2024-11-22 04:56:35  作者:自由加另类  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/srn206140.html

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Libraries mirror the intrinsic quality of a city. With an immense number of books in a bright environment, they are art galleries for people to improve their taste and mental being, as well as soothing spaces to escape from the hustle and bustle and vexations.


The bookstores in Zhengzhou are fascinating in their beauty, boasting pleasant space design, rich cultural heritage, ingenious trans-boundary integration, and exquisite cultural atmosphere...just like the summer sunshine bringing us brightness and inspiring our zest and enthusiasm.


纸的时代Era of Paper

"This is the worst era, this is the best era, and this is also the 'Era of Paper' where we can do our best. In me the tiger sniffs the rose."


The poem on the wall at its entrance attracts every reader entering the bookstore, guarding such an oasis of culture.


There are a great many books, mostly about humanities & social sciences and creative design. Green plants, water and an artificial landscape create a relaxing atmosphere as if you were in a secluded valley.


Find a comfortable seat to read. You can sit by the winding corridor or on the lounge by the pool. When you are tired of reading, order a cup of fruit tea or coffee, and watch the fish in the limpid water to relax your eyes.


言几又Yan Ji You

It is a new Internet-famous bookstore. The first store of Yan Ji You in Zhengzhou has attracted many young people since its birth in 2019. The interior was designed by a Japanese architect to be a fantasy forest of books.


The bookstore name collectively constitutes the Chinese character "設 (literal: establish, display)". Based on physical cultural business, it is also a combination of offline bookstore, cafe, cultural and creative products, literary salon, and it even includes special experience space. Yan Ji You establishes a groundbreaking business model to reshape the reading experience in the bookstore and make books the link between people, people and culture, and people and space. It uses all resources to promote the cross-boundary fusion of multiple business formats, with the aim of exploring a third possibility other than home and office building, and creating an "urban cultural space" with diversified functions.


尚书房Shang Shu Fang

It is the upgraded version of the Xinhua Bookstore in Henan Province. As the name suggests, there are fashionable elements everywhere. The large areas of white and wood colors create an elegant and airy space. Shang Shu Fang is also a strong support for the city's reading campaign. For example, in Haihui Center Bookstore, in addition to books, there are different exchange and experience activities involving cultural and creative aesthetics, coffee and catering, cultural exhibitions, reading salons, etc., allowing everyone to have access to books and enjoy reading in a comfortable artistic environment.



The meaning of the name is that "it is a place where books are the only favorite". Zhongshuge, renowned as "the most beautiful bookstore in China", first opened in Shanghai. How beautiful is Zhongshuge in Zhengzhou? It has a mirror ceiling and floor-to-ceiling windows on all four sides. The decorations hanging down from the roof are even more unique, ranging from Lego toys to flying seagulls.


Zhongshuge is very distinctive in atmosphere, layout and decoration. The ceiling reflects all furnishings, and enveloped in such special visual effects, you feel as if you were in a universe. Here, we can fully understand why young people prefer to read in bookstores – their longings for wonder and willfulness lead them here to read in such an environment with a tremendous amount of books, while enjoying inner peace as time passes by.


粱实Liang Shi

Liang Shi is pronounced the same as "food" in Chinese, implying "food for the soul". Some people say that this bookstore may remind you of the heroic, personable and vigorous warrior in Liang Shiqiu's prose. Neat and simple, it possesses a powerful strength.


No matter how busy the outside world is, people in the bookstore enjoy every moment reading here. Offering books, lectures, salons, seats, tea, and food, Liang Shi is known as the "first socializing bookstore in Zhengzhou".


松社Songshe Bookstore

Songshe was awarded the "Bookstore with the Biggest Contribution to the City in 2018" at the "2019 Asian Bookstore Forum", becoming the first independent bookstore in Henan to receive this honor. Since its opening in December 2013, it has attracted many Chinese and foreign readers with the high-quality and frequently held "Songshe • My Lecture" event. It is a cultural leisure space where people can read, drink tea, watch movies and chat with friends.


中信书店CITIC Bookstore

CITIC Bookstore, an artistic paradise, is hidden in Muse Park. The spaciousness and division make visiting the bookstore a pleasant experience. The leisure space created by floor-to-ceiling windows and coffee seats offers the kind of comfort and warmth of home. The sky and street scene outside the glass window are as exquisite as oil paintings.


In addition to books, there are many eye-catching objects, such as dolls, flower seeds, toys and garage kits, surprising and enhancing your enjoyment of reading and bringing you surprises.



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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text丨Wang Yipin

Photo丨Ma Jian

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu

Trainee Audio Editor丨Liu Xinlu

English Proofreader丨S. Jones


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