2024-10-01 02:35:04  作者:迎着风向前  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/pwx246691.html

Banpu / 北京双富丽建筑工程有限公司

▽前厅/reception area

“如何提升办公体验,释放活力,是我们设计考量的原始出发点。-- 杨国庆,设计顾问


“How to improve workplace experience and to release its vitality, these are always our design considerations.” – Jack Yang, Design Consultant.

Keywords: Relaxing, Novel, Simplicity, Comfortable, Open and Private



Thailand Banpu Group as a leading energy company in Asia, in order to satisfy its demands for rapid development and growth in China, they selected the new office location at 5th floor, Building B21 in Beijing Universal Business Park and assigned Beijing ShuangFuLi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. to be in charge of the turnkey project which includes design and build services. Upon completion, the project was highly recognized and acclaimed by Thailand Banpu Group, testimonial was given to ShuangFuLi as a full affirmation.

▽主logo墙/Main Logo Wall

▽前厅北向南角度/Reception area, view from north to south


Since the beginning of the design concept, the 3 keywords "Relaxing, Novel and Simplicity" were selected by the design team as a principle to design the new office, which is to highlight the feeling of relaxation and lively.

▽前厅北向南透视/Reception area, view from north to south

▽前厅南向北透视/Reception area, view from southwest to north west


As the first place coming into sight, in terms of design and planning, the reception area emphasized on scene creating and adding depth to this space. The existing depth to the entrance was short, and the cramped space inevitably creates the feeling of tension and oppression. Therefore, the designers expanded the right and left span. The new circulation not only gave a broader space visually, but also gave more imagination to the workplace inside.

▽前厅LOGO墙及大门入口近景/Close Shot of LOGO Wall and Main Entrance at the Reception area

▽前厅右侧洽谈区/Discussion Area at the Right Side of the Reception Area


The whole space is dominated by white background, while the light grey color carpet satisfied the requirements of sound attenuation and balancing the overall color tone for spatial transition. The purple fabric sofa in the amenities area are embellishing and enriching the space. In order to achieve the overall brightness, the designers chose an alternative light wood color to balance the spatial color relations, and to present a more vital space.

▽前厅进入南侧办公区通道/Corridor to South Office Area from the Lobby


With the LOGO wall at the center, two waiting areas are allocated at its right and left. The waiting areas emphasized on the detail of the design and promotional function, the waiting area used black mirror stainless steel ceiling and wooden floor in a same form, realizing corresponding upper and lower areas, and displaying a stronger sense of spatial depth through the reflection of the mirror. "Flying bird" pendant lamps give dynamic to the space and the emotional expression of flying. Meanwhile, images on the wall, slogans and promotional videos served as the first promotional outlet of the enterprise, also a visual stopping point for visitors.

▽前厅右侧等候区/Waiting Area on the Right Side of the Lobby

▽前厅左侧等候区/Waiting Area on the Left Side of the Lobby


The open pantry areas, which can be used for communication and informal reception are equipped with bookshelves, refrigerator, water dispenser and other equipment, strong and weak current sockets are built-in for comfortability and functionality. Both pantry areas in the north side and south side are arranged with stools and casual fabric booth seats based on their layout, which creates a more relaxing and open atmosphere at the common area for staffs to relax and rest.

▽北侧茶水区/Pantry Area on the North Side


The open pantry areas on the south and north sides effectively serve as the socializing hub of the office. Additionally, it creates encounters where people say hi and get acquainted.

▽南侧茶水区/Pantry Area on the South Side


The conference room is located in the reception area, facilitating participants to reach there fast and direct. When the roller shutters goes up, abundant natural light floods into in the conference room which could accommodate around 50 people, sweeping away the oppression and tediousness of a conference. The lighting system is a combination of stretched ceiling lighting, strip lighting, and downlight to accommodate various modes of conference, and glass whiteboards on the walls can be used by participants to write randomly during mind mapping or brainstorming.

▽大会议室/Conference Room

▽中会议室/Medium Conference Room


Furthermore, a meeting room booking system is installed at the entrance of each meeting room. The conference room is equipped with a video conference system and one touch control system, which enables real-time connectivity and information sharing among Beijing Branch, Thailand Headquarters and other branches. Meeting rooms with different layout provide flexible conference space, which enable staffs to adjust work patterns based on different issues.

▽会议预约系统/Meeting room booking system


Staffs could settle down at their own seat to think deeply, or gather with others in the open working area. This is to seek an appropriate balance between gathering and retreat, and such a collaborative space improves productivity. Therefore, in terms of space planning, the office forms an open and collaborative space, the open office area is divided into the south area and the north area from the core conference area. In addition to the daily team work area, communication area with diverse work environment is added alternatively to accommodate different collaboration modes.

▽南侧休闲区卡座/Booth Seating in the Amenities Area in the South

▽北侧休闲区卡座/Booth Seating in the Amenities Area in the North

▽南侧吧台临时办公区/Impromptu Bar Top Working Area in the South Side

▽北侧办公室与员工区通道/Enclosed Office in the North Side and the Corridor

▽南侧全开放式办公区通道/Open Office Area and the Corridor in the South Side

设计师借助玻璃隔墙来塑造开放性与私密性。在高管办公室的处理上,以木门区隔独立办公室所属空间,以颜色的穿插作为划分形成了不同的办公区域。温暖质感的木色为白色调的工作空间中提供了装饰和变化。开放式办公通道尽头的墙面上张贴了有代表性的BANPU HEART企业形象海报活跃了空间。

Designers use glass partition to create space with both openness and privacy. For the design of senior management office, an independent office space is formed with wooden doors, different office areas are segmented by using different colors. Warm wood color provide decorative and variation to the white-toned workplace. An iconic BANPU HEART corporate image poster is put up on the wall at the end of the open office corridor to activate the space.

▽总经理办公室/General Manager's Office




















休闲区家具:Herman Miller


Project information

Project Name: Banpu investment (China) Co., Ltd. Beijing office

Project Type: Office

Work Scope: Interior design and build

Project Status: Completed

Area: 1000㎡

Completion Time: April 1, 2019

Site Location: Room 508, 509, Building B21, No.10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City, China.

Design Firm: Beijing ShuangFuLi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

Design Team: Jack YANG, Martin ZHANG, Tom YANG, Seadon CHEN,

Electrical & Plumbing Consultant: Mike JIANG, Martin SAI

Quantity Surveyor: Jack YANG

Project Manager: DeHe JIANG, ChengLang MA

General Contractor: Beijing ShuangFuLi Construction Enjineering Co., Ltd.

Meeting Room Booking System: Beijing LongBoTongChuang Tech. Co., Ltd.

Furniture in Amenities Area: Herman Miller

Photographer: GUO Sheng

Brand of Building Materials: Milliken carpet, Nabel marble tile, LG PVC flooring, Armstrong mineral fiber ceiling tiles, E0 grade paint free board.



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