2024-09-29 09:23:55  作者:平泽唯  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/wqb488565.html





在英语十大词类(介冠形名代 情副动数连 )中名词跟其它词类的关系我们基本讨论完了,现在我们来看同为修饰成分的副词。

形容词和副词本身就是表达相对的概念(高矮胖瘦、轻重缓急、动静快慢 ),所以他们会有比较级和最高级。

名词出现在句中以名词短语的形式,动词出现在句中其实也是一样 ,动词也以动词短语的形式出现【动词短语=语气助动词 (语气副词) 动词 (语气副词)】。不过动词在英语句中的位置比较灵活 ,我们接下来会详细分析。汉语中的副词位置基本放在动词之前。






考点1 副词修饰动词


Portland’s idea was caught quickly (quick).

Using a computer to do homework is better because we can correct spelling mistakes easily (easy).

People with different ideas look at the things differently (different).

Many kids like junk food a lot , but it is really bad. So we shouldn’t eat unhealthily (health).

Someday, when you became a parent, they may be able to help you to get on well (good) with your children.

My friend Emma doesn’t write as well (good) as her brother.

In order not to be late, I have to have my breakfast quickly (quick).

Sharing housework can help us truly (true) understand the meaning of responsibility.

It began to rain heavily (heavy) at seven yesterday.

We should realize that everybody has his or her own merits and defects, so we must treat them properly (proper).

However, the Beast was kind to Beauty and fell deeply (deep) in love with her.

They got to the top successfully (success), but on their way back a terrible accident happened.

I’m happy to study more English, understand their humor, and gradually blend on with the local lifestyle.

As she wanted to ask why it changed so much, the bird spoke very softly (soft) :“May I ask what the trukey did?”

If parents don’t understand that and turn it off impatiently (patient), argument can happen.

He answer the teacher’s question correctly (correct).

Finally, the man climbed to the top of the mountain successfully (successful).

When he was leaving, the shop keeper suddenly told him that the shop had a special offer on ears.

And her story tells us that we should face our problems bravely and solve them.

The little man lay in bed lazily and said :“No, sir, I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.”

After that, it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human.

But when he looked down at his bowl, he found sadly that the most water was gone.

The harder (hard) we work at English, the better grades we will get.

He found that while Chinese people knew little about the outside world, Westerners knew even less (little) about Chinese people.


In China, the Spring Festival usually (usual) falls in January or February.

It is usually (usual) a way of saying that it’s nice to be home!

The snoring usually (usual) only lasts a short time—while he falls asleep.

People usually (usual) become friends because they have something in common.

Why are you worried? The movie will start in 20 minutes, but the bus still hasn’t come.

Lucy is a clever girl. She can tell us the difference in a different way so that we can easily (easy) understand that.

It hardly (hard) rains these days, so the weather is very dry.

An adult koala normally (normal) eats between 0.5 and 0.8 kg of leaves a day.

Compared with ten years ago, our hometown completely (complete) has changed.

We should sleep for about 8 hours at night, and never work too late.

Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?

The road to success has never been easy.

I can never find a pen in this house.

考点2 副词修饰形容词


Can you imagine Mr.Smith living alone on a lonely island for five years?=Can you imagine Mr.Smith who is living alone on a lonely island for five years?

It is also traditionally (tradition) regarded as the deity in charge of rain in China.

Dogs specially trained to discover COVID-19 have started sniffing passengers at Finland's Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

The pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry.


We don't have enough money to buy this sweater, though the sweater is good enough.足够好

They are not careful enough when they do their homework,so it takes them more and more time to finish it.

If they have enough sleep time,they will find it much (many) better for both their study and health.

Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their children's eyes ?

They are still practicing being parents and need help you can give them.

Her performance was really excellent.

What would be the point of stealing something that's already free?

But he was very disappointed when he found Canadians could not play chess with him.

The bag is filled with so many book. So it’ s much heavier than that you often take.

Small noses were very popular these years.

Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do.

The teacher was generally welcomed by all the students.

This is generally true in these schools where students know that some of their families are better than others.

People in Latin America have open and romantic hearts. They are usually friendly.

