2024-09-30 07:14:42  作者:其实就是爱  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/dwp485331.html

The Markelle Fultz Trade is a Process-Killer (X-post /r/Sixers)


Edit: I say "We" and "Our" a lot but this was originally posted in /r/Sixers


Most of you know this by now but I just can’t stress how disastrous and calamitous the Fultz trade is turning out to be. Before the 2017 draft we were in a position to add two Top-3 picks in the next two drafts.


Now it’s likely that we end up with absolutely nothing of value from them. To make matters worse, all of this lost value goes to the fucking Celtics of all teams. The Celtics get Tatum and most likely a top-10 pick this year and we’re left with Fultz.


Drafting a #1 overall pick who’s a bust will set any franchise back. Trading an additional lottery pick to draft that guy makes it even worse. Making that trade with your biggest rival (who was already better than you) and who will probably block the road to the finals for 5 years is nothing short of completely disastrous.


At this point the Sixers desperately, desperately need the Celtics to miss on that pick. Having them add another quality player or even packaging that pick for a star would be a doomsday scenario for the Sixers.


It’s hard to see the Process end up where it is now. We all know how much Hinkie values assets and you just have to wonder if he would have been comfortable giving up that extra lottery pick to our biggest, strongest rival.


This trade is going to be looked back on for decades as the time that this franchise blew a golden opportunity at a potential dynasty, all while gifting one to the very team we were trying to beat. It’s a complete, unmitigated disaster. Bryan Colangelo murdered the Process.


[–]LakersLonzoDaVinci 534 指標 6小時前

I can't fucking believe that the Sixers sub banned Ben Detrick (the guy who discovered the Colangelo burners).

He was sounding the alarm on the Colangelos so early. But they couldn't handle the truth.

湖人球迷:我真特么不敢相信76人专区竟然封了Ben Detrick(那个发现了科兰杰洛的推特小号家伙)。



[–][PHI] Lou WilliamsMarcheesio 267 指標 6小時前

He was right. And the Fultz trade, in hindsight, seems entirely an ego move by Colangelo. He didn't like the attention that Hinkie was getting even after being let go (the burners confirm this) and he didn't like that Embiid and Simmons were seen as "Hinkie's".


He made a dumb move to move up in the draft to get a guy he could claim as his own. He couldn't stand the thought of Hinkie getting credit for everything going forward.


[–]New Jersey NetsCookie3215 119 指標 5小時前

Damn, I think you guys hate Colangelo more than Nets fans hate Billy King.


[–]NuggetsPancakeTaughtMe 243 指標 5小時前

Well, they both do have something in common... Danny Ainge fucking boomed them


[–]CavaliersDeiVias 135 指標 6小時前

Brutal but true.


[–]Lakerscottagecheese24 234 指標 6小時前

Yeah, you guys royally fucked up. But at the time of the trade, it didn't seem like that bad of a trade. Fultz completely losing his ability to shoot is something unheard of.


[–]76ersEfficientJellyfish 95 指標 5小時前

He was fine in summer league. Looked just like he did in college.


[–][PHI] Lou WilliamsMarcheesio 122 指標 6小時前

Hinkie rolling in his grave. We fucked his treasure chest of assets in less than 2 years and now we're going to need a miracle in free agency to actually build this team into a contender. Fuck Adam Silver.


[–]NetsAveryBeal 103 指標 6小時前

Klay is all the sixers need to be contenders. If im Elton Brand I hire 100 of the hottest instagram thots and have them hit on Klay non stop during the pitch. Just a carousel of them until he signs the contract. Then give Fultz the boot and hope the kings win 40 games. In fact I'd bench my entire roster for both those kings games.


[–]SupersonicsMaximumFrugality 120 指標 6小時前

Shouldn't have traded Mikal Bridges for another athletic non-shooter either. Sixers front office simply doesn't know how to put together a balanced roster.


[–]Celticssupes1 58 指標 5小時前

Zhaire Smith has a good looking shot, and shot it well in college (albeit on limited attempts). Best to wait till he gets a chance to play to judge. Also, who knows where that Heat pick will end up. It's the kind of trade that could look great down the road depending how things shake out.

It really felt like a Hinkie-type move.



[–]junkit33 116 指標 5小時前

You're not saying anything wrong, but I'll offer an alternative devil's advocate view.

The Sixers got Embiid. If he's truly healthy, he's going to be a Top 5 NBA player for the next decade. (And really almost looks there already) That's it. That right there is "the process" - the kind of guy you tank and hope for.



Everything else is gravy - you build around Embiid. You draw in an All-Star caliber free agent to pair with him. You acquire the perfect role players for him. That's your contender right there.


Fultz and the wasted Kings pick is just noise. It stings but ultimately doesn't matter, because the Sixers have Embiid.


Note that I haven't even mentioned Simmons yet. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan. I think his lack of shot will forever hold him back, and I don't love the pairing with Embiid. But, others will disagree, and that's ok. It only adds to my point that Fultz doesn't really matter.


I, personally, would trade Simmons for a king's ransom - get a deadly deep threat of a PG scorer and let him and Embiid light it up every night. Lure in that 3rd big name free agent and you've got a contender.


