2024-09-29 01:21:53  作者:北冥旭  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/lfo465720.html

尽管——牛津第八版、朗文第五版、柯林斯高阶等英语词典都明确表示apart from相当于aside from(后者为美语),但事实上,其中还是有些差异与区别。

l在aside from相当于apart from的时候,二者的(抽象引申的)含义可以是

1 except, except for(除了,表排除或例外)或

2 in addition to, besides, other than, as well as(,除了…还,此外,表包括)两种意义。

lapart from还可表示(这是原本的、具体的本义)


2separately相同的含义,即分开地,apart from此时相当于separately from

3 apart from还可以构成quite apart from,此时不可用aside from替换。

在aside from相当于apart from的时候,二者的(抽象引申的)含义可以是

1 except, except for(除了,表排除或例外)或

2 in addition to, besides, other than, as well as(,除了…还,此外,表包括)两种意义。


apart from 1. except for someone or something 之外

I hardly know anyone in the village apart from William and you.


apart from 2. in addition to someone or something之外还

Apart from providing humanitarian aid, the UN is also supposed to enforce agreements.


《英语词汇用法手册》第17页apart from, except for, except词条

Everyone has helped in some way apart from you/except for you/except you.


(不能用apart you,apart for you)(三个介词都可用)

Apart from you/Except for you, everyone has helped in some way. (译文同上)

(不能用Except you)

(用法说明:句子不能以except 宾语开头;而需用except for/apart from


apart from 1. 除了以外(别无)

Apart from Patrick, the car was empty. 除了帕特里克,车里没有其他人。

She had no money, apart from the five pounds that Christopher had given her.


I’m away for about one week. But apart from that I’m around.


apart from 2. 除了…以外(尚有)

Apart from sport, my other interest outside class is music.


But quite apart from the expense and the problem of the children, I don’t think I would want to fly out anyway.



apart from 2. 除开;除以外(= aside from; besides; in addition to

Apart from her nose, she is quite good-looking. 除了她的鼻子,她是相当漂亮的。

Who will be there, apart from your brother? 除了你的弟弟,还有谁会去?

aside from


aside from 1. not including (something); with the exception of (something)除了

Aside from (= apart from, except for) a few pieces of bread, the food is gone.


The movie has been praised by most people, aside from a few critics who have called its happy ending trite and predictable. 那部电影获得了多数人的赞誉,只有少数几个评论家认为该片的圆满结局有些落入俗套。

aside from 2. in addition to (something); besides此外(还)

Aside from being well written, the book is also beautifully illustrated.



aside from: except for以外

Money continues to be a problem but aside from that we’re all well.


I hardly watch any television, aside from news and current affairs.


《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》第135页aside from词条

aside from 同apart from(aside from通常用于美国英语)。


aside from(美语)与apart from同。


aside from 1: except for除…之外

Aside from hanging abut in the street, there’s nothing for kids to do here.


aside from 2: used for saying that something exists, is true, or happens in addition to something else之外还

He’d eaten half a loaf of bread, and that was aside from the sandwich he’d had earlier.



aside from(美)且撇开不提;除之外

Aside from English, she speaks French. 除了英语,她还会说法语。

lapart from还可表示(这是原本的、具体的本义)


2separately相同的含义,即分开地,apart from此时相当于separately from

3 apart from还可以构成quite apart from,此时不可用aside from替换。


If one thing is separate from another, the two things are apart from each other rather than joined or connected to each other. 分开的;单独的

Rosa had remained separate from us, asking for a room by herself.


【】其中separate from可以改为apart from而意义不变


live apart from other people离群索居

There can be no knowledge apart from practice. 脱离实践就没有知识。


apart from 3. separately from (something) ……分开

This problem needs to be considered apart from the other issues.



apart 分离地/隔开地;个别地(=individually);分开地(=separately

She lives apart from her family. 她跟家人分开住。

Each factor must be viewed apart from the others.




…a small shed set well apart from the main building …与主要建筑相隔很远的小棚屋

I was sitting somewhat apart from the rest. 我独自坐着和其余的人多少保持一段距离。

apart from还可以构成quite apart from,此时不可用aside from替换。


quite apart from即便不考虑

Quite apart from the fact that he has no qualifications, Mr Berry is not a suitable person to work here. 即便不考虑他没有资格证书的事实,贝里先生也不是在这儿工作的合适人选。


quite apart from sth(正式)撇开不说,不考虑

Quite apart from being illegal, the activity is extremely dangerous.






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