2024-10-01 04:14:22  作者:我留恋的  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/say376215.html




Among the ancient Chinese characters, the largest amount of ancient Chinese characters were invented and perfected in the farming stage, and the formation of this large number of ancient Chinese characters is related to the farming and agricultural sideline stage.



As mentioned earlier, nearly 300 pictograms in ancient Chinese characters were created by their ancestors in the hunting and nomadic stages.

For example, cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and dogs are domesticated domestic animals, which become one of the important assets of people's families. People do show extraordinary wisdom and strength in the domestication of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and dogs. For example, the word "raise" consists of: sheep food, meaning to feed the sheep, which reveals that the essential feature of raising is to feed the sheep, so that the sheep can survive. People not only raise sheep, but also raise cattle, horses, pigs and other large livestock.


Chickens, ducks, geese and other animals were domesticated by their ancestors in the hunting and nomadic stages. There are two common ways to write chicken: one is chicken (Xi bird), the other is chicken (Xi good). These two ways of writing are different. What they have in common is that they both have the radical of "Xi," and the reason for this is that Xi Yi (man's hand) what (in other words, a rope made of fiber) big (in this case, a pair of hands of a human being), Refers to the chicken tied up with a rope for domestication. And the birds and the good ones, though they are written differently, are all about animals that we know very well (a bird with a short tail, such as a pheasant) And birds (birds with long tails, such as peacocks, pheasants) Chickens (Xi birds) and chickens (Xi Tzu) were domesticated fowl of their ancestors.

再有,以家为例,家字由“宀 豕”组成。这是农耕文明的具体体现,这也是农耕文明与游牧文明有着重大区别的一个表现。游牧文明中,人们逐水草而居,居无定所,不会有固定的住宅,同时,游牧部落也是不会去饲养豕(也就是猪)的;游牧部落习惯驱赶放牧着牛马羊等动物,断不会把豕圈养起来,豕也不会像牛马羊那样比较好驱赶、放牧的。“家”字的上方(“宀”),表示的是房屋的上层,下方“豕”则是家庭饲养豕的地方。至今在我国一些比较偏远的地方,仍然能够看到在家庭的住宅里,上层住人,下层饲养猪等家畜。这种做法的好处,可以防止野兽偷食家畜。因为,一旦有这类情况发生,主人可以凭借住在楼上的优势,给野兽以打击和恫吓,野兽一般都会逃走,家畜就可以太平无事。这种饲养方法,可以给家庭增加不少副业收入,贴补家庭生活之用。

In addition, take the family as an example, the word "family" is composed of a "ragweed". This is the concrete embodiment of farming civilization, and it is also a manifestation of great difference between farming civilization and nomadic civilization. In the nomadic civilization, people lived by water and grass, and there were no fixed houses. At the same time, nomadic tribes would not raise pigs. Nomadic tribes are used to herding animals such as cattle, horses, sheep, and other animals, and they will never keep them in captivity, nor will they be as easily herded and herded as cattle, horses and sheep. The top of the word "home" means the upper floor of the house, and the lower part is the place where the family keeps the ragweed. So far in our country In more remote areas, you can still see livestock in family homes, upper-class people, lower-level pigs and so on. The benefits of this practice can prevent wild animals from stealing livestock. For once this happens, the master may, by virtue of the advantage of living upstairs, strike and intimidate the beast, which generally escapes, and the livestock will be at peace. This kind of raising method, can increase a lot of sideline income to family, complement the use of family life.


For example, the animal character also has a lasting appeal. This is a livestock character made up of "I field," which is a rope, and "I what field" means that the (chu) of livestock is tied up in captivity with a rope in the field. Only in farming civilization, farming livestock farming is a major invention. The word "storage" of the word "savings" consists of: "Zang I what field", which means that livestock in captivity are continuously fed with food-forage and so on, so that livestock can survive. When they need to be slaughtered, they can be slaughtered at any time. The word "livestock" means that animals such as cattle are domesticated in the field. The purpose of the word "livestock" is to allow animals such as cattle to be domesticated in the field. They live to work for people.

