2024-06-02 01:18:43  作者:我爱我心  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/lzv486884.html


The real right part of the civil Code is the continuation and upgrade of the real right law. In view of the new situation and problems in the economic and social life and judicial practice, the real right part has made innovations in many aspects, such as adding the right of residence and the system of accession, improving the owner's autonomy and the system of mortgage. As the cornerstone of property rights protection, how will the property rights system affect our social life?




《民法典》第三百五十九条 住宅建设用地使用权期限届满的,自动续期。续期费用的缴纳或者减免,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。


Article 359 Upon expiration of the term of the right to use residential construction land, the term shall be automatically renewed. The payment or reduction of renewal fees shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.

Interpretation: In 2016, the Reply of the General Office of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Properly handling the Expiration of the Right to Use a Small number of residential construction land proposed to adopt the transitional method of "two different normal", that is, no application for renewal is required, no fees are charged, and normal transaction and registration procedures are handled. In this regard, the first paragraph of Article 359 of the Civil Code stipulates that "the payment or reduction of the renewal fee shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations", and the payment or reduction of the renewal fee shall be left to be solved by subsequent laws and administrative regulations.


《民法典》第二百八十二条 建设单位、物业服务企业或者其他管理人等利用业主的共有部分产生的收入,在扣除合理成本之后,属于业主共有。


Article 282 Of the Civil Code The income generated by a construction unit, a realty service enterprise, or any other manager using the part jointly owned by the owner shall, after deducting reasonable costs, be the part jointly owned by the owner.

Unscramble: the ownership that owner shares part belongs to all owner to share, the income that produces also belongs to owner to share of course. For example, the income generated by using the open space of the community as a parking lot, and the income generated by using the exterior walls of buildings, elevators, etc., should belong to the owners. However, in practice, some construction units, property service enterprises or other managers intercept the profits generated from the common part of the owners and use them to cover the unpaid property fees and other expenses of some owners, thus infringing the rights of other owners. The Property Law does not provide for this. The addition of this article in the Civil Code, on the one hand, provides clear guidelines for the conduct of property service enterprises and other managers and owners, and on the other hand, provides legal basis for the court to judge relevant cases.


《民法典》第三百一十八条 遗失物自发布招领公告之日起一年内无人认领的,归国家所有。


Article 318 The Lost property shall belong to the State if it is unclaimed within one year from the date of the announcement of the claim for lost property.

Unscramble: "property law" the regulation of the 113th: "since the day that releases announcement of find, the lost thing inside 6 months nobody claims, belong to the country." The Civil Code adjusted the period of claim for lost property from "six months" to "one year", hoping to increase the chance for the lost property to be retrieved by the owner as far as possible on the basis of negativism and strengthen the protection of individual property rights.


《民法典》第三百三十四条 土地承包经营权人依照法律规定,有权将土地承包经营权互换、转让。未经依法批准,不得将承包地用于非农建设。

第三百三十九条 土地承包经营权人可以自主决定依法采取出租、入股或者其他方式向他人流转土地经营权。


Article 334 Of the Civil Code, the holder of the contracted management right of land shall, in accordance with the law, have the right to exchange and transfer the contracted management right of land. Contracted land may not be used for non-agricultural construction without approval according to law.

Article 339 The holder of the contracted right of land management may independently decide to transfer the right of land management to others by leasing, becoming a shareholder or other means in accordance with the law.

Interpretation: In order to implement the reform spirit of "separation of three rights" and keep the same with the revised Rural Land Contracting Law, the Civil Code stipulates that the right of land contracting and management can be exchanged and transferred according to law, and the circulation mode of "subcontracting" is deleted. At the same time, a separate provision stipulates that the right of land contracting and management may transfer the right of land management to others by means of renting, becoming a shareholder or other means, and that the content of "filing with the employer" as stipulated in Article 36 of the Rural Land Contracting Law is deleted. In addition, in Article 399 of the Civil Code, the content that cultivated land may not be mortgaged in Article 184 of the Property Law is deleted. The above adjustment provides a legal basis for the "entering the market" of land management rights.

编辑:马 娜












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