2024-09-29 07:22:40  作者:配合你  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/htv142682.html



As the graph depicts,…

From the cartoon/picture, we can see that…

According to the statistics shown in the first/second graph,…

The table shows/indicates/reveals that…

It can be seen/concluded from the picture/table/figures that…


Recently, …has become the focus of the society.

…has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.

Nowadays there is a growing concern for…

Nowadays it is common to hear/see…

…has become a common occurrence in our daily life.

Nowadays more and more people begin to be aware of the seriousness of…

It is only during the last/past few years that man has generally become aware that…

There is an old/a popular saying/proverb that says/goes…

In recent years, there is a general tendency…

Nowadays…has become a serious problem we have to face.


Some people like/prefer…, while others are/feel inclined to…

There are different opinions among people as to…

Some people claim that…is superior to… Others, however, disagree with it.

Some people believe… Others maintain… Still others claim…

Some people suggest… Others, however, hold the opposite opinion.

On the one hand, people tend to… On the other hand, they feel…

Some people argue that… Others, in contrast, believe that…

Although more and more people come to believe that…, there are still others who insist that…

On the contrary, there are people in favor of…

There are some people who hold different opinions about…


There are three reasons for this...

The reasons for this can be listed as follows.

The reason for this is obvious.

The reason for this is that...

We have good reasons to believe that...

The answer to this problem involves many factors.

There are several reasons that account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.

There are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.

A number of factors account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.

Several factors contribute to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.

There are several factors contributing to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.

The change in people’s way of life largely results from the fact that people’s living conditions have been greatly improved.

Several factors result in the phenomenon reflected in the picture.

Many factors led to the phenomenon mentioned above.

The answer to this question lies in the fact that rivers are being seriously polluted.


My own experience tells me that…

In my opinion, we should attach more importance to…

As for my own idea about…, I believe that…

As far as I am concerned, I plan to…

Personally speaking, I prefer…

In my view, both sides are partly right in that…

But for me, I would rather…

My own point of view is that…

In conclusion, I support the statement that…

As for me, I tend to choose…


It has the following advantages.

It does us a lot of good.

It’s good for you to take regular exercise.

Her advice was of great help.

It will bring benefit to you.

It is to your advantage.

It is advantageous to your future career.

It benefits us quite a lot.

It is beneficial to us.

It is of great benefit to us.

We can benefit greatly from it.

Walking and running are both healthy forms of exercise.

It helps a lot./It will help./It is of great help to...

It has brought us great convenience.


It has more disadvantages than advantages.

It may bring about severe unpredicted consequence.

It does us much harm./It is harmful to us.

It is bad for...

It brings more harm than good to us.

It has a bad effect/influence on the health and bodies of young people.


Compared with ten years ago,people’s life has got greatly improved.

I prefer to read rather than watch TV.

There is a striking contrast between them.

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages of developing the car industry.

She had almost failed the exam,but her sister,by contrast,had done very well.

Surfing the Internet does no harm to you;on the contrary,it can bring you easy access to any information you need and broaden your horizons.

Compared with B,A has many advantages.

The environment is to man what water is to fish.

Wonderful as it is,however,it also has its own disadvantages.

Although TV series enjoy considerable advantages over films,it can not compete with films in many aspects.


It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible, likely) for sb. to do sth.

We think it necessary to do something.

It plays an increasingly important role in our life.

It is high time for the government to take effective measures to stop such things happening again.

Almost all kinds of books in this library are accessible to us students.

It makes it possible for us students to get ourselves fully developed.

Local transportation is easily accessible.

Students can have easy access to good books.

It is essential that we students should set our goal realistically.

It is a vital problem that should be properly dealt with as soon as possible.

They’ll very likely ask for an increase in the budget.

We should try to make every minute count.

First impressions really do count.

What really matters is whether you can concentrate on your lessons.


We should find proper ways to deal with this problem.

We should try our best to overcome(conquer) the difficulties.

Something must be done to deal with this problem.

The government should do something to stop such a thingnhappening again.

It is high time for us to do something for it before it is too late.


We cannot ignore the fact that many people still don’t have enough to eat.

No one can deny the fact that the environment is getting polluted more and more seriously.

There is no denying the fact that people’s living conditions are being improved on the whole.

This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.

However,that’s not the case.

No one could have failed to notice the fact that traffic problems are becoming more and more serious.

Nowadays there seems to be a consensus in society that going to university is the only access to success.

Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

The truth is quite other than what you think.

The truth is quite otherwise.

This is common in lower­price computers.

It is a common phenomenon in society that people are getting politer than they used to be.

Recently there is a heated/fierce debate in our class on whether middle school students should take on some part­time jobs on their weekends.

Nowadays,there exists an increasingly serious social/economic/environmental problem.


When it comes to failure,people have (take,adopt,assume) different attitudes towards it./different people hold different attitudes toward it.

People have different opinions on/as to this problem.

People take different views of (on) the question.

Different people have different opinions on this question. Some people believe that...Others argue that...

It is my belief that “honesty is the best policy” in most situations.

I don’t believe it right to hurt people unnecessarily.

It is generally believed/accepted/thought/held that...

It is universally acknowledged that knowledge can change one’s fate.

In my personal opinion/view,health is more important than wealth.

From my point of view,it is up to us ourselves to make a sensible plan for our future.

So/As far as I’m concerned,it was a great success.

I personally think we should pay more attention to the safety of school children.

It is obvious (clear/evident) that...

It is self­evident that the advance of science and technology is of vital importance to China’s modernization.

It can’t be denied that the advance of science and technology is of vital importance to China’s modernization.

To be frank/honest,whether you like it or not,you have no other choice.

There is no denying that students can learn a lot from it.

People’s views on...vary from person to person. Some hold that...However,others believe that...

Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.


From what has been discussed/mentioned above, we may conclude that…

Therefore, it is not difficult to draw/come to the conclusion that…

It is high time that something was done about…

From all the reasons/consideration above, it is evident/clear/obvious that…

Taking all these factors into account, we may reach the conclusion that…

Given the reasons I have just outlined/discussed/presented, I strongly recommend that…

练 习


Taking advantage of the two­day dayoffs,students in primary and middle schools in Shandong Province are enjoying more on­line time now—from the average 2 hours per week in 2008 to an average of 4 hours a week now.


There are successes and failures,which can hardly be avoided in people’s lives. Faced with failure,people differ in their attitudes towards it. Some of them can stand up to it,draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. Others,however,lose heart and give in.

In my personal opinion,one should take a positive attitude towards life,including failure in life. When it can’t be avoided,you can seize on it and turn it into a valuable lesson from life,which can benefit you greatly.


Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past few years. More and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins. The major reasons accounting for these changes are not far to seek...


My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows. To begin with,it is urgent to create nature reserves. Secondly,it may make sense to collect,feed and reproduce artificially certain rare wild animals that are going to be extinct. Last but not least,those who hunt them must be punished severely.


Traveling can do us a lot of good,which can be listed as follows.It helps us know the world better,and it can open our minds and broaden our horizons as well. In addition,it makes it possible for us to make friends with people in different areas. Therefore,traveling is of great benefit to us.​​​​

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