2024-06-10 05:51:53  作者:碧海风尘  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/kvs327562.html



The UK and China are two of the world’s largest and most developed offshore wind markets. The UK has installed 11GW over the last decade and is home to some of the world’s biggest offshore wind farms including Hornsea 1 and 2 which together have a combined output of 2.5GW. Meanwhile, China installed a record breaking 17GW of new offshore wind capacity in 2021 driven by rapid industrialisation of the domestic supply chain and the removal of feed in tariffs following the December 2021 deadline.

英国是世界上最大和最发达的海上风电市场之一,中国也是。在过去十年中,英国共安装了1100万千瓦风电,成为世界上最大的几个海上风电场的所在地,包括 Hornsea 1 和 2,它们的总产量高达2500万千瓦。与此同时,2021年,中国新增海上风电装机容量达到了创纪录的1700万千瓦,国内供应链的快速发展以及 2021 年 12 月后对上网电价的放开都起到了很好的推动作用。

Globally, the offshore wind sector continues to innovate at pace: next generation turbines bring increased power ratings, rotor diameters, hub heights and loads, and continue to push operational and logistical limits, requiring the introduction of new technologies, operating procedures, and support infrastructure; the removal of subsidies and the competitive funding environment creates a focus on cost reduction; while the cost of failure and remediation creates opportunities for risk management, asset integrity, condition monitoring, preventative maintenance and operations planning solutions.


The fixed bottom offshore wind market will continue to experience rapid growth over the next few decades, while floating wind projects are also expected to become more prominent as good shallow water sites are used up and countries seek to tap into deeper water resources.


Floating wind brings a whole set of new challenges and opportunities for a sector currently assessing the merits of a wide range of hull structures and mooring concepts both in the laboratory and via large scale field trials such as the Kincardine and Hywind demonstration projects underway in Scotland. These early floating trials, combined with a wealth of experience gained in the North Sea O&G sector, position UK companies strongly for the emerging global floating offshore wind opportunity.

浮动式风电为目前仍在通过实验室和大规模现场试验(如正在苏格兰进行的 Kincardine 和 Hywind 示范项目)评测各种浮式结构和锚泊概念的海风行业带来了一系列全新的挑战和机遇。这些早期的浮式试验,加上在北海油气领域获得的丰富经验,使英国公司在全球浮式海上风电市场新兴的机遇中占据优势地位。

At this critical stage in the development of both the fixed and floating offshore wind markets, there are huge opportunities and benefits to be gained from collaboration between organisations and companies in the UK and China.


Funded by Innovate UK, the Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP) helps ambitious UK companies collaborate and expand into new markets. This programme is focussed specifically on companies targeting the the Fixed and Floating Offshore Wind Sector in China. A Series of webinars held in February and March 2022 will showcase 10 innovative UK companies bringing forwards new solutions from mooring and geotechnical design services to digital asset monitoring solutions. The webinars will be of interest to OEMs, developers and design institutes as well as other offshore wind stakeholders.




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