2024-07-01 01:50:22  作者:啊喵啊汪  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/nmg218787.html





1. go off on the wrong foot.有些误解

2. I'm in no position to do:我没有打算去做…

3. I don't possess the tool of leadership:我不擅长领导

4. pipe dream:白日梦

5. deploy out on a mission:为一个任务差遣

6. old prank:常用的笑话

7. telephone is unlisted :没有存电话

8. sullen teenage daughter:沉闷的处于青春期的女儿

9. I'm on fire:我状态超好。

10. be within earshot还在听力范围之内

11. bonus question:附加题

12. propose an enormous under taking:费了很大精力

13. I'm not good with cold:我怕冷

14. descend into anarchy:衰退至无政府状态

15. mind-blowing:弓|起幻觉的,兴奋的

16. zip your hole:把嘴闭上

17. make small talk:闲聊

18. get me wrong:误解我

19. get your mind off this:别再想这个了

20. What do you say? :你觉得呢?

21. hover over my head:在我脑袋中盘旋

22. miss speaking for the couple now:妻管严

23. obnoxious and insufferable:又讨厌又难以忍受

24. expel sb. from the country:把某人从国家驱逐出去

25. be deported:被驱逐

26. on trial:在实验中或者受审

27. lose my cool:哥不淡定了

28. run into a dead end:死路一条

29. be adept at reading facial cues:擅长察言观色

30. conjugal visit:夫妻之间的访问

31. I'm the third wheel:我是电灯泡

32. make a pact:约法三章

33. pull strings:套近乎

34. maternity leave:产假

35. buckle down:认真做事或者扣紧

36. homunculus:雏形人了

37. future appears to be bleak:前途惨淡

38. What stakes do you propose:你和我赌神马?

39. you have a wager:你有赌注了

40. ironic doesn't agree with me我不喜欢讽刺

41. shack up with sb:与某人同居

42. first come, first serve:先到先得

43. take the pressure off卸下压力

44. fix on the trivial:为小事纠结

45. in a moment filled with biblical resonance:醍醐灌项

46. self-criticism and repentance自我批评和后悔

47. catch a break:休息一下

48. buoy my spirit :振奋精神

49. lessen your discomfort: 减轻你的不适

50. ground-breaking strikes: 极大地打击

51. career trajectory has taken a minor detour:职业道路有点偏差

52. with a doctorate: 获得博士学位

53. be a god send:及时雨

54. I am engineered:我是试管婴儿

55. one’s life revolve around:某人的生活以...为中心

56. be wiped clan:一干二净了

57. beneath the exterior, there are cracks:在貌似完好的外表下充满了危机

58. cool off:冷静下来

59. mull over: 考虑

60. go off on the wrong foot:有些误解

61. I’m in no position to do:我没有打算做某事

62. I don’t possess the tool of leadership:我不擅长领导

63. pipe dream:白日梦

64. deploy out on a mission:为一个任务差遣

65. old prank:常用的笑话-fall for one of Sheldon’s old pranks

68. sullen teenage daughter:沉闷的处于青春期的女儿

69. I’m on fire:我状态超好

70. be within earshot:还在听力范围之内

71. bonus question:附加题

72. propose an enormous undertaking:费了很大精力

73. I’m not good with cold:我怕冷

74. descend into anarchy:衰退至无政府状态

75. build an empire with sb from the ground:与某人一起白手起家

76. It’s a sign:这是注定的

77. drift out: 开小差(字面意思:汽车移滑= half- listening, half-minded)

78. blend in :融入圈子

79. put yourself down:摆平自己(=swallow your pride)

80. I’m a little on edge:我刚有点激动,不耐烦(貌似是Sheldon说的)

81. blissful evening:美好的夜晚

82. mouthwash:漱口水 body wash浴缸液 conditioner护发素

83. catch up with you 跟上你

84. ravish me 蹂躏我吧

85. break dancer:噼啪舞者

86. housewarming gift:搬家礼物

87. A little bubbles forming on the corners of one’s mouth恨得某人咬牙切齿

88. out earn sb:比某人挣钱多

89. assembly line:流水线

90. be condescending: 屈尊的

91. take a nap:小睡一会儿

92. Bluetooth: 蓝牙

93. head off: 扼杀

94. quench our thirst: 遏制渴望

95. pull together: 齐心协力(penny做头花那集)

96. can't-miss symposium: 不可错过的论坛会

97. get a shot=take a shot: 试一试

98. creep sb out: 恶心某人

99. be disproportionate to my physical stature: 和我体型不成比例

100. unmitigated disaster: 为缓解的灾难

101. flash drive: 优盘

102. slum dog millionaire: 平民窟的百万富翁

103. small package good things: 浓缩就是精华(Leonard形容自己)

