2024-11-22 06:31:14  作者:白扇书生  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/mva259226.html









英文翻译:Sun yat-sen, head of the republic of China the founding COINS (commonly known as "note" or "little sun") origin, after the end of 1911 the revolution, on January 3, 1912, the government of the republic of China was founded, because of the monetary system has not yet been established, in addition to remold the big fellow of sichuan silver COINS, outside fujian remold the wing, the main mint, mostly still continue to use the clearance die casting silver COINS, For circulation. The pattern adopts the portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the great president, and then the general silver coin will change the pattern. Sun Yat-sen ordered the Ministry of Finance to approve the casting of commemorative coins, and ordered the new pattern of the rest of the general silver coins, "the grain model should be drawn in the middle, to take the righteousness of the abundant age and the people, and to urge the rules of agricultural affairs." He ordered the Ministry of Finance to make new models quickly, and ordered the mint in each province to cast drums according to the pattern. Soon, the Ministry of Finance awarded new models to jiangnan (Nanjing), Hubei, Guangdong and other mints according to the style of casting, which is the origin of "the founding commemorative coin of the statue of Sun Yat-sen of the Republic of China".

Sitting Yang, according to the "Silver Dollar Map" published by the People's Bank of China in 1952, its official name should be Annan Silver Dollar, also known as "sitting person", "fa Guang", because the front of the silver coin cast the statue of Liberty on the head of the wreath has seven beams of light, commonly known as "seven corners". But in order to describe the convenience of the following is still used "sit ocean" view.

Sun Yat-sen Founding Commemorative Coin (Triangle circle six-star Rating coin)

The back jiahe pattern, the middle one yuan value, the outer circle English, and the hexagonal star, belongs to the hexagonal version, can be seen its one round round word, the head formed a triangle, known as the triangle circle, belongs to the rare version.

Jiahe ", The United States wo, healthy wo, huge wo, auspicious wo also. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xu Shen said in His book Shuo Wen, "Wo, Jia Gu also. In February and planted, August ripening, when the middle, so called wo." Wang Chong "on balance · tell Rui" cloud: "Jiahe was born in wo, and different ears in wo, that jiahe." The ancients to "jiahe" auspicious things, and Ganlu ashamed quan said. Such as Ban Gu "Book of Han · Gongsun Hong Biography" cloud: "The dew fell, wind and rain, Jiahe xing." That is, the rice that grows very strong and strong, the ancients regarded jiahe pattern as a symbol of good luck.

Sun Yat-sen's head is the silver dollar, the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China. The front center is sun Yat-sen's profile portrait, and the edge is inscribed with the Chinese official script "Republic of China" 4 words, the next engraved with the "founding commemorative coin" 5 words, and the left and right long branches. The center of the back is the Chinese official script "one circle" and jiahe, the edge of the English "Republic of China", "one circle", left and right separate five-pointed stars (later changed to six-pointed stars). Straight edge teeth, 89% color, commonly known as "small head". The currency is issued as the national currency of the Republic of China. The republic of China sun like founding commemorative coin silver dollar, due to different casting manufacturers, casting in different years, the English level of engravers is not high, in addition to the front and back of the main pattern has not changed, the decorative details, English letters have variations, especially the English letters are more errors. This has resulted in multiple versions of the coin. There are two main types handed down widely: one is the five-pointed star format, one is the six-pointed star format.

Rating currency, the so-called rating currency is by the rating company, authenticity identification, scoring and then sealed with acrylic transparent box, so that it is no longer oxidation, can also protect the phase of the coin, coin fidelity, if it is imitation is not allowed to enter the box rating. To protect the transaction of coins, there is no doubt in the antique collection circle that the collection price is extremely high, which is the so-called cooked goods, which is also a sign of the maturity of the coin market.

This coin is a rare triangle circle six star edition, sun yat-sen was known as the father of the nation, the founding COINS is 2000 years of feudal dynasty into a democratic society the first witness currency, we call it six star sun small head, also call it father for money, but also "orz" in a special skill, hide the beginning of the republic of China, witnessed the demise of the feudal dynasty, the dragon, The family regime that prides itself as the real dragon son of Heaven evolved into a people-oriented society. The historical research value of this founding commemorative coin is very high, rated into the box, and can be safely collected. It is the favorite in the collection circle, and has great collection value.

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