2024-09-30 12:45:15  作者:马兰村女  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/gfc392597.html






三年级上册Let's sing.

1.A B C song





X Y Z, now you see,

I can say my ABCs.


Hello, Sarah! Do, oh, do.

Hello, John! Do, oh, do.

Hello, Mike! Do, oh, do.

Hello! Hello! Hello!

3.Colour song

Red and yellow and pink and green,

Purple and orange and blue.

I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow,

Sing a rainbow now.

4.Hello, hello! How are you?( Let's play P24)

Hello!Hello!Hello! Hello!How are you? How are you?

I'm fine,thank you, I'm fine,thank you. How are you? How are you?

5.Head and shoulders, knees and toes

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

6.How are you?

Hello, Mike. Hello, Chen Jie.

Hello, hello! How are you?

This is Mary. This is Willy.

Nice to meet you. How are you?

I’m fine. I’m fine. Thank you, thank you very much.

I’m fine. I’m fine. Thank you, thank you very much.

7.Old MacDonald

Old MacDonald had a farm,


And on that farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a quack quack here and a quack quack there,

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack.

Old MacDonald had a farm,


Old MacDonald had a farm,


And on that farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.

With a oink oink here and a oink, oink there,

Here a oink, there a oink, everywhere a oink oink.

Old MacDonald had a farm,


8.Let’s have a picnic today

Let’s have some cake today.

Let’s have some cake today.

Let’s have some cake today, on such a lovely day.

Let’s have some milk today.

Let’s have some milk today.

Let’s have some milk today, on such a lovely day.

9.Ten little candles

One little, two little, three little candles,

Four little, five little, Six little candles,

Seven little, eight little, nine little candles,

Ten little candles dancing.

Ten little, nine little, eight little candles,

Seven little, six little, five little candles,

Four little, three little, two little candles.

One little candle dancing.

10.Song of ABC.

ABCDEFG sing a song of ABC,come on boys, and come on girls, sing a song of ABC.

A for apple, B for book, C for cat, and D for dog, E for egg, and F for foot, G for girl, and H for hand.

I for ice cream, J for jump, K for kite, and L for leg, M for milk, and N for nose,O for orange, and P for pen, Q for queen, and R for rice, S for Sarah, and T for ten, U for umbrella, V for vet, W for water, X for fox.

Y for yellow, Z for zoo. It`s so simple all can do.

Come on boys, and come on girls, sing a song of ABC.

三年级下册 Let's sing.

1.Boy and girl

I am a boy and you are a girl.

I am a boy and you are a girl.

I am a boy and you are a girl.

Do you want to be my friend?

I am a girl and you are a boy.

I am a girl and you are a boy.

I am a girl and you are a boy.

Yes, I want to be your friend.

2.I love my family

I love my father. I love my mother.

They love me. They love me.

I love my grandpa. I love my grandma.

They love me. They love me.

3.At the zoo

‍‍Cat is fast.Rat is fat.

See them run.Fun!Fun!Fun!

Monkey is short.Giraffe is tall.

See them play with the ball.‍

4.The cat is from the UK

The cat is from the UK, the UK, the UK.

The cat is from the UK. It’s fat and it’s white.

It’s fat and it’s white. It’s white and it’s fat.

The cat is from the UK. It’s fat and it’s white.

5.Where is the toy car?

Where is the toy car? Is it on your desk?

Where is the toy car? Oh, it’s on your chair!

6.An apple a day

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

A-P-P-L-E, apple!

7.One, two, three, four, five

One, two, three, four, five.

Once I caught a fish alive.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

’Cause it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.

8.Short vowel song

Where is short a?

Where is short a?

Here I am. Here I am.

I’m in a fat cat.

I’m in a fat cat.

Here I am. Here I am.

四年级上册 Let's sing.

1.We have a new classroom

What’s in your new classroom? Four walls and a floor,

Pictures and windows, and a yellow door!

What's in your new classroom?Lights,a board and a fan.

Can I use the computer? Yes, of course you can.

2. My school bag

Oh no, my bag is heavy!

Oh no, my bag is heavy!

Oh no, my bag is heavy!

What do you have in your schoolbag?

I have my English book.

I have my English book.

I have my English book.

What do you have in your schoolbag?

