2024-09-29 04:54:46  作者:八级车震  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/gzk251560.html





1. What kind of film does the man like?

A. A comedy.

B. A drama film.

C. A detective film.

2. What is the woman’s red jacket best for?

A. The warm days.

B. The windy days.

C. The rainy days.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A forest.

B. A unique plant.

C. A piece of furniture.

4. What did the man buy with the gift card?

A. Make-up.

B. Clothes.

C. Jewelry.

5. When did the man get up?

A. At 6:45.

B. At 7:45.

C. At 8:30.




6. What language does the man speak?

A. Scottish.

B. Italian.

C. Irish.

7. What did the man do in Germany?

A. He tested cars.

B. He designed cars.

C. He built car factories.

听第7段材料,回答第 8至10题。

8. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Buying tickets.

B. A great concert.

C. Time management.

9. What probably happened the first time Tina was late to meet Patrick ?

A. She got lost.

B. Her car broke down.

C. She couldn’t decide what to wear.

10. What does Patrick agree to do?

A. Pay for parking.

B. Lend Tina his phone.

C. Drive Tina’s car to the concert.


11. How many kinds of pepper does the man make?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

12. What does the woman probably think of making pepper of different tastes?

A. It’s easy.

B. It’s amazing.

C. It’s time-consuming.

13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a market.

B. In the man’s kitchen.

C. In a restaurant.


14. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Reporter and villager.

B. Policeman and witness.

C. Volunteer and survivor.

15. What just happened?

A. A flood.

B. A car crash.

C. An earthquake.

16. Where was the woman rescued from?

A. A river.

B. Her house.

C. The top of a building.

17. What advice does the woman give in the end?

A. To stay indoors.

B. To donate money.

C. To leave their houses.


18. According to the speaker, why do many travelers avoid Australia?

A. They find it is boring there.

B. They think it’s dangerous there.

C. They don’t like the climate there.

19. What is the weather probably like in the middle of Australia?

A. Mild and cool.

B. Cold and windy.

C. Dry and hot.

20. What can be said about Australia lifestyle?

A. It is very formal.

B. It is casual.

C. It is fast-paced.


1-5 CABCA 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 CCBCB


(Text 1)

W: Do you have a favorite type of film? I can’t decide between comedy and drama.

M: I like the stories where they have to solve a mystery and catch a bad guy.

(Text 2)

W: If it’s raining, I’ll wear my blue jacket. But if it’s windy, I’ll wear the black one.

M: But it’s warm today.

W: Oh. My red jacket is best for that kind of weather.

(Text 3)

W: There is something very rare in our forest —— a tree that is much higher than the other plants.

M: I know. It grows up to about 50 meters and the tree’s branches are used to make boats and furniture.

(Text 4)

W: What happened to that gift card? I was going to use it to buy some lipstick and clothes.

M: I used it to buy earrings for your mother last week. Its due date was yesterday, so I had to use it before it was useless.

(Text 5)

W: You aren’t going to make it. The meeting begins at 8:30, and it’s almost 7:45. What time did you get up?

M: An hour ago. I’ve been chatting with my colleagues all this time. We decided to have the meeting online instead.

(Text 6)

W: You have been to lots of countries, haven’t you? What language do they speak in Scotland?

M: The Scots have their own language. They also speak English, but with a different accent from their neighbors. The Irish also speak English, although they have their own language too.

W: What language do you speak? Can you speak any other languages?

M: Well, I am originally from Scotland, but I know a bit of German from when I worked in Germany.

W: What did you do there?

M: I helped them design and build cars. The Germans are very proud of their car industry. Lots of different makes are designed there.

W: Did you get to drive them?

M: Oh, yes. We used to drive them through Switzerland to a testing factory in Italy.

(Text 7)

W: My phone died again. I need to charge it before we go anywhere.

M: You are never ready, Tina! I am always waiting for you. Every time we’ve got together, you would be over 30 minutes late!

W: There’s always a good reason, Patrick…

M: Uh, not always! Each time, it’s a different excuse. First, it was your car... then you lost something… another time it was because you couldn’t find the right shoes…and now your phone needs to be charged? Come on!

W: Well, I bought the tickets of the concert through an app, and we have to show them on my phone to get in.

M: OK, look…if we don’t get there soon, we could miss the whole thing. I’ll drive us there and pay for parking, and you can charge your phone in my car.

(Text 8)

W: What are you doing, David?

M: I’m making pepper.

W: I didn’t know you could make pepper.

M: These are just different tastes that I add to regular black pepper. Look. This one on the shelf is made with hot red peppers. This one on the table is called sweet-and-sour pepper, and the one I’m making now is called green tea pepper.

W: Green tea pepper?

M: Yeah. First, I cut up some green tea leaves into very small pieces. Then I mix that with regular black pepper and leave it in the fridge for a month. After that, it tastes amazing!

W: What do you do with it?

M: I usually use it for meat and fish. But if you put a little on your eggs in the morning, it’s the best thing ever!

W: It sounds like a nice hobby, if you have the time. I think the regular pepper is just fine.

(Text 9)

M: I’m standing here in the small village of Point Pleasant. As you can see, the water level is at five feet, and it’s rushing through the streets like a river. Excuse me, Madam? What is your name?

W: Kelly Thompson.

M: Can you tell us what happened to you?

W: The storm hit us two days ago. I put boards on the windows and stayed inside, but the rain wouldn’t stop. When the water started coming in the house, I knew I had to get out.

M: So, what did you do?

W: I tried to drive my car, but it had floated away. My only choice was to swim to the nearest tall building. Once I got there, I ran up the stairs to the roof.

M: So how were you rescued?

W: By helicopter. They dropped us here at this school and have given us blankets and food.

M: What an amazing story! Do you have any advice for people living in areas where the storm will hit next?

W: Yes. Get out now. Do not try staying at home. It’s too dangerous.

M: Thank you, Kelly. If anyone would like to volunteer for rescue efforts or donate money, please call the number at the bottom of your screen.

(Text 10)

There is no doubt that Australia is one of the world’s greatest treasures, yet most of us would probably rather travel to North America, Europe, or Asia. Perhaps the main reason why people don’t visit Australia is because they are scared of its many deadly animals. After all, Australia is home to sharks and some of the world’s most poisonous spiders and snakes. Say what you will, but you can’t say Australia is boring! So today, why don’t we take a look at some of the country’s more positive aspects? Australia is a multicultural country full of kind and helpful people. They love to laugh and are very welcoming to visitors. Australia also has a very warm climate. In fact, the entire middle of the country is a desert. So all the big cities are spread around the coastal areas where it is cooler. Surfing is a hugely popular activity there. Most Australian children start the popular water sport once they can walk, and long before they learn how to ride a bike. This “beach life” is a big part of the Australian lifestyle, which explains why Australians always seem so relaxed and carefree. It’s true that Australia is mostly flat and lacks the mountains and green grasslands compared with nearby New Zealand. However, what more than makes up for it is its unique animals, friendly people, and beautiful beaches.

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