They are usually made of steel and lie outside the building.

Vaccines are widely used in many countries.

The project should be completed within a year, but I am not completely sure.(complete)

The students spent one hour and a half to complete the exercises. Unluckily, they were all completely wrong.

Your pronunciation of this word is totally wrong.

Anxi and Hongzhou are widely known for their tea.

It was hard enough saying what I had.

At last, Mr. Smith went out of the shop with a completely (complete) different and new look- a small nose, long hair and two new ears.

This can be a particularly tricky argument, but in the end, the benefits of coed (男女同校) sports outweigh any negative aspects.

Westerners knew even less about Chinese people.

Red is the most widely (wide) used among all the color.=Red is the most widely (wide) used colour among all the color.

Another ancient celebration still practiced today is about Tai Hao temple fair that lasts until the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar.

Keep your goal simple. It’s important not to make your goal too difficult.

考点3 副词修饰名词

This was because China had 22 percent of the world’s population, but only 7 percent of its farmland.

Recently, my school held its first senior only (adj) event - senior movie night.

With a special focus on poetry(诗歌), Xu is also the only(adj) person in China who has successfully translated poetry to and from Chinese, English and French, in a very precise(精准的) and beautiful way.

It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness completely.

By now, the museum has collected nearly 8,000 special statues.

If there is no shelter(躲避处) nearby, you can also stay by a wall, and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands.

The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors.

The pieces are usually cute children or lively characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story.

School is actually the job that will give you opportunities.

The climate in canyon area is primarily desert, with both high and low temperatures.

We don't have enough money to buy this sweater, though the sweater is good enough.

Nobody liked Van Gogh's work when he was alive in the world, and if nobody likes yours, it s probably a sign that you re a talent.

She thinks helping these animals is really a happy thing for her.

They plan to use some really cool carbon-free technologies. They'll make use of solar and wind energy.

Cars make our lives more convenient. But they can also be a problem, especially fossil fuel(化石燃料) cars, which are a major cause of air pollution.

This will greatly encourage people, especially young people to study and explore the worlds beyond the Earth.

Hawking was a big supporter of human space travel, especially the space travel to the Moon and Mars.

No one knows exactly when jazz was invented.

考点4 副词修饰副词

The Chang'e 5 landing site was very deliberately(审慎地) chosen.

Most of you are probably in your twelfth or thirteenth year of life.

考点5 副词修饰句子

Recently, my school held its first senior only event - senior movie night.

Recently there has been a report about a woman from Australia who can remember almost every detail(细节) of all the events in her daily life.

Suddenly, he opened his arms and gave me a heart-felt hug.

Unfortunately, it is a skill that many people don’t seem to have.

Everything we throw away or no longer need is known as rubbish. Sometimes people use the word waste" when talking about rubbish.

Sometimes, the reason why you don’t like your teacher is the way he runs the classroom.

Everyone is fearful, especially when it comes to death.

Instead, Li came back to China and became a volunteer teacher.

However, they want you to grow into tall “trees” too.

However, sometimes her memories prove(证明)to be painful.

High school life goes by in the blink of an eye. Therefore, make the best of it.

Also, it is good for health.

Still, he had been raised in a traditional way and raised us that way too.

Even with a smart-phone in hand and the Internet, many of them still feel helpless.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed (羞愧的) of its own imperfection(不完美).

In fact, giving yourself time to accept this new style of teaching is possible.

At first, the city girl found life at the school difficult.

This way, you won' t breathe in smoke.

What's more, she encouraged the children to write English letters to her friends in America.

In addition, there are some other projects that my school does with the boys’ school.

Since then, all the people have spent the festival with different kinds of activities.

Since then, finding ways to grow more rice had been his life dream.

Worse still, as they don’t know how to get the Internet-based health code (健康码), they are refused to enter many public places.

But now, those countries are working together. They're joining forces to fight climate change.

After all, ships put out almost 3 percent of the world's carbon emissions (碳排放), That makes climate change worse.

If so, you will get them done better.


下回我们继续 章节九 动词和动词短语 的讨论!如果对你有用,记得让更多的人参与学习!我是有温度的英语陈老师!

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