104. moonpie: 小甜心(Sheldon的meemaw)

105. black out: 晕倒

106. pop into my head: 在我的脑海中出现

107. go black: 失去意识

108. lifesaver: 救命恩人

109. intrude on: 侵犯

110. take it personally: 别介意

111. be too hard on sb: 对某人太苛刻

112. be lounging on a sofa: 在沙发上懒散得躺着

113. enlighten sb: 启发某人

114. never-ending stream of: 永无止境的。

115. find out sound: 润嗓子

116. menopausal symptoms: 更年期

117. perky: 活泼(penny 去试镜)

118. be tempted: 被…吸引

119. smooth talker: 擅长谈话的人

120. despite a hard and crusty shell, he is a sensitive men: 在坚强的外表下,他是一个内心敏感的人

121. nurture it and make it shine: 培养它

122. get over oneself: 别自以为是

123. call it off: 取消

124. get braces off: 把牙套去掉

125. my hubris and my pride: 我的自以为是和骄傲

126. a little carried away: 有点过分

127. you pick up on that: 你看穿了

128. hit it off: 合得来

129. be behind on one's bill: 手头紧

130. move a conversation forward: 推进谈话

131. get off my case: 别管我

132. It's my treat.: 我请客

133. takeout food: 外带

134. sit-ups: 仰卧起坐

135. The die has been cast: 木已成舟

136. bring it on yourself: 自找

137. lay the following conundrum at your feet: 自找困难

138. conversation opener: 开场白

139. slide over one: 坐座位向旁边移一个

140. tell on sb: 打小报告(Leonard向Sheldon他妈)

141. that is big of you: 气量大(Penny形容Sheldon)