古汉字中,农耕文明还创造出一些很抽象的字词。比如,什么是利益,利字由“禾 刂”组成,农民用刀来收割成熟了的禾苗,当然利益很大,有了收割下来的粮食,大家就可以有粮食可以吃,可以养蚕织布,有衣服可以穿。再则,种出了粮食可以换衣物;或者种出麻等经济作物,以及养蚕缫丝,进而可以制作衣服;大家可以进行商品交换。

In ancient Chinese characters, agricultural civilization also created some very abstract words. For example, the word "grain government" consists of what interests are, and farmers use knives to harvest ripe gramines.Of course, the benefits are very great. With the grain harvested, everyone can have grain to eat, silkworms can be raised to weave cloth, and clothes can be worn. Moreover, grain can be planted to change clothes; or cash crops such as hemp can be planted, and silk reeled from sericulture, which can then be used to make clothes. Everyone can exchange goods.

“思想”一词的“思”字,思字由“田 心”组成,表达的是农民要围绕着种田把粮食打出来吃,要养蚕织布,因而需要不停顿地思索,如何耕地、耙地、播种、灌溉、管理禾苗、除草、施肥、收割、贮藏,选种,准备来年扩大农业生产。如果遇到灾年,还得思考如何进行抗旱排涝,如何扑灭虫灾等等。

The word "thought" of the word "thought", which is composed of "the heart of the field," means that farmers must round the field to eat grain and to raise silkworms to weave cloth, so they need to think without pause about how to cultivate, rake, sow, and irrigate. Manage seedlings, weeding, fertilization, harvesting, storage, seed selection, and prepare to expand agricultural production in the coming year. If you encounter a disaster, you have to think about how to fight drought and waterlogging, how to extinguish pests, and so on.

農(农)字由“曲 辰”组成,曲表达着农田区域中沟渠纵横,而辰则是龙的化身,表明农业对于龙的极端依赖。古代时农业落后,靠天吃饭,龙代表着老天爷来管理着农业,龙只有努力工作,农业才能够普降甘霖,风调雨顺,保证农业的丰收。

The word "agriculture" is composed of "qu Chen", which expresses the vertical and horizontal ditches in the farmland area, while Chen is the embodiment of the dragon, indicating the extreme of agriculture to the dragon. In ancient times, agriculture was backward, relying on the day to eat, the dragon represented the Lord of Heaven to manage agriculture. Only when the dragon worked hard could agriculture be able to bring down the rain and ensure a bumper harvest.

由龙字可以组成“陇”、“垅”、“笼”、“朧”等一系列与农耕经济相关字。“陇”字由“阝 龙”组成,“阝”是丘陵起伏的样子,“陇”字表达的是丘陵起伏如同飞舞着的龙的样子。“垅”字由“土”组成,表达的是土垅蜿蜒曲折,如同龙的飞动的样子。“笼”字由“竹”组成,表达的是用竹子编织的有头、有尾,有身段,有龙之形状的竹笼。“朧”字由“月”组成,表达的在月色下的飞动着的龙,当然看起来就朦朦胧胧地了。

A series of characters related to farming economy can be made up of dragon characters, long characters, cage characters and so on. The word "long" is composed of the dragon, which is the ups and downs of hills. The word "long" is composed of a "dragon", which expresses the twists and turns of the dragon, as if it were flying like a dragon. The word "cage" is composed of "bamboo dragon" and represents a bamboo cage with a head, tail, body and dragon shape. The character "Yuelong", expressed in the moonlight flying dragon, of course looks hazy.

