2024-07-04 08:37:34  作者:一格人  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/fve107065.html


Prefix (前缀) dis-: opposite of 相反的

★ dislike / dislikable

★ dishonor / dishonest

★ disable / disability

★ disappear / disappearance

★ disagree / disagreeable


◆ Oxford: If two people disagree or one person disagrees with another about something, they have a different opinion about it.


disagree (with someone or something) (about/on/over something):

★ You disagree with someone:

★ I totally disagree with you.

★ 我完全不同意你的观点。

✗Don’t say: I totally disagree you.

★ You disagree with an idea, or something that someone says:

★ I disagree with his views on the economy.

★ 我不同意他对经济的看法。

✗Don’t say: I disagree his views on the economy.

★ disagree about/on/over a subject:

★ Experts disagree about the answer to this question.

★ 专家们对这个问题的解答意见不一。

★ Parents often disagree on the best way to bring up children.

★ 父母对培养孩子的最佳方式常常意见不一。

★ Scientists disagree over whether oil is unhealthy.

★ 科学家们对石油是否不健康存在分歧。

★ I disagree: 我不同意、我不这么认为。

★ ‘Women are better drivers than men.’

‘I disagree.’

★ “女人比男人更会开车。”


★ 'I think it is inappropriate.'

'I disagree.'

★ “我认为这不合适。”


✗Don’t say: I disagree you.

★ Andy and I often disagree.

Andy and I often disagree with each other.

I often disagree with Andy.

★ 我和安迪经常意见相左。

★ Disagree is not used in the progressive.


If you disagree with a particular action or proposal, you disapprove of it and believe that it is wrong.



★ I respect the President but I disagree with his decision.

★ 我尊敬总统,但我反对他的这项决定。

★ I strongly disagree with this proposal.

★ 我强烈反对这一提议。

If a particular food or drink disagrees with you, it makes you feel unwell.


★ Orange juice seems to disagree with some babies.

★ 橙汁似乎不适合某些婴儿饮用。


(verb) agreedisagree

(noun) agreementdisagreement

(adjective) agreeabledisagreeable

(adverb) agreeablydisagreeably


agree (with someone or something) (about/on):

★ You agree with someone:

★ I agree with Andy.

★ 我同意安迪的观点。

✗Don’t say: I agree Andy.

★ You agree with an opinion or statement:

★ He agrees with this view.

★ 他同意这个观点。

✗Don’t say: He agrees this view.

★ agree on/about something:

★ My wife and I agree on most things.


★ The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire.

★ 交战双方已就无条件停火达成一致。

★ He agreed with them about the need for change.

★ 他同意他们需要变革的意见。

★ Our parties agree on this.

★ Our parties agree with each other on this.

★ My party agrees with yours on this.

★ 双方就此事达成一致。

If you agree to do something, you say that you will do it. If you agree to a proposal, you accept it.


★ He agreed to pay me for the drawings.

★ 他答应向我支付这些画的钱。

★ They agreed to all our proposals.

★ 他们同意了我们所有的提议。

✗Don’t say: They agreed all our proposals.

I quite agree/I couldn’t agree more (=I agree completely) 我完全同意

★ ‘We have to talk.’

‘Absolutely,’ Meredith replied. ‘I couldn’t agree more.’

★ “我们必须谈谈。”


If some food that you eat does not agree with you, it makes you feel ill.


★ I don't think the food here agrees with me.

★ 我觉得这里的食物不对我的胃口。

If you found this article useful, please like and share it. Thanks a million.

如若觉得这篇文章有所帮助,麻烦亲爱的亲亲们帮忙点赞和分享!!! 万分感谢!!!

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