一团糟!

2. try to 动词原形 试图......

3. —— Who can help me? 谁能帮帮我? I can help you. 我能帮助你。/Sorry, I can’t.

三、 情态动词can,表示"能够"

肯定句:主语 can 动词原型 其它。

I can carry this bag.我能拿这个包

否定句:主语 can’t 动词原型 其它。

I can’t carry this bag.我不能拿这个包。

一般疑问句:Can 主语 动词原型 其它?

Can you help me ?你能帮助我吗?

肯定回答:Yes ,I can .否定回答:No, I can’t.

Module 5 He is playing the souna, but the telephone rings.


1.do exercise做运动

2.play the trumpet 吹小号 play the suona 吹唢呐(乐器前要加the)

3.play chess 下象棋

4.ride a bike骑自行车

5.but then 但是在那时

6.try again 再试一次

7.say sth.to sb. 和某人说什么 (强调说话的内容)

8.speak to sb.和某人讲话(强调说话的动作)speak 语言

9.start to 动词原形 开始......

10.talk to 人 和......聊天

He is playing the souna, but the telephone rings.


1. 用进行时谈论或描述正在发生的事情

I’m flying in the sky.我正在天空飞

I’m looking out of the window.我正看向窗外

2. 主语 be 动词ing but 一般现在时:描述当某人正在做某事时,同时又发生什么事。

例:Daming is playing the suona but the phone rings .


3. and表示并列,而且;but表示转折但是,叫做连词,链接句子、短语

I like red,but he likes blue.

He likes apples, pears and oranges.

Or“和”用在否定句和问句中:I don’t like apples or pears.

Module 6:It was Daming's birthday yesterday.


1.welcome home欢迎回家

2.on the earth 在地球上

3.get many presents from his family and friends (从。。。得到)

4.buy sb. Sth. =buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物

5.a book about space travel 关于太空旅行的书

6.space travel太空旅行

7.be interested in 对......感兴趣

8.ask sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事

9.ask sb. not to do sth.请求某人不要做某事

10.was surprised to do 做某事感到惊奇

11.send sb into 某地 把某人送到某地

12.finish sth/doing sth.完成某事

13.in two hours在两小时内

14.made a paper spaceship 制作一艘纸质的飞船(make --made制作)

15.give sb sth= give sth to sb给某人某物 (give-gave给 )

16.thank sb for sth 感谢某人的某物

17.make sb sth=make sth for sb 为某人制作......

18.a model of 一个··的模型

19.the name of ···的名字


21.for the first time 第一次

22.the national flag of China中国国旗

23.brought (bring的过去式) 拿来,带来bring back带回

24.learnt (learn 的过去式)学习

25.fly -- flew飞 become -- became变成 spend -- spent度过

26.see -- saw看 buy-bought 买 send-sent发送

It was Daming's birthday yesterday.


含义:表示过去发生的事,常跟表示过去的时间状语连用, yesterday, last…,…ago then等。

构成: 主语 动词过去式 过去时间

肯: My mother bought me a birthday cake yesterday.


It was not his birthday yesterday.

I could not get there on time.


My mother didn’t buy me a birthday cake yesterday.


Was it his birthday yesterday? Yes,it was/No, it wasn’t.

Could you get there on time? Yes, I could/ No,I couldn’t.


Did your mother buy you a birthday cake yesterday?

Yes, she did/No, she didn’t.



2.以e结尾, d:loved;liked…






以元音、浊辅音结尾的,ed读/d/:play-played/d/ love-loved/d/

字母d或t结尾,加ed后,ed读/id/:decide-decided/did/ act-acted/tid/

Module 7 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V.


1.an hour 一小时

2.be proud of 以···而骄傲

3.be born in 生于......

4.someday 有朝一日

5.all over the world全世界

6.role model模范,模样

7.fly into 飞进···里

8.in space 在太空

9.work hard 努力工作

10.come true 实现

11.make a video 制作录像

12.in October 2003 在2003年10月

My father flew into space in Shenzhou V.

