2024-11-21 07:36:42  作者:依然潇洒恋  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/eak217283.html



Involution, a catchphrase on the Internet, originally refers to a phenomenon that after a type of cultural model has reached a certain final form, it can neither be stabilized nor transformed into a new form, but can only continue to become more complex internally. It has been circulated on the Internet that many college students use it to refer to irrational internal competition or "voluntary" competition. It now refers to the phenomenon that peers compete to devote more efforts to compete for limited resources, resulting in a decrease in the individual "revenue-effort ratio".


In the second half of 2020, there are several pictures on the screen: some people are reading books on their bicycles, some people are using computers while riding, some people have stacks of books on their beds... Students who "use computers while riding" are called On the hot search for "The King of Volumes". "Involution" became popular, and college students used it to refer to irrational internal competition. Involution later spread to college students, office workers and other groups, and gradually evolved into a popular word on the Internet. It is used to complain about the current situation of excessive social competition pressure. , and also gave birth to various communication products such as short text comics or short videos based on the "internal volume".


Therefore, the terms involution and anti-involution appear in many scenes at present, and it seems that everyone will rely on involution, involution, etc. for everything at present, which has become a way for many young people to ridicule. Anyone who seems to work harder and be more self-disciplined will gradually be crowned as the king of scrolling. In fact, I personally think that everyone has expanded the scope of involution a little bit. In fact, many things are actually the direction they should be going, Or the way it should be.


For example, when the end of the term is approaching, everyone is engaged in intense review. Originally, they have to find their own way of reviewing. Some people are suitable for the library, some people are suitable for empty classrooms, and some people can study well in the dormitory. , is to find a way to make the last effort to make yourself correct, not to say that if you go out to review and write some papers, it will be the way to be the king of the paper, not to mention that it is more difficult to treat the homework assigned by the teacher. Seriously, the more words you write, the more volume.


In fact, we may all now understand that the words “juanwang” and “neijuan” have become popular words and Internet words, and should be treated perfunctorily and jokingly, but when we were locked up with these names, even if we acted indifferently, we still would Bringing a bad experience to the mind, especially things that are normal and should be done with great effort, should not be treated like this.


Therefore, for us, we should look at the "introduction" more rationally, and neither put the efforts and efforts of others as the title of "introduction king", nor do we need to participate in the bad introversion process, and more Don't have a psychological burden just because you are crowned the "Rolling King", you must understand what you should do and what you should strive to achieve. In addition, it is necessary to properly participate in the benign involution content, properly motivate oneself, motivate oneself in mutual motivation, and exercise oneself.




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