I have my Chinese book.

I have my Chinese book.

I have my Chinese book.

What do you have in your schoolbag?

3. Friends.

If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands.

If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands.

If your friend is tall and quiet, if your friend is tall and quiet,

If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands.

If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet.

If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet.

If your friend has long hair,If your friend has long hair,

If your friend has long hair, stamp your feet.

4.My home

Where, oh, where has the TV gone?

Where, oh, where can it be?

Where, oh, where has the TV gone?

It’s in the bedroom with me.

Where, oh, where has the telephone gone?

Where, oh, where can it be?

Where, oh, where has the sofa gone?

It’s in the living room with me.

5.What would you like?

What would you like? What would you like?

I’d like some fish. I’d like some fish.

I’d like some beef. I’d like some beef.

Put it on my dish. Put it on my dish.

Please pass a fork.

Please pass a fork.

Please pass a fork.

6.My family

What‛s his job? He‛s a driver.

What‛s his job? He‛s a driver.

What‛s his job? He‛s a driver.

He is not a cook.

What‛s her job? He‛s a doctor.

What‛s her job? He‛s a doctor.

What‛s her job? He‛s a doctor.

She is not a nurse.

7.We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Good tidings to you, wherever you are,

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

四年级下册Let's sing

1.Our school

This is the way I go to school, go to school, go to school.

This is the way I go to school, where I like to learn all day.

This is the classroom in my school, in my school, in my school.

This is the classroom in my school, where I like to learn all day.

2.It’s twelve o’clock

Dickety tackety tack. I just saw a cat.

Dickety tackety toe. It’s twelve o’clock, you know.

Dickety tackety tack. I just heard a snap.

Dickety tackety toe. He caught a mouse, you know!


There is thunder. There is thunder.

It’s roaring. It’s roaring.

Pitter, patter, rain drops.

Pitter, patter, rain drops.

I’m all wet. I’m all wet.

4.Mary has a little lamb

Mary has a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.

Mary has a little lamb. Its fleece is white as snow.

Everywhere that Mary goes, Mary goes, Mary goes,

Everywhere that Mary goes, the lamb is sure to go.

5.This old hat

This old hat, this old shirt,

These old jeans, and this old skirt …

Put them away! It’s a sunny, sunny day.

It’s time to wear your shorts to play.

6.How much is that doggie in the window?

How much is that doggie in the window?

The one with the waggity tail.

With his tail so short and his ears so long,

I do hope that doggie’s for sale.

五年级上册Let's sing.

1.Who‛s your teacher?

Who’s your English teacher at school?

Who’s your English teacher at school?

Is she pretty or tall or short?

Tell me what you know!

Who’s your Chinese teacher at school?

Who’s your Chinese teacher at school?

Is he funny or young or old?

Tell me what you know!

2.Days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Days for school and days for fun. Happy days for everyone!

3.What would you like to eat today?

What would you like to eat today? Eat today? Eat today?

What would you like to eat today? Something sweet to eat.

salsds green beans bananas oranges

sandwiches chocolate

fish beef chicken

What would you like to eat today? Eat today? Eat today?

What would you like to eat today? Something sweet to eat.

4.What can you do?

What can you do? What can you do?

I can sing English songs.

Can you sing songs, too?

I can do kung fu. I can do kung fu.

I can dance and draw cartoons.

Can you draw cartoons, too?

5.A photo of me

Beside the big plant,

What can you see?

Above the big clock,

There’s a photo of me.

Beside the big plant,

What can you see?

Between the two windows,

There’s a photo of me.

6.In a nature park

Up in the mountain,

The mountain so high,

There is a forest,

Touching the sky.

Deep in the forest,

The forest so low,

There is a flower,

Starting to grow.

五年级下册 Let's sing.

1.My weekend

I like to do things on the weekend.

I clean my room and go shopping at the mall.

I have a music class and do exercises.

I play football and play basketball.

2.What’s your favourite season?

Summer, winter,

Spring and fall,

Spring and fall,

Spring and fall.

Summer, winter,

Spring and fall,

What‛s your favourite season?

3.The twelve months

Apples, peaches, pears and plums,

Tell me when your birthday comes.

January, February, March, April,

May, June, July, August,

September, October, November, December.

