2024-06-26 10:51:07  作者:成熟老夫子  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/hzb213916.html


Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?


1. make v. 制作;做。其后可接双宾语,即make sb.sth.或make sth.for sb.为某人制作某物

Lucy made a beautiful card for me.

2. make 和do都是实义动词,都含有"做……"之意,但二者在用法上有一些区别。


She often makes clothes herself.



Students do their homework every day.

学生们每天做作业。3. shake n.& v. 摇动;抖动

Give the bottle a few shakes before you pour the juice.


Can you feel the earth shake?



shake hands with sb.和某人握手

The two men shook hands with each other.


shake one's head 摇头

When you can't answer this question,shake your head.



1. turn on the blender.打开果汁机。


Please don't turn on the blender.



Let me not do that.



Don't let them shout.

不要让他们喊叫。点拨2:turn on 打开,其反义词组是turn off 意为"关上"。它们是"动词+副词"构成的短语动词,宾语是代词时应放在turn 与on 或off 中间。I want to watch TV.Please turn it on.


turn up 调高

Turn up your radio,please.


turn down 调低

Turn down the TV.It's too noisy.



turn on 和open


turn on通常指打开水龙头、煤气、电灯、电视、收音机等的开关。

Please turn on the lights.请打开灯。


They opened the window.


2. Next,put the beef,carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water.下一步,把牛肉、胡萝卜和土豆放在锅中并加上一些水。

点拨:add v.增加;添加


Please add some salt to the food.


If you add 4 to 6,you get 10.


add to (add作不及物动词用)表示"增加;添加",其中to是介词,后接名词或代词。

The flowers add to the beauty of the city.


3. No,one more thing.不,还有一件事。

点拨:more 又;再,与another同义。

数词+more+ n.=another+数词+n.

They stayed there two more days.=

They stayed there another two days.


4. Finally,don't forget to add some salt.最后,不要忘记加些盐。

点拨:finally adv. 最后;最终

同义短语是:at last;in the end。


I finally finished my homework.




1.—Where can people buy souvenirs?

—Of course at a______Shop.

A.Book B.Gift C.Shoe   D.Food

2.He______with his friends last Sunday.

A.hang out B.hung out C.hanged out D.hung off

3.My little sister ______ the second prize in the last competition.

A.won B.win C.wins D.winned

4.She went ______ a drive after work last Friday.

A.to B.for C.in D.by

5.Do you have ______ to say about this?

A.something else B.anything else C.else something D.else anything

6.Ted cleaned the room on his day ______.

A.of B.off C.down D.away

7.—______ was your school trip?


A.Where B.Why C.What D.How

8.______ the class,the students left the classroom one by one.

A.At the end of B.In the end C.By the end D.At the end

9.—______ you in Beijing last summer?

—Yes,I ______.

A.Was;was B.Were;was C.Was;were D.Were;were

10.—Did you go to bed ______last night,Li Ping?

—No,I went to bed ______instead.

A.later;early B.late;early C.lately;early D.lately;earlily


Dear Mary,

How are you and your parents?Did you__1__a good time last weekend?

We had a day__2__from school this week.But I had a(n)__3__day.I got up early in the morning but the __4__was very bad.So I __5__to stay at home and help my mom do the housework.Then I went to the Gift Shop and bought __6__gifts.After that,I read a boring book and watched TV about Super Girls.After lunch,my parents wanted to go__7__a drive,so I went with them.However,that wasn't interesting,__8__.In the evening,my best friend__9__me to watch an interesting movie__10__sharks.But I found it wasn't interesting at all.

Please write to me soon!



1.A.enjoy B.spend C.have D.had

2.A.of B.off C.away D.far

3.A.exciting B.happy C.bad D.wonderful

4.A.food B.breakfast C.coat D.weather

5.A.wanted B.must C.liked D.had

6.A.lots of B.so much C.a lot D.a little

7.A.for B.on C.in D.at

8.A.too B.also C.neither D.either

9.A.told B.said C.made D.let

10.A.with B.about C.for D.in



Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays.They want to go out to see something different or do something exciting.So people from the country go to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays.During the holidays,trains,buses and planes are all very busy.It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets.Many people take cars or buses for traveling.

Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday.There was too much traffic on the road,so we had to move very slowly.It took us about an hour to get out of the town.After some time,we came to a farm.It was clean and beautiful.The animals were very cute.We thought it was a nice place for a picnic,so we stopped and took the food,fruit and drinks out of the car.We sat down under a big green tree and began to eat.Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain.We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car.Then we drove back home.What a bad trip it was!

1.Many people don't like to stay at home on holidays because ______.

A.they have much money

B.the weather outside is always pretty cool

C.they want to see something different

D.they don't want to rest

2.The family went to ______ for holidays last May Day.

A.a beach park B.the country C.the city D.a village

3.Last May Day the family trip was ______.

A.interesting B.relaxing C.awful D.exciting

4.It's hard to buy train tickets or air tickets on holidays because ______.

A.there are few tickets

B.many people want to go by train or plane

C.it's cheap to take a train or plane

D.it's fun to take a train or plane

5.What is the meaning of "blew" in Chinese?

A.蓝色 B.刮风 C.吹气 D.卷起


Can dolphins talk?Maybe they can't talk with words,but they talk with sounds.They show their feelings with sounds.Dolphins travel in a group.We call a group of fish a "school".They don't study,but they travel together.Dolphins are mammals,not fish,but they swim together in a school.Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in a school.They give information.They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid.They say "welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school.They talk when they play.They make a few sounds above water.They make many more sounds under water.People can't hear these sounds because they are very,very high.Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium.People can watch the dolphins in a show.Dolphins don't like to be away from their school at an aquarium.They are sad and lonely.There are many stories about dolphins.They help people.Sometimes they save somebody's life.Dolphin's meat is good.But people don't like to kill them.They say that dolphins bring good luck.Many people believe this.

6.Dolphins talk with ______.

A.words B.sounds C.their hands D.music

7.Dolphins talk when they ______.

A.play B.show C.listen D.kill

8.They make the most sounds ______.

A.above water B.for tapes C.under water D.in an aquarium

9.Dolphins like to be ______.

A.at an aquarium B.alone C.in their school D.on a tape

10.Which sentence is NOT true?

A.Dolphins can save people's life. B.People like to watch dolphins.

C.Dolphins always bring bad luck. D.Dolphins can talk with sounds.


A school trip

Today we went to Underwater World for our school trip.It took us about 30 minutes to get there by bus.Underwater World is the most famous place in our city,so it attracts a lot of tourists every year.

When we arrived there,we were excited to see all kinds of sea animals,such as sharks,dolphins,seals and sea lions.The colors of these animals blended (相称) very well with the background,especially the corals (珊瑚).

The sharks in this aquarium attracted most tourists.They swam across the aquarium freely,while smaller fishes had to watch out and fear for their lives.Besides,dolphins are a big attraction,too.We watched a wonderful dolphin show before we left Underwater World.

The school trip was very enjoyable,and we learned a lot from the amazing world of animals.


1.How did the students go for their school trip?


2.Where did they go?


3.What did they see there?


4.How long did it take them to get there?


5.How did the writer like the school trip?




1.Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday.I'm going to buy a g______ for her.

2.There are many tall trees in our school y______.

3.Did you see any seals at the a______?

4.______(幸好),she was in when I called.

5.It's going to rain.Please take an ______(雨伞) with you.


6.I know only one of the ______(visit).How about you?

7.Dick is a basketball fan.He wants to be a ______(play) like Yao Ming.

8.Who ______(win) the first prize in yesterday's singing competition?

9.It's a ______(rain) day today.So you'd better stay at home.

10.Did you have fun ______(camp)?



Dear Arthur,

How was your weekend?Did you have a good time?My weekend was really wonderful.I went to Beijing with my family.On Saturday morning,we visited the Great Wall.There were many people there.We took some photos.In the afternoon we went to the Summer Palace.At the Summer Palace I met the famous singer Tian Zhen.I got her autograph.On Sunday morning we went to the aquarium.There we saw some sharks and seals and many other sea animals.On Sunday afternoon we went to the Gift Shop and bought a lot of souvenirs.Finally,tired but happy,we came home by train.



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