2024-06-29 12:43:56  作者:夜叉山  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/mus278919.html

Failure Is Glorious

Alberto Alessi transformed his family’s housewares business into a trendsetting design giant. His secret: walking the borderline between genius and failure.


阿尔贝托·阿莱西 (Alberto Alessi)将家族企业中的家庭用品部转型为引领潮流的设计巨头。他的秘诀就是:游走于天才与失败的边缘。

Written by: Ian Wylie

Has your latest project bombed? Have the past six months been a fast journey down a blind alley? There’s only one thing for you to do, says Alberto Alessi, godfather of Italian product design: Revel in your glorious failures. Dance on the borderline between success and disaster. Because that’s where your next big breakthrough will come from.

你最近的项目失败了吗?在过去的六个月里,沿着死胡同走了很长一段路吗?意大利产品设计的教父阿尔贝托·阿莱西 (Alberto Alessi) 表示,只有一件事需要你去做:为自己辉煌的失败而陶醉。在成功和灾难之间的边缘跳舞。因为这就是你下一个重大突破的来源。


Alessi, 54, has followed that very advice ever since he took the reins of the family business in 1970. His partnerships with some of the world’s best designers have transformed this 80-year-old company from housewares supplier to design leader. You might not know them as Alessi offerings, but most people can recognize Philippe Starck’s Juicy Salif lemon squeezer, and Michael Graves’s Bird Kettle.

54 岁的阿莱西自从 1970 年接管家族企业以来,一直遵循着(失败是一种荣耀)这一建议。他与一些世界上最优秀的设计师的合作,使这家有着 80 年历史的公司从家庭用品供应商变成了设计领导者。作为阿莱西产品,你可能不知道他们,但大多数人认识菲利普斯塔克的多汁萨利夫柠檬榨汁机,和迈克尔格雷夫斯的鸟水壶。

But Alessi is just as proud of his flops. It’s the duds that enjoy center stage in the company’s private museum, where Alessi’s designers weekly to discuss new projects. He has even published a book of prototypes that never made it to production. In a market that’s crowded with the mundane and generic, Alessi says, the lemons reassure him that he is not veering toward safety.



Fortunately, most of the products [created by (of<200 free-agent designers>)] are winners. The Alessi “dream factory” of 500 workers, which Alberto runs with brothers Michele and Alessio, has over the past decade raised sales by around 15% a year, to $100 million today.

幸运的是, 阿莱西(团队)令人印象深刻的 200 名自由设计师创造的大多数产品都是赢家。阿尔贝托与米歇尔和阿莱西奥兄弟(三兄弟)共同经营的阿莱西“梦工厂”有 500 名工人,在过去的十年里,每年的销售额提高了 15 %左右,如今已达到 1 亿美元。

Now, having conquered our kitchens, Alessi is looking at our cell phones, watches, and maybe even our cars. How will he do it? By walking along the border between the “possible and the not possible.” In an interview at the Alessi factory he explained how to fail in style.


Where is this borderline?


The area of the “possible” is the area in which we develop products that the customer will love and buy. The area of the “not possible” is represented by the new projects that people are not yet ready to understand or accept.


Working close to the borderline is very risky because you cannot see it with your eyes. It is not clearly drawn or marked. You can only feel it by using sensibility and intuition — two characteristics rare in industrial organizations that are led by technology rather than design. One step more, and you risk falling into the not-possible area. So, most car producers, for example, work as far away as possible from the borderline. And step by step, they all end up producing the same car.


At Alessi, we work as close as we can to the borderline and accept the risk of falling into the other area. Why? Because when we succeed, we give birth to a new product that surprises people and manages to touch their hearts. And because it is completely unknown, it doesn’t have any competition — which means we can enjoy big margins.



How do you explain your success?


Our industrial organization is very flexible. We have a few best-sellers that sell more than 100,000 pieces a year, while others sell in much smaller numbers. They have a long production run, however, because consumer demand just never dies. In any case, Alessi is not a mass-production company. It’s a research lab for the applied arts. We are not manufacturers; we are mediators between the expression of creativity and the real things that touch people’s hearts.

我们的产业组织非常灵活。我们有几件畅销产品,年销量超过 10 万件,其他畅销产品的销量则少得多。然而,这些畅销品的生产(销售)周期很长,因为消费者的需求永远不会消失。无论如何,阿莱西都不是一家量产的公司。这是一个实用艺术研究实验室。我们不是制造商,我们是创意传达和触动人心的真实产品之间的媒介。

And that means we have to experiment a lot. But doing experiments doesn’t just mean doing the research and making a prototype. It means putting a finished product into the marketplace. Thanks to the flexibility of our organization, we can be profitable even if we sell just 2,000 or 3,000 of each product in a year.

这就意味着我们要做很多实验。但做实验不仅仅意味着做研究和制作原型,还要将成品投入市场。由于我们组织的灵活性,即使我们一年只卖出 2000 或 3000 件产品,我们也能盈利。

In any case, for us, profitability is of secondary importance. Once we are able to defend the quality of what we are doing, then we can be profitable.



What is your favorite Fiasco?


“Our most beautiful fiasco was the Philippe Starck Hot Bertaa kettle. I did not realize that we had gone too far. Inside the kettle was some complicated but very intelligent engineering that prevented steam from escaping when the water was being poured. On the prototypes, it worked well, but when we produced thousands and thousands, it didn’t work so well.


“The kettle was very much criticized. But it was never a stupid project: We just went too far. There were many positives, not least the courage of the designer. He wasn’t playing a joke on the customers. He just felt the need to experiment.


How do you view your customers?


“Our customers seem happy to take risks with us, probably because they realize that we’re always sincere. They like walking the borderline with us. Customers are much more progressive than marketing people, distributors, or retailers believe. Society is much more exciting than just a target market. A target market is a cage where people try to put society. It bears no relation to what people feel and want.”


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