新冠疫情让戴口罩成为了世界各国不少人的新常态。各种花式口罩也层出不穷,口罩也同样激发了艺术家们的灵感。艺术家沃尔克·赫米斯(Volker Hermes)创意性地将口罩与古典画作结合起来,风靡一时。
Volker Hermes has been creating a series of "Hidden Portraits" for over 10 years, where he manipulates photos of classical paintings tangled up in head accessories. It seemed like an innocent play of imagination until it became very poignant when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.
沃尔克·赫米斯过去十几年来一直在创作系列作品 “隐藏的肖像”,在古典画作上加入一些头饰。这样的“脑洞大开”原先似乎只是一种单纯的创作,而在新冠大流行期间,它的意义则格外凸显出来。
Hermes says, "I have great respect for incredible historical paintings. I don't add anything to the outside portraits, all the modifications come from the painting itself. I pay attention to the characteristics of the artists, brushstrokes, light, etc. My interventions should be as plausible as possible."
"Portraits were commissioned only by the elite. They were amazingly expensive and are full of codes and allusions in clothing or with attributes that refer to a high rank, which we no longer understand because our society is different. That's why we today look at the portrayed ones mostly in the face, because we don't understand the codes of the rest of the picture anymore. I block this access — I cover the person and one must now look at the painting completely differently."
Hermes suggests that because of the pandemic, he now knows what life with masks feels like and that is really new. And more people are paying attention to his work, which is absolutely amazing.
The artworks use allusions to our society today and bring together the past and the present. Hermes says, "I have many painters that I like very much — after all, we are talking about a very long period of time. To pick out one would not be fair."
来源:Bored Panda
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