2024-11-22 12:41:49  作者:抱抱窝叭  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/gve184055.html


Unit 4(Ⅴideo Script)

(Learn to spread China and Chinese cuIture in EngIish)

Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

Cultural heritage,tangible or intangible, is the legacy inherited from past generations, preserved in the present and passed down for the benefit of future generations. China is endowed with rich cultural legacies by its long history.

However, modernization, globalization, and natural disasters have posed various threats to the existence of some unique and irreplaceable legacies. Fortunately,the Chinese governments at all levels, as well as many people with noble ideals,have worked hard to encourage the identification, preservation, and promotion of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Dunhuang, an oasis(绿洲) surrounded by desert in Northwest China, is more than the name of a faraway city in Gansu Province. Boasting grottoes that contain splendid artworks, this area testified to the dialogue and interaction between civilizations along the Silk Road dating back thousands of years. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, also referred to as the “Caves of the Thousand Buddhas,” are the world’s largest and longest-used treasure house of Buddhist art. With 492 well-preserved cells and cave sanctuaries(殿堂), Mogao Grottoes house about 45,000 square meters of murals (壁画)and more than 2,000 painted sculptures. Dunhuang’s cave art and manuscripts found in the Library Cave (藏经洞) are precious resources to study ancient China and Central Asian history. The caving of the Mogao Grottoes began in 366 AD and continued for about 1,000 years. In more recent centuries, it has suffered from wind and sand erosion coupled with man-made destruction. Many artists and scholars in the early 20th century became concerned about the increasingly vulnerable(脆弱的) state of the caves. Chang Shuhong (1904-1994) was among them.

Although this prominent artist had already made his fame in France, he gave up the comfortable life and a bright art career there, and arrived at Dunhuang in 1943. For decades thereafter, Chang Shuhong devoted himself whole-heartedly to the preservation and study of Dunhuang’s treasures. In 1944 he set up the Dunhuang Art Institute, now Dunhuang Academy. He worked on restoring murals and painted sculptures that had been obscured(模糊) and discolored after centuries of decay. He went hither and thither to retrieve scattered Dunhuang relics from collectors at home and abroad. Chang Shuhong recreated many of the murals, a tough challenge given the extremely harsh conditions at Dunhuang and a lack of funding during wartime. Despite numerous difficulties, he remained committed to its preservation. Even when his first wife and some team members left Dunhuang, he stayed on and persevered.

Chang Shuhong was not alone in pursuing a passion for Dunhuang art. His daughter, Chang Shana (1931-) , would come to follow in his footsteps in preserving and promoting Dunhuang’s art and culture. The French-born Chang Shana fell in love with the grottoes soon after her first visit to Dunhuang at age 12. Under her father’s guidance over successive visits, she copied Dunhuang murals and studied Dunhuang art to learn how differing mural styles had evolved. As she became more knowledgeable, Chang Shana made facsimiles(摹本) of the murals and she painstakingly categorized the sophisticated, elaborate patterns on the cave walls. The images later inspired her while she was designing the ceiling of the Banquet Hall in the Great Hall of the People (人民大会堂). Perfectly infusing the Dunhuang legacy into modern art, she has earned wide recognition from experts. In addition, she has helped integrate Dunhuang art into people’s everyday lives, making the themes more recognizable by incorporating the patterns and images on decorative plates, scarves and clothing. For Chang Shana, Dunhuang has constituted an inseparable part of her life, and her father’s words have been engraved(铭刻) in her heart: “Shana, don’t forget you’re from Dunhuang. It’s time to raise the profile of Dunhuang to a higher level.” The accumulated effort of several generations of outstanding scholars has made significant progress in grotto preservation, especially the launch of the “Digital Dunhuang” project. It is the largest preservation program in Dunhuang history and also shows a new cultural relics protection philosophy. By integrating high-definition images, videos, 3D data and other aspects into a digital repository(库), it provides a way for the world to enthusiastically explore the caves by means of the Internet. Led by the spirit of dedication and innovation passed down from generations, Dunhuang scholars and artists are now working together to restore Dunhuang’s former glory as a jewel on the Silk Road.








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