13.love / like +动词ing 喜欢做某事

14.try hard 努力尝试 try to do sth 尝试做某事

15.learn to +动原. 学习做某事

16.have an illness 得了病(have/has-had)

17.go around the world 环游世界

18.tell story 讲故事

19.help 某人 (to)+动原 ,帮助某人做某事

20.put 某物 in 某地, 把某物放入某地

21.at 18 months old 在十八个月大的时候

22.a model for …的榜样


spend -- spent 度过 become--became 变成 fly -- flew 飞

draw--drew画teach--taught 教 learn--learnt 学习 write--wrote写

travel--travelled 旅游,游历 go--went 走 spell-spelt 拼写,拼出

can-- could 能够,会


1. It’s difficult to do for 某人 做某事对某人来说是困难的

2. wrote a book about herself 写一本关于她自己的书

3. can / can’t / could /couldn’t 动词原形

4. spent 时间:花了多少时间

5. ----Did you go to Sp.? 你去过.....吗?

----Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t. 是的,我去过。/不, 我没有。

6. Sb. lived to be 数字. 某人活到了......岁。

7. ----When/Where was he born? 他生么时候出生的?

---- He was born in 时间/地点. 他出生于......

Module 8 Why do you have cups on heads?


1.Came into the classroom(come -- came来)

2.Had cups on their head把杯子放在头上

3.Tell sb.a story给某人讲故事(tell -- told告诉 )

4.Plan to do sth.计划做某事(plan--planned 计划)

5.Play a baseball game 玩打棒球游戏 play a game 玩游戏

6.play 球类 play the 乐器

7.play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏

8.laugh -- laughing -- laughed笑

laugh at sb.嘲笑某人 laugh more笑得更强烈了(more 更强烈地)

9. put the caps on 带上帽子

Why do you have cups on heads?


1.It is 形容词 to do sth.做。。。是怎么样的。。。

It is easy to make mistakes with English words.用英语单词很容易犯错误。

2. 学会用why问问题,because 回答

例如 why are you wearing a raincoat?为什么你穿着雨衣

Because it’s going to rain 因为正在下雨


Happy/sad/angry/hungry /thirsty /tired /afraid

Why are you laughing?

Because I am happy.

Module 9:Best wishes to you!

一、 短语

1. Best wishes to you! 最美好的祝愿

2. Good luck to you! 祝你好运

3. I will Miss you! 我会想念你的!

4.Say goodbye to 跟某人告别

5.primary school小学

6. write a message (to sb.)给某人写信息

7.write a goodbye letter to sb. 给某人写离别信

8.Keep it forever 永远(keep -- kept 保持)

9.Have a happy time. 过得愉快

10.write an email to sb. 给某人写邮件

11. teach sb.sth 教某人某事 teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事

(teach -- taught 教)

Best wishes to you!

12.watch a football game 观看足球比赛

13. wish you happiness everyday 祝你天天幸福

14. help sb. In 方面: you helped me in sport.

15. Good luck for the future. 祝你未来好运

16. You brought us a lot of joy. 你给我们带来许多乐趣!

17. What a lot of wishes.好多的愿望啊!

二、 语法:感叹句

1.What a/an 形容词 可数名词单数:what a good girl.

2.what 形容词 不可数名词/可数名词复数:

What fine weather!

What good wishes!

Module 10 We are going to different schools.


1.a goodbye speech by sb. 某某的离别演讲

2.different schools 不同的学校

3.leave our primary school soon不久离开我们的小学

4.start middle school 开始上中学

5.I am excited.我感到兴奋。

6.Learn lots of new things学习很多新东西

7.Meet new friends遇见新的朋友

8.at the same time 同时

9.I am very sad to say goodbye to you.(be sad to do sth.)

10.Go back to the UK回到英国

11.I am happy for them.我为他们感到高兴。(be happy for)

12.They spoke only very little Chines.他们几乎不说汉语

(little:表否定,a little 表肯定)

13.keep on doing保持做。。。:keep on practising Chinese保持练习汉语

14.come back to 回到

We are going to different schools.

15.sometime 将来的某个时候 sometimes 有时候 some time 一些时间 some times 多次

16.ach other 相互,彼此

17.learn with sb 和某人学习

18.write in English 用英语书写

19.We’ll always be friends.我们将永远是朋友。

20.It’s time to do sth.做某事的时间到了


leave --- left离开speak -- spoke 说eat --- ate 吃

carry -- carried 携带,带着 take --- took 带走 go --- went 走

can --- could 会see -- saw 看fly --- flew 飞

speak ---spoke 说,讲learn---learnt 学习do --- did 干,


What are you going to study? 你将要学什么?

--- I’m going to study...我将要学......

Where are you going this summer? ---- I am going to…..

What are you going to do? ---- I am going to…….


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