2024-06-26 09:13:11  作者:捕鲸人  网址:


2016年真题英译汉中涉及到了“mental health”,不少孩子将其译为“精神健康”或“思想健康”等,其实,它就是我们常说的“心理健康”,这种译法比较妥当些。

今天的文章选自于《基督教科学箴言报》(2017年4月),原文标题为:“ What Americans mean by ‘health’”。


(1) The concept of health has expanded rapidly beyond physical well-being, a survey discovers.

(2) More people expect health to be mental, even spiritual.

(3) Many industries, such as hotels and hospitals, are responding.

(4) The survey, released Wednesday, found that rapid scientific advances and other trends have expanded the understanding of health to the point that people now say it involves more than a medical perspective.

(5) The poll found nearly an equal number of Americans – more than 3 out of 4 – associate health as a mental condition as well as a physical one.

(6) Nearly half said being mindful is a form of health.


to expand v. 扩展

well-being n. 幸福

to release v. 释放,公布

to the point that 到这种程度

perspective n. 角度,视角

poll n. 投票

to associate v. 联合,结合


第(4)句The survey, released Wednesday, found / that rapid scientific advances and other trends have expanded the understanding of health / to the point that people now say / it involves more than a medical perspective.

(1)句子的主干为 The survey... found that ... (主语 谓语 宾语从句)。其中,过去分词短语released Wednesday修饰survey.

(2)后面便是that引导的宾语从句that rapid scientific advances and other trends have expanded the understanding of health to the point that people now say it involves more than a medical perspective.

(3)其中,to the point that people now say it involves more than a medical perspective这一部分表达程度状语从句。在动词say后又是它的宾语从句,it involves more than a medical perspective.


(1) The concept of health has expanded rapidly beyond physical well-being, a survey discovers.


(2) More people expect health to be mental, even spiritual.


(3) Many industries, such as hotels and hospitals, are responding.


(4) The survey, released Wednesday, found that rapid scientific advances and other trends have expanded the understanding of health to the point that people now say it involves more than a medical perspective.


(5) The poll found nearly an equal number of Americans – more than 3 out of 4 – associate health as a mental condition as well as a physical one.

——民意测验发现,几乎同等数量的美国人 —— 75%以上 —— 认为健康是心理状态和生理状态的结合。

(6) Nearly half said being mindful is a form of health.


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