2024-11-25 09:04:32  作者:韩小雨  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/hfo519117.html

Tell him to meet us here. Can you say your name again?,今天小编就来说说关于emma对话练习计划?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!


Tell him to meet us here. Can you say your name again?


We talk on the phone every week. Speak quietly, this is a library.


Hello, I'm Emma from mmmEnglish. Do these verbs sometimes confuse you?

嗨,我是 Emma 来自mmmEnglish。这些动词会困扰你吗?

They're so similar that it can be difficult to know which one is the right one to use. Don't worry! You're not alone!


I get asked the difference between tell and say and talk and speak all the time by my students. So I've made this video to help you understand.

我总能听到我的学生问关于 tell,say,talk 和 speak 之间区别的问题。所以我做了这个视频想帮助你理解。

Let's start with 'say' and 'tell'. Now, this is the verb form in the present tense but they're both irregular verbs so in the past tense the form changes.

我们从'say' 和 'tell' 开始。那么,这是这个动词的一般现在时形式,但是它们都是不规则动词,所以过去时形式会变化。

It becomes 'said' and 'told'. These verbs are slightly different in their definitions.

会变成 'said' 和 'told'。这些动词在定义上有些许不同。

'Say' means to express something with words and 'tell' means to give information to a person and that's the most important difference between these two words. When you use 'tell' you must have a person following the verb.

'Say' 意思是用话语表达某事,而'tell' 的意思是将信息传递给某人,这是这两个单词的一个重要的不同之处。当你在用 'tell' 时,你必须用一个人称接这个动词。

It could be a name or a pronoun but there must be a person following. He told me to do it.


He told me to do it. So, to help you understand I want to use some examples.


So, feel free to practice out loud with me while I'm saying these sentences. You'll get some extra speaking practice too, as Well as a grammar lesson.


One of the most important differences about using these verbs is that 'tell' must have a person following. Now, what about speak and talk?

在使用这些动词时,一个重要的不同就是 'tell' 必须接人称。那么,speak 和 talk 呢?

Just like 'say' and 'tell', 'speak' is an irregular verb. So, in the past tense the form is 'spoke'.

就像'say' 和 'tell'一样,'speak' 也是一个不规则动词。而它的过去式是'spoke'。

But 'talk' is a regular verb so all you need to do to change the verb to the past tense is add -ed. The pronunciation of that -ed is just a/t/sound, added to the end of the verb: talked, talked, talked.

但是 'talk' 是一个规则动词,所以它的过去式只需要在后面加-ed。-ed 的发音就是一个/t/ 的音,加在单词结尾:[tɔːkt],[tɔːkt],[tɔːkt]。

Now, 'speak' and 'talk' are synonyms and most of the time you can use either one of these verbs interchangeably, which means it doesn't matter, you can choose either. There are a few slight differences in the way that they're used.

那么'speak' 和 'talk' 是同义词,大多数时间你可以使用相互交换地使用任意一个,也就是说你可以选两者中任意一个,都没关系。在使用的方法中,它们有一点点细微差别。

'Speak' tends to be a bit more formal. It also refers to more general topics than 'talk'.

'Speak' 更倾向于正式一点。比起 'talk',它指更一般性的问题。

Usually when you use talk you might add it with the proposition 'about', talk about something so, it's a little more specific. 'Speak' you can use quite generally for example: 'Can I speak with you? '

通常当你在用 talk 的时候,你可能会搭配介词'about',谈论关于某事,它更为具体一些。'Speak' 用于更概括性地,比如:“我能和你谈谈吗?”

Now this is quite general we're not being specific about what we want to speak about. But it also sounds a bit more formal, it sounds important.


'Can I talk with you? ' So, this is a little more casual a little informal.


It doesn't sound as important. And if we add 'about' we can add some more detail.


Can we talk about your brother? So, let's talk about prepositions quickly.


Which words can you use with these verbs? You can talk to someone;


You can speak to someone; You can talk with someone;

Or you can speak with someone. Or you can speak about something;

更重要的是,当你在谈论预语言时,你只能用 'speak'。尽管你可能会听到人们说‘他们讲法语’。

Or you can talk about something or someone. Most importantly, you can only use 'speak' when you're talking about languages.


Though, you might hear people say 'They talk in French. ' That's the most important thing to remember about these two verbs but remember that they're synonyms so you can usually use either of them.


The difference is very slight (or small) . They are interchangeable.


Well, that's it! I hope that you enjoyed that lesson and if you did please subscribe to my channel just here, if you haven't already!

你可以在 Facebook 上联系我,如果你非常渴望提高英语的话,可以在 mmmEnglish. com. 网站浏览我的在线课程。期待下节课再见。

And you can check out more of my English video lessons right there!

You can also connect with me on Facebook at mmmEnglish and if your super keen to keep improving your English with me check out my online courses at mmmEnglish. com.


Looking forward to our next lesson. See you next time.

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