农耕经济而形成的大量的字词,有不少与农业、农田等字相关,比如富裕的“富”字,幸福的“福”字,逼迫的“逼”字,这些字中都有“田”部首,离不开“田”部首;而其中的“口”部首,则表达了农耕中的劳动力、人口。劳动力与可耕种的田(熟土),这本身就是创造出农耕经济的财富来的。又如“富裕”一词,不仅“富”字与农耕紧密联系在一起,而且“裕”字也与农耕紧密联系在一起。“裕”字由“衤 谷”组成,古代从农耕中取得衣服,那时主要是种麻,麻织品是很粗糙的织物,可以蔽体,难以御寒;而谷物则是农耕的产物。

A large number of words and expressions formed by farming economy are related to the characters of agriculture and farmland, such as the rich word, the happy word "fortune", and the forced word "forcing", all of which have the "field" radical, which cannot be separated from the "field" radical. And one of the "mouth" radical, then expressed in the farming labor force, the population. The labor force and the arable land, in itself, create the wealth of the farming economy. For example, the word "rich" is closely related not only to farming, but also to farming. The word "Yu" is made up of "Kugu", which in ancient times obtained clothes from farming. At that time, it was mainly hemp, and hemp was a rough fabric that could shield itself from the cold, while grain was the product of farming.

至于累字,累字由“田 糸”组成,表明农民在田中为养蚕(“糸”)而不停地干活,好辛苦,好累啊!


在《新编小学生字典》(人民教育出版社1999年增订版,下同)一书中,禾字部首的字共有88个(还有5个简体字)。禾、利、秃、秀、私、秆、秈xian、秉、季、委、秠、秒、香、秭、科、穅、秋、秤cheng、秦、秣mo、秫、乘、租、积、秧、秩、秘、秸、稆lv、穗、穟、秽hui、移、粳、嵇、稍、程、粰、稀、秫、黍、税、稂、稜、稞、秥、稔ren、稚zhi、稗、稠、颖、酥、稣、稬nuo、稭jie、稱(称)、穜、種(种)、稳、榖、稭jie、稽ji、稷、稻、黎、稼 穑jiase、稿、蒿、積(积)、穆、穊ji、稟bing、穧、稘、穅、醾、穗、黏、稰xu、稸、穫、穠(秾)、馥、稳、龢(和)、穰、秴。

As for the tired words, the tired words are composed of the “Tian Wan”, which indicates that the farmers are working for the silkworm (“to make a difference”) in the field, so that it is hard and tired.

Gramineous seedlings, grain crops related to grain, are both specific manifestations of agriculture and a great deal of concern for farming civilization.

In the new edition of the Dictionary of Primary School students (1999 revision of the people's Education Press, the same below), there are 88 characters (5 simplified characters). Hehe, Li, bald, Xiu, Private, culm, Indica xian, Beng, Ji, Wei, Hu, Sang, Xiang, Xi, Ke, Pu, Qiu, Li cheng, Qin, mo, Koh, multiply, Rent, Product, Seedling, Rank, Secret, Straw, Yi lv, ear, Fry hui, shift, Japonica, Ji, slightly, Cheng, Li, lean, sorghum, millet, tax, rump, ridge, highland barley, roundup, ren, young zhi, paspalum, thick, crisp, crisp nuo, stover jie,. , ji, grass, rice, grain, straw, jie, ji, grass, rice, Li, Jiadong jiase, artemisia, Jinji, Mu, ji, bing, were called "bing," Wu "," tassel "," stickiness "," xu, "harvest", "Nong", "Fu", "Wen", "Kotewall" (and), Range.


例如,移字由“禾 多”组成,粮食作物的禾苗拥挤在一起,是难以长出好庄稼的,因此,应当将多余的禾苗移走。这就是“移”字的本义所在。租字由“禾 且”组成,表达的是用雄性家畜配种时,受益方(租借方)应当给以施惠方(“且”的被租借方)以适当的报酬——“禾”(即粮食)。盉字则是表达器皿中收藏着粮食的意思。

As for the tired words, the tired words are composed of the “Tian Wan”, which indicates that the farmers are working for the silkworm (“to make a difference”) in the field, so that it is hard and tired.

Gramineous seedlings, grain crops related to grain, are both specific manifestations of agriculture and a great deal of concern for farming civilization.

