2024-07-04 08:32:55  作者:青春失乐园  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/jos519073.html



The Root Word plic: 词根 graph/ graphy




下面我们首先来看看下面方框中的词干。请大家在这些词干后加上词根graph 或者graphy来构成新的单词。然后将这些单词和下面的英语解释配对。


the life momoirs of a person, written by that person _________a short section of a text, made up of two or more sentences, that deals with the same idea throughout ___________a written account, such as a book or scholarly pamphlet, on a particular and usually limited subject __________the study of the characteristics of human populations, for example: size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics _________the art and science of making maps or navigational charts _________an image of an object, person, or landscape recorded digitally or on special film or paper ____________an instrument for automatically detecting and recording the duration, intensity, and direction of an earthquake _________a list of writings related to a given subject, or referenced within a particular written work _________the art of creating and arranging dance sequences ____________

10 a written account of a person's life ____________


autobiography 自传paragraph 段落monograph 专题著作,专题论文demography 人口统计学cartography 地图制作photograph 照片seismograph 地震仪bibliography (某一专题或作家的)参考书目choreography 编舞艺术

10biography 传记,个人简介

Note: 注意点

词干 para mono 后只能加 词根 graph

词干 photo, seismochoreo 后即可以加词根graph, 也可以加 graphy

词干 biblio, bio, carto, autobiodemo 后只能加词根graphy


The standard academic essay in English is made up of at least five _______.Many pop stars work with _________, who create original dances and develop new dance moves for them.It's important to include a(n) _________, citing all referenced works, as part of your research project. In order to write someone's ________, you have to conduct an extensive amount of research on them. As Della was a well-known chef, her ________ contained numerous recipes along with her memoirs.Jun believes that living in Tokyo and experiencing numerous earthquakes as a young child inspired him to become a(n) ___________.Though Annelise originally studied color ____________, she recently learned more about using black and white film and now works primarily in that medium. Sebastian has been unable to find much published material on his chosen field of study except for an old ____________ in the reference library.Anybody who studies _________ trends will know that the continual dramatic increase in global population is creating a huge strain on the environment.

10. Hyun Suk hopes that by getting a bachelor's degree in geography, he will eventually be able to enter the field of ___________.


paragraphs; 2. choreographers; 3. bibliography; 4. biography; 5. autobiography; 6. seismographer; 7. photography; 8. monograph; 9. demographic; 10. cartography


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