2024-07-04 02:48:29  作者:未秋犹凉爽  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/pix208181.html

歌词:女:Just one last dance,我来为大家讲解一下关于just?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




女:Just one last dance

Oh baby

Just one last dance

Oh ~~

We meet in the night in the Spanish cafe

I look in your eyes just dont know what to say

It feels like Im drowning in salty water

A few hours left til the suns gonna rise

tomorrow will come and its time to realize

our love has finished forever

how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)

how I wish we make it through

Just one last dance

before we say goodbye

when we sway and turn around and round and round

its like the first time

Just one more chance

hold me tight and keep me warm

cause the night is getting cold

and I dont know where I belong

Just one last dance

男:The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar

Ill never forget how romantic they are

but I know, tomorrow Ill lose the one I love

Theres no way to come with you (女:way to come with you )

its the only thing to do

Oh ~~

女:Just one last dance (男: Oh ~~)

before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )

合:when we sway and turn around and round and round

女:its like the first time

Just one more chance

hold me tight and keep me warm (男:keep me warm )

合:cause the night is getting cold

and I dont know where I belong

女:Just one last dance ( Oh baby)

Just one last dance (男:Oh ~~)

before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )

合:when we sway and turn around and round and round

女:its like the first time

Just one more chance

合:hold me tight and keep me warm

cause the night is getting cold

and I dont know where I belong

女合:Just one last dance

before we say goodbye

when we sway and turn around and round and round

(女:when we sway and turn around and hold me tight and ohmy love)

its like the first time

Just one more chance

hold me tight and keep me warm

cause the night is getting cold (女:the night is getting cold,and I dont know where I belong)

男:dont know where I belong

女:Just one last dance

男:Just one last dance

女:just one more chance

男:just one more chance

女:just one last dance

Just One Last Dance 是一首旋律优美的英语歌曲,由德国女歌手 Sarah Connor 与前夫 Marc Terenzi 演唱。这是这段感情的终点,在他们在婚礼仪式之前 MarcEric 特地在海边弹着钢琴当着众人对即将成为自己妻子的 Sarah 演唱秘密写好的新歌 Love to be Loved by You。在场的许多人都被听哭,Sarah 也流下了幸福的泪水。

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