Please tell me when it‛s your birthday.

4.When is your birthday?

My birthday is in January. My birthday is in January.

My birthday is in January. It‛s on January 1st.

My birthday is in August. My birthday is in August.

My birthday is in August. It‛s on August 5th.

5.Animals, animals are everywhere

Rabbits and monkeys and elephants,

Pandas and tigers, too.

Some are climbing, some are jumping,

Animals in the zoo.

Cats and monkeys and elephants,

A dog, a rabbit, a bear.

Some are eating, some are sleeping,

Animals everywhere!

6.School days

School days! School days!

We come to work and play.

We need to work and talk quietly.

And listen every day.

We need to keep our desks clean.

We need to take turns to talk.

Keep to the left,

And keep to the right.

And you will be a good student at school.

六年级上册Let's sing.

1.Where is the hospital?

Where is the hospital?

Is it near the park?

Where is the cinema?

Is it near the mall?

Come to the bookstore.

It‛s next to the light.

Come with me! Come with me!

Come with me tonight!

2.How do you get there?

You go by subway,

And I‛ll go by taxi.

And I‛ll be at school before you.

You go by airplane,

And I‛ll go by a big ship.

And I‛ll be in Scotland before you.

3.What are you going to do?

I‛m going to walk on the moon! Hooray! Hooray!

I‛m going to walk on the moon! Hooray! Hooray!

When I grow up, I‛ll walk on the moon.

When I grow up, I‛ll walk on the moon.

What are you going to do?

I‛m going to be a soldier! Hooray! Hooray!

I‛m going to be a soldier! Hooray! Hooray!

When I grow up, I‛ll be a soldier.

When I grow up, I‛ll be a soldier.

What are you going to do?

4.Hush, little boy

Hush, little boy, don‛t say a word.

Papa‛s going to buy you a little bird.

And if that bird doesn‛t sing,

Papa‛s going to buy you a big, big ring.

And if that ring is lost in class,

Papa‛s going to buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass falls down,

Well, you‛ll still be the sweetest boy in town.

5.My new pen pal

My new pen pal, my new pen pal,

He likes to sing. He can sing so loud.

My new pen pal, my new pen pal,

He likes to play. He plays ping-pong.

He likes to play football.

He really likes to play.

I really want him to come here some day.

6.What do you want to do?

My mother is a teacher.

My father is a worker.

My uncle is a policeman.

What do you want to do?

What do you want to do?

What do you want to do?

I want to be a pilot.

I want to be a postman.

I want to be a scientist.

That‛s what I will be.

7.If you’re happy, clap your hands

If you‛re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

If you‛re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

If you‛re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you‛re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

If you‛re angry and you know it, stamp your feet.

If you‛re angry and you know it, stamp your feet.

If you‛re angry and you know it, then your face will surely show it.

If you‛re angry and you know it, stamp your feet.

六年级下册 Let's sing.

1.My small cat

My small cat, my small cat,

My small cat is smaller than yours.

He’s smaller and shorter and younger than yours.

My small cat.

My big dog, my big dog,

My big dog is bigger than yours.

He’s bigger and longer and stronger than yours.

My big dog.

2.Last weekend

Last weekend I went to the zoo.

What did you do last weekend?

I saw a film and played ping-pong.

What did you do last weekend?

Last night I watched TV.

What did you do last night?

I stayed at home and read a book.

What did you do last night?

3.Tell me about your holiday

Where did you go on your holiday, holiday, holiday?

Did you swim? Did you shop?

What did you do?

I went swimming in the sea, in the sea, in the sea.

I went shopping near the sea.

I bought a gift for you.

Where did you go on your holiday, holiday, holiday?

Did you run? Did you jump?

What did you do?

I rode a bike in the park, in the park, in the park.

I didn’t see a big round stone,

And ouch, I hurt my foot!

4.Changes in me

Now I am taller, taller than before.

Every day I grow bigger. Every day I grow more.

Once I was a young boy, younger than I am today.

Now I am a big boy, and I’m bigger every day.

For school I got up early, earlier than before.

Every day I get up early, sometimes at four!

Once I didn’t talk a lot. I wasn’t an active boy,

But now I talk more than before. I always talk with joy!


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