2024-06-26 04:46:52  作者:是谓存雄  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/wel247736.html





八上Module 2 My home town and my country

一、 课内基础


1、hill [hil] n. 小山;小丘

2、population [,pɔpju'leiʃən] n.(某一地区)人口,全体居民

3、wide [waid] adj. 宽的,宽阔的

4、million ['miljən] num.百万

5、pretty ['priti] adv. 相当地,非常,很

6、umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n. 雨伞

7、than [ðæn, 弱ðən] prep. 比

8、get [ɡet] vi. 成为;变成

9、north [nɔ:θ] n. 北,北方;adj. 北方的;朝北的

10、south [sauθ, sauð] n. 南方,南;adj. 朝南的,在南方的

11、west [west] n. 西;西方 adj. 在西方的;朝西的

12、countryside ['kʌntri,said] n. 农村地区,乡下;

13、especially [i'speʃəli] adv. 特别;尤其

14、mountain [`mauntin] n. 山;山岳

15、university [,ju:ni'və:səti] n. 大学

16、island ['ailənd] n. 岛;岛屿

17、area ['εəriə] n. 区域,地区

18、low [ləu] adj. 低的,矮的


pretty good相当好

would like想要

sentence stress语句重音

be famous for 因…而闻名

home town 故乡;家乡

lots of许多

on the coast在海岸上

thirty years ago三十年前

such as例如

in the 1980s 20世纪80年代

Tian’anmen Square天安门广场

in the east/ south/ west. north of 在…东、南、西、北部


1. In fact, it only became important in the 1980s.


2. Someday it will become as busy as Hong Kong, I’m sure.


3. What’s the population of Shenzhen?


4. I come from Cambridge, a beautiful city in the east of England.


5.What’s the weather like?



1.【课文原句】What’s the population of Shenzhen?



v 询问“某地有多少人口”:What’s the population of...?或者How large is the

population of...而不能用how many或how much

1) What is the population of your home town?

= How large is the population of your home town?

2) What’s the population of Nanjing? = How large is the population of Nanjing?

3) ---What’s the population of Shanghai?

---Sorry, I don’t know. Let’s ask Mary.

v 表示“某地有多少人口”:The population of 某地 is/was 数.

或者某地 has a population of 数词

1) The population of the village is about three thousand.

= The village has a population of about three thousand.

2) The population of Australia is more than twenty million.

v 形容人口多或者少:large/big或small,不能用many, few, much或little

1) The population of China is very large.

2) India has a large population.

3) Singapore has a small population.

4) The population of the city is very small.


More than 60 percent of the population of that city are workers.

2. 【课文原句】It’s over ten million, I think.



What would you do if you owned five million dollars?

The population of the city is more than one million.

There are about two million people in the city.

They have thirty million books.

【拓展1】millions of 意为“数百万的,数以百万级的”,后接名词复数形式,表示大概


There are millions of living things on the earth.

Jobs had millions of fans.

Millions of people from all over the world come to visit the town every year.

【拓展2】确切的数字概念:基数词 hundred/thousand/million“...百/千/百万”

模糊的数字概念:hundreds of数以百计的;thousands of数以千计的;millions of 数以百万计的

3.【课文原句】In fact, it only became important in the 1980s.

【用法】in the 1980s意为“在20世纪80年代”,表示“在...世纪...年代”时用介词in,


in the 1790s在18世纪90年代;in the 1970s在20世纪70年代

Hong Kong and Macao returned to China in the 1990s/1990’s.

He is one of the greatest writers in the 1920s.

【拓展1】若表示“在...世纪”,用“in the 序数词 century”如:in the twentieth century 在二十世纪


v 用于分数中:当分子(基数词)大于1时,分母(序数词)用复数。

如:two thirds 2/3

v 表示不确定数目:hundreds of表示“数百”;thousands of表示“数千”;

millions of表示“数百万”

v 表示“几十岁”:in his thirties在他三十几岁时。表示“十几岁”用teens,


v 表示“...年代”:1960s表示“20世纪60年代”,读作nineteen sixties

v 用于某些固定结构:two and threes三三两两;

at sixes and sevens横七竖八

4.【课文原句】It’s getting bigger and busier.