142. well-played:够狠

143. psydo-reality:仿真秀

144. put it on the agenda: 放在行程中

145. put it on mute: 放静音

146. take a stand: 明确立场

147. revere sb: 崇拜某人

148. You are so witty: 你真狡猾

149. it tickles: 痒痒

150. doze off: 打瞌睡

151. I'M On a roll: 人气高

152. hassle with: 与...斗争

153. my door is open: 我随时欢迎你

154. weep for: 流泪

155. second-rate mind/lesser mind/mediocre mind: 智商一般的

156. I'm close to a breakthrough: 我差点就破记录

157. lower a bar: 降低标准

158. flaunt one's success: 炫耀某人的成功

159. close-up:特写

160. be rife with: 充满了

161. crash to the ground: 化为灰烬

162. make oneself scarce: 溜走

163. make pee-pee: 尿尿

164. screen people out: 筛选人

165. snort of derision: 嘲讽的声音

166. shore up self-esteem: 建立起自尊

167. I'll take the bullet: 我先试吧

168. spy on sb: 监视某人

169. sb is a close talker: 善于交谈的人

170. get on my nerve: 惹毛我了

171. cross my mind: 出现在我的脑海中

172. 1 don't known where I am: 我不知道自己所处的位置

173. We are a good fit: 我俩很合适

174. she speaks my language: 她和我是一路人

175. be at each other's throat: 看对方不顺眼

176. hobnob with people: 与人过分亲近

177. beat our brains out: 绞尽脑汁

178. make a habit of it: 形成习惯

179. dwell on: 总想着

180. go off: 走火

181. Life I envisioned/pictured for us: 我所预想的生活

182. be meant for each other: 天生的一对

183. have a yen for me: 对我蠢蠢欲动

184. thoughts started taking precedence over feeling: 理性战胜利感性

185. as the last days expired: 随着剩下几天慢慢消逝

186. keep options open: 保持自由身

187. hook up with sb: 与某人交往

188. Are you high: 你喝高了么?

189. hold out for ridiculous fantasy:坚持无聊的幻想

190. I do not judge a book by its cover, I am interested in the person underneath:我不会以貌取人

191. masturbatory fantasies:幻想,YY

192. fiddle with oneself:摆弄自己

193. sink to his level:降低到他的水平

194. the more, the merrier:人越多,越好

195. play innocent with: 装清纯

196. put it on vibrant:调成振动

197.take some sense into you:调教调教你

198. remarkable and high-achieving:有卓越成就的

199. at length:详细的

200. hangover:宿醉

201. ransack our home:洗劫我们家

202. bludgeon us to death:把我们给打死

203. I‘m the master of bladder:我能控制我的膀胱

204. backup power supply:备用电池

205. sleep continue to elude me:我还是睡不着

206. born and raised:土生土长的

207. forfeit the award:放弃奖项

208. ego-boost:自我意识膨胀

209. trample me to death:把我踩死

210. stage fright:上台恐慌

211. I am a little low on money:我有点缺钱

212. noise-cancelling earphone:消音耳机

213. female jibber jabber:女性之间的闲谈

214. brainteaser:脑筋急转弯

215. they can't function with me:他们不能没有我

216. I‘m on a cloud:我飘飘然了

217. mind-numbing:麻木的

218. heart rate is elevated:心跳加速

219. dot the I's and cross the T's:得寸进尺

220. knock yourself out:请自便

221. plus-size:特大号

222. dust the cherry with sugar:在樱桃上撒一点糖

223. I wronged you:我对不起你

224. escape the miasma of guilt:逃离自责的深渊

225. on a different note:另外

226. drive up the price:抬高物价

227. be uptight about sth.:斤斤计较

228. a shitty job:很糟的工作

229. show a little class:显示出一点风度

230. get laid:与某人亲热(或者不止)

231. overextended:入不敷出

232. Good pep talk:振奋人心的讲话

233. always stay in the middle of the pack:畏首畏尾

234. have a little subtlety:机灵点

235. loose things up:活跃气氛

236. It’s packed挤满了人

237. let sb. Sober up让某人醒酒

238. I’m no stranger.我不是外人

239. sex appeal性吸引

240. stalk sb 跟踪某人

241. You catch me out.你抓到我了

242. put me off让我分心

243. be a menace to sb对某人来说是一个威胁

244. skip over跳过

245. brainwash洗脑

246. off track 离题了

247. face-saving way 留情面

248. stand up to sb反抗某人

249. cover for me掩护我

250. hollow dream空虚的梦

251. lamb kabab羊肉串

252. heat exhaustion 中暑

253. indoctrinate sb with用...来教导某人

254. an interloper encroach on one’s territory某人领地的侵犯者

255. vomit on and off呕吐不止

256. Girl stick up for each other女孩们互相为彼此打气

257. multitasker一心多用的人

258. be in the mood 在状态

259. crack down pressure被压力压垮

260. It doesn’t hang right on you.你穿这个不好看

261. make money on it赚了

262. good call说得好

263. be made of steel 坚如磐石

264. put a lot of thought想了很多

265. Drop it别再说了

266. grinding poverty太穷了

267. flash through my mind在我的脑海中显现

268. The acting bug never end 对表演的热爱从来没有减轻

269. out of nowhere无缘无故

270. sought-after吃香

271. dream catcher追梦人

272. remote possibility可能性很小

273. a blink of an eye 眨眼间

274. strapless无肩的

275. I’m a ball我很厉害

276. Let’s talk numbers我们来谈价钱吧

277. That was a dig at me.中伤了我

278. get on your feet.准备好

279. After the early happy glow, the nerves begin to set in早期的欢愉过后就是冲突

280. play dirt玩阴的

281. be a cutoff分水岭

282. tie the knots喜结连理

283. dance off斗舞

284. read your mind知道你在想什么

285. I have feelings 我有情绪

286. you nailed it 你说对了

287. she is so bendy to me她总是屈服于我

288. get all buddy-buddy with sb.与某人称兄道弟

289. pep squad啦啦队

290. be out doing sth. 正在做某事

291. hit her up打电话给她

292. slam on the keys在键盘上试镜敲打

293. take side分帮结派

294. have the nerve to do有勇气

295. do not have a spine软骨头

296. people-please way through life通过取悦别人而生存

297. you settle你总是将就

298. sleep with one eye open提心吊胆的过日子

299. be rise above sth.不再谈…了

300. screw up your make-up把妆弄坏了

301. a huge wake-up call一个即时的提醒

302. get into this mess掺和这个

303. I was branded for life一生都被贴了标签

304. hatch a plan孕育一个计划

305. throw a fit大发脾气

306. they are a handful真难搞

307. our menses are syncing up我们月经同步了

308. over think sth.想多了

309. stuck in a dead-end job被一个没完没了的工作捆住

310. sex is off the battle不可能了

311. chase me up a tree追得我上了树

312. scare him off把他吓走

313. hipster glass时髦的眼镜

314. get cracking开始吧

315. flush him down the toilet 把他冲下厕所

316. ditch you 冷落你

317. you can ditch away你忙你的

318. return the favour还你人情

319. stick adherence to the literal严格遵守字面意思

320. both tragic and hysterical悲剧喜剧同时上演

321. way off绝对没戏

322. a little cocky有点自大

323. put sex back on the table有戏了

324. off the top of my head不假思索

325. replica of a movie prop电影道具的复制品

326. fair enough有道理

327. tough decision艰难的抉择

328. that’s pretty steep真是狮子大张口

329. get the friend and family discount亲友价

330. street smart小聪明

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