2024-07-03 04:35:11  作者:乆鬼殊途  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/dug218833.html

文/刘宝彩/天津一网友考生提出“为什么英语作文就是写不好?”问题后,进一步问:“大家可以看看为什么我写的如下英语作文老师只给16分?”,题目是:Voice of Campus为题,写作原文如下:,我来为大家科普一下关于英语词汇搭配共现性原则例子?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!




一网友考生提出“为什么英语作文就是写不好?”问题后,进一步问:“大家可以看看为什么我写的如下英语作文老师只给16分?”,题目是:Voice of Campus为题,写作原文如下:

“Dear school friends.

To enrich our school fife, we decide to start a school paper named Voice of Campus

There are many interesting parts ranging from Green Campus to Kaleidoscope of clubs in the paper. In Green Campus. we list some had phenomenons about throwing rubbish wasting foods, tooking down upon others and provide methods to prevent them ou can have a reading feast in Kaleidoscope of clubs,as the articles are written by our students who share their trips, their favourite music and so on.What's more, you can learn how to study in learning corner,where excellent students share their learning behaviors.

Our paper is open for all of you who have an interest in writing. You can hand in your campus stories to us. We are looking forward to your news stories as soon as possible. Thank you”









I feel extremely positive of stepping forward bravely in the beginning, that becomes crucial for the success of a plan to be implemented in coming days. This fact comes to that I would achieve only one ambition in a career that proves difficultly successful.

By means of this, I get to know about great effort I should pay on working towards my goal with self-confidence. Combining with this, I would take special measures, in an attempt by me to make a workable action plan to see promising future in my career.

That brings me to get motivated in the possible business kept a rise in potentially-financial profit, enabling my employees to live happily. This arises from the positively-developmental psychology to take the newly-beginning step towards my realistically- ambitious goal as reached of mine. This, I was only to learn later.


英语是逻辑语言,不是中文思维语言,逻辑是英语的灵魂。所以写英语“不靠中文思维靠逻辑”,其表达基本形式——以提示观点句为中心,左找原因,右找结果,即:“原因句←提示观点句→结果句( 达到结果应采取的措施 展望未来继续推理)”。英语为母语的人使用逻辑思维四方法,即:①一因一果,②一因多果,③多因一果,④多因多果。


步骤㈠说出主题,提示观点句:I feel extremely positive of stepping forward bravely in the beginning, that becomes crucial for the success of a plan to be implemented in coming days.

步骤㈡主题产生的原因:I would achieve only one ambition in a career that proves difficultly successful.

步骤㈢主题产生的结果: to pay great effort on working towards my goal with self-confidence.


This helps me take special measures, in an attempt by me to make a three-point action plan to see promising future in my career.


That brings me to get motivated in the possible business kept a rise in potentially-financial profit, enabling my employees to live happily. This arises from the positively-developmental psychology to take the newly-beginning step towards my realistically- ambitious goal, in my belief, as reached of mine.


I feel extremely positive of stepping forward bravely in the beginning, that becomes crucial for the success of a plan to be implemented in coming days. This fact comes to that I would achieve only one ambition in a career that proves difficultly successful.

By means of this, I get to know about great effort I should pay on working towards my goal with self-confidence. Combining with this, I would take special measures, in an attempt by me to make a workable action plan to see promising future in my career.

That brings me to get motivated in the possible business kept a rise in potentially-financial profit, enabling my employees to live happily. This arises from the positively-developmental psychology to take the newly-beginning step towards my realistically- ambitious goal as reached of mine. This, I was only to learn later.




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