2024-06-01 11:38:03  作者:一句珴愛伱  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/mzv526607.html


1. The students on duty have swept the floor already. (改为否定句)

The students on duty __________ __________ the floor yet.

2. This iPad belongs to Stephen. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ this ipad belong to?

3. My uncle has a new flat next to our flat. (保持句意基本不变)

My __________ new flat is next to __________.

4. Could you tell me? Did your sister catch the flu yesterday? (合并为一句)

Could you tell me __________ your sister __________ the flu yesterday.

5. She has told us a very exciting story. (改为感叹句)

__________ __________ exciting story she has told us!

6. The girl did a part-time job. She wanted to support her family. (合并为一句)

The girl did a part-time job __________ __________ she could support her family.

1. haven't swept

2. Who/Whom does

3. uncle's...ours

4. if/whether...caught

5. What an

6. so that


1. Marvin has to work overtime because of his carelessness. (改为否定句)

Marvin __________ __________ to work overtime because of his carelessness.

2. Our editor went to Beijing to attend a meeting. (对划线部分提问)

肯定句否定句一般疑问句肯定/否定回答1.Li Ming is at home.2.She works in a school.3.The baby can stand up.

1.Li Ming is at home.Li Ming is not at home.Is Li Ming at home ?Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
2.She works in a school.She doesn't work in a school.Does she work in a school?Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
3.The boy can stand up.The boy cannot stand up.Can the boy stand up?Yes, he can. No, he can't.


1. He always goes to play basketball with his friends.(改为否定句)

He __________ always __________ to play basketball with his friends.

2. The Grade Nine students will graduate from middle school in two weeks.(对划线提问)

__________ __________ will the Grade Nine students graduate from middle school?

3. Our school life is very enjoyable.(改为感叹句)

__________ __________ our school life is!

4. I spent over half an hour writing my blog last morning.(保持原句意思基本不变)

It __________ __________ over half an hour to write my blog last morning.

5. The maths problem is too difficult for him to work out.(保持原句意思基本不变)

The maths problem is __________ difficult __________ he can't work it out.

6. Wendy never fails an exam.(改为反意疑问句)

Wendy never fails an exam, __________ __________ ?

1. doesn't, go

2. How soon

3. How enjoyable

4. took me

5. so; that

6. does she


1. You are wrong. You sign these letters without reading them carefully.(保持原句 意思基本不变)

It was your wrong __________ __________ these letters without reading them carefully.

2. My ambition is to be an astronaut.(保持原句意思基本不变)

I dream __________ __________ an astronaut.

3. She wants to be a doctor.(保持原句意思基本不变)

Her __________ is __________ be a doctor.

4. I'm looking forward to your letter.(保持原句意思基本不变)

I __________ you __________ write to me soon.

5. I would like to go to Shanghai with you.(保持原句意思基本不变)

I hope to __________ __________ Shanghai with you.

6. He wants his mother to come back soon.(保持原句意思基本不变)

He __________ his mother __________ come back soon.

1. to sign

2. of being

3. ambition; to

4. hope; will

5. go to

6. hopes; will


1. My only wish is to do something for the public.(保持原句意思基本不变)

__________ __________ something for the public is my only wish.

2. My ambition is to be an accountant.(保持原句意思基本不变)

__________ __________ an accountant is my ambition.

3. To be a scientist is his goal.(保持原句意思基本不变)

His goal is __________ __________ a scientist.

4. My hobby is playing chess.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ your hobby?

5. His hobby is collecting stamps.(改为一般疑问句)

__________ his hobby __________ stamps?

1. To do

2. To be

3. to be

4. What is

5. Is; collecting


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