[–]76ersYazakuchi 44 指標 5小時前

if i was the GM i would honestly trade Ben. He has shown no improvements jumperwise and he's hurting not only embiid but also the team, against weak opponents he can dunk and drive all he wants but against teams like raptors and celtics he gets exposed everytime...


We have a MVP and DPOY caliber player in Embiid, build around him, hes the process, imo everyone outside of JoJo is tradable


Drew Hanlen claims Markelle Fultz is still not healthy in twitter beef with Kyle Kuzma's trainer.

训练师Drew Hanlen在推特上和凯尔-库兹马的训练师掐架互怼,称马克尔-富尔茨依然没有完全康复。

Kyle Kuzma's trainer, Clint Parks, has pretty openly displayed his thoughts on Drew Hanlen and his Pure Sweat business.

Hanlen replied to Parks in a now deleted tweet:

凯尔-库兹马的训练师Clint Parks一直都公开地表达自己对Drew Hanlen以及他的“Pure Sweat”业务的负面看法。



Clint Parks:还“纯汗”呢,改叫“纯垃圾吧”,敢不敢走上台前回答篮球界对你的诸多拷问啊?

Drew Hanlen:回复来了。





Found this on Drew Corrigan's twitter:

以上是在Drew Corrigan的推特上找到的:

图中文字翻译:在一条现在已经被删掉的推特里,Drew Hanlen表示富尔茨还没有完全康复。

[–]Riemann-Hypothesis 221 指標 11小時前

Sure, not yet 100% healthy mentally maybe. Physically, he seems to look more than fine especially on the defensive moves which would likely stress your shoulder more than shooting


[–]KillerBeesRedux 51 指標 7小時前

The injury excuse has been laughable from day one. The idea that Fultz, his trainer, and the Sixers all would have decided to have him drastically alter his shooting form in order to play through shoulder pain during the offseason was just asinine. It never made any sense.


[–]TimberwolvesCO_PC_Parts 84 指標 6小時前

I had an injury very similar to Fultz in college. At the time my options were a surgery that would leave my shoulder immobile for 6-8 month AND then require PT, or I could do just PT with a series of exercises for my shoulder/rotator cuff. Because I was in school I needed use of my arm so I elected for just PT.


The exercises were hell but they did work. But my shoulder never fully healed. And for over a year to almost 2 years I could have a setback at any time. I played basketball almost every day back then and I didn't risk anything while doing normal dribbling, 2 handed rebounding, shooting and setting screens.


I risked re aggravating it if I tried to block someones shot and my arm got bent back when fully extended, if I got blocked going up for a layup and same motion or if I went up for a one armed rebound and got hit just right.


The injury was VERY frustrating, because I could be doing fine and then BAM, back to almost square one. Once my injury was aggravated I couldn't shoot for a couple of days and I could barely sleep at night because I sleep on my side.


It did not effect my shot motion but I was determined to keep my same motion because I'm a really good shooter. Who knows with Fultz but I don't blame him for changing anything that would keep the pain away because it fucking hurt.


[–]Thundernuhx 250 指標 11小時前

He’s only healthy when he shoots 40% from 3.


[–][PHI] JaKarr SampsonFreak_Fest 169 指標 11小時前

Technically he's shooting 40% from 3 if you take out heaves.

It's only 4/10 in 11 games though lmao.



[–]Heatjbenson255 45 指標 11小時前

Do the 76ers know he’s not fully healthy ?


[–][NYK] Baron Davisthemariokarters 86 指標 11小時前

Heath isn’t just physical. This dude has been mentally broken


[–]76ersxychosis 62 指標 11小時前

Hanlen's a dick for hyping Markelle up the way he did, honestly. Kelle's already got confidence issues, and he decided "Hey, I'm gonna hype this dude up like he's the second coming" like what the fuck did you think was gonna happen??? That just adds pressure. Fuck, man.


I'm rooting for Markelle but this dude did him dirty for doing that. Still, his shot did improve, it's just that he's still wildly inconsistent.

That said, Kuz's trainer's kind of a dick for coming at him like that, but at the same time, Hanlen got this coming, sorta.



[–][UTA] Grayson AllenJordan_Pushed_Off 549 指標 11小時前

don’t hate on players

goes on to talk shit about Kuzma



[–][NYK] Baron Davisthemariokarters 169 指標 11小時前

Lmfao wait this man says hate on me, but don’t hate on players because it’s unprofessional

In the same tweet he calls out Kuzma



[–]Bloodtinted1 143 指標 8小時前

Not really shit talking if it's a valid comparison. Not like he called him garbage.


[–]Lakersdagod123 99 指標 10小時前

Is his reputation bad?

Beal has improved every year. Tatum is a fucking sophomore and plays better than Hayward. Embiid is the best big man in the league. Leonard was seeing his way out of the league two years ago.



I think drew knows what he's doing and does it well. Is there a lot of hate for him in the trainer world?

I've seen cbrickley talk shit about him too. I wonder if it's trainers being really insecure



[–]LakerswestbrooksANALyst 291 指標 11小時前

Kuz trainer certainly didn't train him on how to pass or play defense

Hanlen def shouldn't have hyped up Fultz to us all offseason but Kuz's trainer seems like a dick for coming at him



[–]Lakersjtan619 82 指標 11小時前

Kuz’s trainer needs to go over box-out drills ‘til he pukes


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