In the new edition of the Dictionary of Primary School students (1999 revision of the people's Education Press, the same below), there are 88 characters (5 simplified characters). Hehe, Li, bald, Xiu, Private, culm, Indica xian, Beng, Ji, Wei, Hu, Sang, Xiang, Xi, Ke, Pu, Qiu, Li cheng, Qin, mo, Koh, multiply, Rent, Product, Seedling, Rank, Secret, Straw, Yi lv, ear, Fry hui, shift, Japonica, Ji, slightly, Cheng, Li, lean, sorghum, millet, tax, rump, ridge, highland barley, roundup, ren, young zhi, paspalum, thick, crisp, crisp nuo, stover jie,. , ji, grass, rice, grain, straw, jie, ji, grass, rice, Li, Jiadong jiase, artemisia, Jinji, Mu, ji, bing, were called "bing," Wu "," tassel "," stickiness "," xu, "harvest", "Nong", "Fu", "Wen", "Kotewall" (and), Range.

字(“姀”字与“委”字两个字的基本意思相同),表达的是“禾 女”。在农田中工作(或者给农田除草、或者施肥等)的女子,需要蹲下身子,这样从外面的人看起来,这个妇女就显得矮下来了。在古汉字中,正是由这个“委”字而组成一系列的古汉字。比如,字由“矢 委”组成,矢指的是箭镞,一般在三五公分的长度,委指的是蹲在禾苗旁边干活的妇女,身躯高度由于蹲下而减少一半以上,因此“矢 委”,就变成了一个人身材矮的佐证。

The word "Wei" (the basic meaning of the word "Wei" and the word "Wei") is expressed as "Wo Nu". A woman who works in a field (or weeding, fertilizing, etc.) needs to crouch down so that she looks short from the outside. In ancient Chinese characters, it is from the word "commission" and composed of a series of ancient Chinese characters. For example, a short character is composed of a "arrow", which refers to an arrowhead, usually three or five centimeters in length. It refers to a woman who is squatting beside a gramineous seedling and whose height is reduced by more than half as a result of squatting. Therefore, "arrow committee" It becomes a man of short stature. Certificate.

字由“委 鬼”字组成,鬼字代表北方的意思,委字本义指的是禾苗旁边干活的妇女,那么魏字指的就是北方种植庄稼的地方,虽然比不上鱼米之乡,但是也是一个可以称为粮仓的好地方。古代中国境内的魏国,指的是现今河南、山西、河北三省结合部,那是黄河两岸的锦绣河山。

The word Wei is composed of the word "Wei Ghost", which represents the meaning of the north. The original meaning of the word refers to the women working next to the grass seedlings. Then the word Wei refers to the place where crops are grown in the north, although it is not comparable to the hometown of fish and rice. But it's also a good place to call it a granary. In ancient China, Wei refers to the three provinces of Henan, Shanxi and Hebei, which are the rich rivers and mountains on both sides of the Yellow River.

倭字是由“亻 委”组成,这个字的本义是指人个子矮小,像蹲在禾苗旁干活的妇女那样个头矮小的意思。这个字在古代又专指倭人——古代的日本人,东汉时皇帝刘秀称日本国为“倭奴国”,在东汉时皇帝刘秀曾经给倭奴国发过倭奴国国王金印,这枚古代的金印已经在日本国挖掘出土。

The word "Japanese" is made up of "you Committee", which means a short person, as small as a woman crouching beside a grass seedling. This word also refers to Japanese in ancient times. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Liu Xiu called Japan a "Japanese slave country." in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Liu Xiu once issued a gold seal to the Japanese slave kingdom, and this ancient gold seal has been excavated and unearthed.