【用法】get此处作连系动词,意为“变成,成为,(使)达到,处于”,后面跟的bigger and


He was getting more and more annoyed.

When you old, your memory gets worse.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer.


(使)达到,处于:The day is getting longer and longer.

得到;收到:I got a lot of presents for my birthday.

去取(或带来):Please get me some water!

到达;抵达:When he got home, it was already dark.


get up起床,起来;get out出去;get back返回;get on上车;get off下车;

get married结婚;get together相聚;get to到达;get ready for为...做好准备;

get on/along well with sb.和某人和睦相处

5. 【课文原句】Its streets are much wider and bigger too.


This box is much bigger than that one.

This book is much cheaper than that one.

It’s much hotter today than yesterday.

【拓展】可用于修饰比较级的副词(短语)还有even, far, rather, still, a little, a lot, a bit等

I’m a little taller than my sister.

That man is even older.

This picture is far better than that one.

【注意】very, quite, so, too等不能用来修饰比较级。

6.【课文原句】I’d like to go there one day.

【用法】would like意为“想,想要”,在语气上比want更委婉。would like无人称和数的变化,变一般疑问句时,将would提到主语之前既可。

注意:would like后不能接动名词

---Would you like to stay here with us?

--Yes, I’d like to.

v Would you like to do sth.?的肯定回答通常用“Yes, please.”或“Yes, I’d love/ like

to.”;否定回答通常用“No, thanks.”或“I’d love to, but...”but后接句子,解


【拓展】would like的常见搭配:

v would like sth.想要某物,如:I’d like some tea.

v would like to do sth.想要做某事,如:We’d like to go to the beach.

v would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事,如:I’d like you to go with me.

7.【课文原句】remember to visit the Diwang Tower.


1. remember to do sth.“记得去做某事”(事情还没做)和don’t forget to do sth.是同义表达

I remember to meet him at the airport.

Remember to give me a call when you get to Beijing.

2. remember doing sth.“记得做过某事”(事情已经做过了)

I remembered meeting him at the airport.

I remembered calling him this morning.

8.【课文原句】Cambridge is in the east of England.

【用法】in the east of意为“在....的东部”,指在某个范围内的东边。若两地在地域上是

包含关系,表示两者位置关系时用“in the 方位名词 of...”

Shanghai is in the east of China.

Hainan is in the south of China.

The chemical factory lies in the east of the city


1. in一地在另一地内部,in the east of指位于某个范围以内的东部

Liaocheng is in the west of Shandong.

2. on两地接壤、毗邻,on the east of指位于相邻、接壤处的东部

Canada is on the north of the US.

3. to两地有距离间隔,to the east of指位于某个范围以外的东部

Fujian is to the east of Yunnan.

9.【课文原句】My home town is especially famous for its university.


I don’t like getting up early, especially in the winter.

She’s especially good at playing the violin

10.【课文原句】My home town is especially famous for its university.

【用法】be famous for意为“以/因...而闻名”,famous形容词,意为“著名的;知名的”,


Paris is famous for its Eiffel Tower.

China is famous for the Great Wall.

【辨析】be famous for与be famous as与be famous to

1. be famous for “因...而闻名/出名”后接闻名的原因

The place is famous for its tea.

2. be famous as“作为...而闻名”后接职位、名称、身份等

Mo Yan is famous as a writer.

3. be famous to“为某人所熟知”后接某人

This singer is famous to lots of teenagers.

11. 【课文原句】Many famous people studied here, such as Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.

【用法】such as为固定短语,意为“比如”,用于列举同类人或事物中的几个具体例子。

I like all kinds of sports such as running and swimming.

【辨析】such as与for example

1. such as常列举同类人或物中的几个例子,后直接加所列举的人或物

He has been to many countries, such as America, Japan and Germany.

2. for example一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,用逗号隔开,可置于句首或句末

Many of us want to leave now -- for example, Bill.

12. 【课文原句】There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit.

【用法】本句中的to visit是动词不定式,作后置定语,修饰buildings and church。


There are lots of things to do.

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