2024-06-30 09:52:15  作者:寂寞的红人  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/mop504796.html









【英文版】Do you know HDL and LDL in hyperlipidemia?

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Yang Lingna, a nurse of Anyang Daojian Hospital.Today, I'd like to tell you about HDL and LDL in hyperlipidemia.

HDL cholesterol, also known as high density lipoprotein cholesterol, is one of the components of blood lipids.High density lipoprotein cholesterol is mainly synthesized by the liver,and its main physiological function is to transport phospholipids and cholesterol.High density lipoprotein is an anti atherosclerotic lipoprotein, a protective factor for coronary heart disease.It is called "good" cholesterol, and belongs to the "scavenger" of vascular waste.Its function is to reduce the incidence rate of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and cerebral infarction. So high density lipoprotein cholesterol is good for human health.But it's not that the higher the HDL-C level, the better!When it is slightly high, it has protective effect on cardiovascular system,but if it is abnormally high, patients may also be in a disease state. For example, if patients with chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, alcoholic liver injury and other liver diseases, high HDL-C may lead to abnormal lipid metabolism.

Therefore, if patients with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,it is necessary to do further examination, clear the causes before treatment. In addition, some non pathological factors, such as overwork, improper rest, unreasonable diet, alcohol abuse,patients with primary high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (familial high alpha lipoprotein), or affected by drugs, such as vitamin E, heparin, contraceptives, insulin, etc., may also cause the high level of high-density lipoprotein in patients.If the HDL level drops to normal after a few days or a week of abnormal detection, the patient does not have to do further interventions.

If the HDL level has not returned to normal for a long time, the patient needs further examination.In addition, the hospital should also pay attention to the causes of high cholesterol density if necessary.

LDL cholesterol, namely low density lipoprotein cholesterol, is an important indicator of hyperlipidemia.It is one of the risk factors of atherosclerosis.It can easily lead to the formation of foam cells in the arterial membrane and damage the vascular endothelial cells,also known as "bad" cholesterol.High LDL can be treated by drugs. Statins, such as atorvastatin calcium and rosuvastatin calcium, can reduce LDL. In addition to drug treatment, we should pay attention to reasonable diet in daily life, eat more fruits and vegetables, less greasy food, animal viscera and eggs and other foods with high cholesterol content.

In addition, we should actively control weight and strengthen exercise.After weight loss, dyslipidemia may be improved.

Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time!

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