2024-07-07 07:00:42  作者:共赴雨里  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/vhz364588.html

一、写出下列单词的过去式Is _____ am______ are_____ have ______ do______ ,今天小编就来聊一聊关于新概念英语第一册测试卷1-50?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




Is _____ am______ are_____ have ______ do______

go_______ meet _____ see_____ get______ cut ______

read ______swim ______ eat______ give ______ speak _______























1、 The bottle _____water .

A、is full in B、is full of C、are full of D、are full in

2、 He doesn’t know the way ________London .A in B on C for D to

3、These coats are _______fashion now .A on B in C for D to

4、I must stay ________home today .A on B in C for D at

5、Let’s go ______the classroom .A into B in C for D after

6、________ a cup of tea ,please .A had B has C have D having

7、May I have a look _______your photo ?A in B at C for D out

8、_________the truth .I don’t agree with you.A for tell B on tell C about tell D to tell

9、We usually stay _____home on Sunday .A in B to C for D at

10、This is the books __________I bought yesterday .

A who B which C what D where

11、Why is he speaking _______her ?A to B out C for D out

12、Tom is ________than I .

A older five years B five years older C five years older D oldest by five years 13\ 13、Peter is _________than his brother .A fatter B fat C more fatter D very fat

14、Lillie is _________student in his class .A tallest B the taller C taller D the tallest

15、They felt very ________.A happy B happlier C happlily D happier .

16 、He doesn’t like play basketball,______.A too B very C either D well

17、The green suitcase is ________of them all .A heavy B the heavy C heavier D the heaviest

18、She is fatter ______Mary .A than B in C of D after

19 、 He can speak _____English .A a little B few C much D little

20、This car is _______ I have ever seen .A best B better C the better D the best

21 ________does it cost ?A how many B how much C why D how long

22 let _________carry the box for the old man .

A you and I B I and you C yours and me D you and me

23 there is ________water in the bottle .A little B few C a few D many

24 someone knocked ________the door when I was watching tv .A at B in C for D to

25 have you ever _______ Shen Zhen ?A been to B gone to C went to D gone in

26 my grandfather often _____ us a story .A says B speaks C talks D tells

27 please don’t read _________.A in the end B on the end C in bed D on bed

28 let me ______your driving lience .A to see B to look C see D look

29 can she type this letter _____me ?A of B at C for D in

30 we usually stay ______home on Sundays .A in B at C on D for


1、 现在流行的是这种自行车。These bikes are _______ _________.

2、您的汽车牌号是多少?______ ______ the ______ _______ your car .

3、我们去喝点东西吧。Let’s _______ _______ ______ a drink .

4 、这个手提箱不是我的。This suitcase doesn’t _______ _______ ______.

5、你最好还是立刻就去。 You _______ ________ go _______ once .

6、这封信错误百出。This letter ____ _______ ________ mistakes .

六、快乐阅读, 判断正(T)误(F)。

My name is john .there are three people in my family——my father ,my mother and I . today is Sunday .we are at home .after breakfast. My father is reading newspaper , my mother is doing some house work ,I am watching TV ,my cat is beside me .

( )1 there are four people in john’s family .( )2 after breakfast ,john’s mother is reading newspaper .

( )3 john’s father is reading newspaper .( )4 john’s cat is beside him .

( )5 John and his mother are watching TV.

七、 Writing. 写作。以My teacher 为题,描述一下你的一位老师,字数不少于80字。Key words and phrases :maths teacher ,English teacher ,PE teacher, Art teacher. Science teacher ,Chinese teacher ,young ,funny , kind ,strong ,tall.short

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