还有“秦”字,实际上是众人用双手秉持禾苗的样子(多指收割的样子),也表示粮食作物得到丰收的情景。因为古代秦时的八百里关中平原是中国的粮仓,也是秦国的心腹地带,因此,人们也用“秦”来代指关中平原这个大粮仓。而“臻”字由“至 秦”组成,“臻于至善”词组表达的是:粮食作物能够达到像秦关中平原粮食那样的产量和质量,这就是到顶了,到最好水平了。

The word Wei is composed of the word "Wei Ghost", which represents the meaning of the north. The original meaning of the word refers to the women working next to the grass seedlings. Then the word Wei refers to the place where crops are grown in the north, although it is not comparable to the hometown of fish and rice. But it's also a good place to call it a granary. In ancient China, Wei refers to the three provinces of Henan, Shanxi and Hebei, which are the rich rivers and mountains on both sides of the Yellow River.


Rice is a general term for grain. Rice, sorghum, corn and sticky rice can all be expressed as "rice". Therefore, when it comes to rice, it means "rice" of the whole grain. The purpose of farming is to obtain rice. Therefore, ancient Chinese characters pay great attention to the expression of the "rice" word radicals of each word.




In the new elementary school dictionary, there are 51 characters (and 7 simplified characters) with Chinese characters.

Rice, tiao, di, seed, paste, rice, powder, material, cake, paste, coarse, grain, millet, product, Guangdong, cici, cu, makeup, porridge, zhou, japonica, charm, sorghum, essence, sparkling, Zongzi, essence, paste, zongzi, zan, Cici ci, is a mixture of rou, grains, rough, cake, feces, sugar, embarrassing qiu, bran, grits san, grain, glutinous rice, rice paste, kuikuih, Yu yu, hard (hard)

It is also a true reflection of the farming economy, such as the expression of grain or food-related words, such as the grain, the grain, the millet, the millet, the wheat, the wheat, the wheat, the millet, the millet, the riddle, the ether and the like.


Cotton, hemp, potato, melon, fruit, vegetables, amaranth, mushrooms, wild rice and other words, the expression is cotton and seeds and vegetables and other agricultural crops.


The most representative words in farming civilization are those that express farming activities. For example, ploughing, raking and other words clearly show that farming economic activities are colorful and lively.


In ancient Chinese characters, the appearance of the “to make a difference” 's tools, as well as the emergence of other large agricultural implements related to the “to make a difference”, greatly improved the production efficiency of agriculture. In Oracle, the “to make a difference” is the handwriting of a soil-digging implement. This is an indispensable tool for agricultural operations. the Chinese characters also form a set of words for agricultural cultivation, such as, for example, tillage, cultivation, chao, consumption, rake, lsi, jia, huo, lao, chu, tang, coupling, lou, jiang, nou, 耪(p Ang), huai.

又如,“耕”字由“耒 井”组成。表达的是古代先民,先是用工具挖掘出出水的井,以便供人畜饮水,而后就围绕着这口井,在井的周围开荒种地。耕字正是表达出了这种农耕的生动情景。

Also, the “plowing” is composed of a “P Well”. The expression is the ancient people, first to use the tools to dig out the wells of the water, so as to supply the water of the human livestock, and then surround the well and open the ground around the well. The plowing is a vivid picture of this kind of farming.

“耙”字由“耒 巴”组成,展现出这种叫着耙的农具是由一种带着扁平形状的“耒”的工具那样的农具。

The “rake” is made up of “1 bar”, showing that the farm implement called a rake is a tool that is made of a tool with a flat-shaped “to make a difference”.

“耘”字由“耒 云”字组成。云字表明像云朵那样漂浮不定。因为“耘”字表示的就是农民在稻田中干活,用脚掌或者手掌在稻田里摸索,以去掉田中的杂草。


The word "Yun" is composed of the word "Lei Yun". Cloud characters indicate floating like clouds. Because the word "cultivates" means that farmers work in rice fields, groping in rice fields with the soles or palms of their feet to remove weeds from the fields.

There are also a lot of words closely related to the stage of agricultural economic development, limited space, the first to talk about here.


The word "Yun" is composed of the word "Lei Yun". Cloud characters indicate floating like clouds. Because the word "cultivates" means that farmers work in rice fields, groping in rice fields with the soles or palms of their feet to remove weeds from the fields.

There are also a lot of words closely related to the stage of agricultural economic development, limited space, the first to talk about here.

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