2024-11-22 01:06:58  作者:难抉择  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/wlg311896.html






Q: US President Trump tweeted that China has been flip-flopping, and that if China wants to wait until he gets re-elected next year, the deal they get will be much tougher than what we are negotiating now. What's your comment?






华春莹:关于第三个问题,我看到了有关报道。我只想“呵呵”两声。On your third question, I have seen relevant reports and twitter. Hmm. How interesting.



We all know who has been flip-flopping in the trade talks over the past year or so. In contrast, China's position remains consistent. The Chinese and American negotiating teams are now in Shanghai for trade talks. I'm not aware of the latest information you mentioned. It just doesn't make any sense if the US tries to exert maximum pressure at this particular time. In fact, it's useless to ask others to take pills when the US is ill itself. I believe the US needs to show more sincerity and good faith on this issue.



翻译华春莹这句“我只想呵呵两声”还可以这么写:Oh, so interesting to hear that.

或者严肃正经版译法:I just want to reply with a scornful laugh.

今人说“呵呵”,古人说“哂笑(scornful laugh)”,一个意思。




Q: When responding to a Hong Kong-related question in the Economic Club of Washington D.C., US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that protests are appropriate, and that they often see protests in the United States. He hopes the Chinese government will do the right thing and respect the agreements that are in place with respect to Hong Kong. What's your comment? What are the agreements he refers to?



First of all, you mentioned Mr. Pompeo said that they often see protests in the US. I was wondering if he is happy to see those violent radicals using iron batons and lethal weapons to attack the police in the US, too? Maybe it will be a chance for the US to show its democracy? What do you think of that?


I think Mr. Pompeo obviously failed to put himself in a right position. I'm afraid he still regards himself as the CIA chief. He said the recent violent incidents in Hong Kong are appropriate because, as you all know, they are somehow the work of the US.


The US has to be clear that we are talking about Hong Kong. It is China's Hong Kong. Like we stressed many times, the Chinese government will never allow any foreign forces to have a hand in Hong Kong affairs. Neither will we allow them to mess up Hong Kong. The central government firmly supports the SAR government in governing Hong Kong in accordance with law and support Hong Kong police in strictly punishing violent criminals to uphold security and stability in Hong Kong. Those who play fire will only get themselves burned. There have been so many lessons in history. We advise the US to immediately stop playing the dangerous game of pulling chestnut out of fire.




Q: On July 26, the US issued a memorandum on developing-country status in the WTO, asking the organization to make changes within 90 days of the date of this memorandum, or it may take unilateral actions. As China is mentioned many times in the memorandum, I wonder if you have any comment on it?


A: When you hear the words and deeds of the US on the status of developing countries in the WTO, I believe you feel just the same as I do. They further reveal how capricious, arrogant and selfish the country is. Such are not worthy behaviors of the "world's biggest power". There is a catchphrase that got popular just recently in China, "don't do things like the US does." I hope some people of the US side can deeply reflect on it.




Q: The Civil Human Rights Front sent letters to 61 consulates-general and foreign offices in Hong Kong, urging them to issue travel alerts to their citizens on Hong Kong. This has been strongly condemned by people in Hong Kong, who called it a self-orchestrated and self-performed drama by the Civil Human Rights Front to undermine the rule of law in Hong Kong. Those who in the tourism industry warned that it's easy to damage Hong Kong's image but hard to rebuild it, urging the organization to stop doing so immediately. Does the foreign ministry have any response to that?


A: You mentioned some people asking foreign countries to issue travel alerts on Hong Kong. I believe you have seen clearly the nature of this act. This is an attempt to pressure the central and the SAR governments by inciting foreign forces to interfere in Hong Kong affairs.


Like we said, Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong, which allows no interference from foreign forces in any form. I would like to advise those who try to bring a wolf into the house to harm the country and the people to carefully study the history. Has anyone in history met a good end after colluding with external forces and bringing damage to their own country and people?





Q: On July 23, FBI Director Wray said to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate yesterday that China poses a more serious counterintelligence threat to the US than any other country. The FBI has conducted investigations involving intellectual property theft. According to him, almost all those concerning economic espionage and non-proliferation lead back to China. China is fighting a fight with the US. I wonder if you have any comment on that?


A: This is not the first time Mr. Wray says such things. His accusations are just baseless. They can fool no one other than themselves. Like I said yesterday, in his public speech in April this year, Mr. Pompeo, incumbent US Secretary of State and former head of the biggest US intelligence agency, said blatantly that "We lied, we cheated, we stole. It is the glory of American experiment." But China is different. We don't steal, rob or lie. We made all those major development achievements through our wisdom and diligence. If you say China is fighting a fight, I believe it's a fight of justice to safeguard our own legitimate rights and interests.



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