2024-11-06 12:50:53  作者:与卿长伴眠  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/gey348996.html





resist US aggressors and aid Korea to defend the motherland

例句:“抗美援朝、保家卫国”的战略决策,是中共中央政治局根据当时的形势作出的,是基于支援朝鲜人民反抗美国侵略和保卫中国国家安全的共同需要作出的。译文:The strategic decision of “resist US aggressors and aid Korea to defend the motherland” was made by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of CPC based on the analysis of the situation at that time, and met the needs of both assisting the Korean people and safeguarding Chinese national security.


every tree and every blade of grass

例句:要保持和发扬人民军队的优良传统,处处关心和爱护朝鲜人民的利益,尊重朝鲜人民的风俗习惯。要像在国内战争对待本国人民一样来对待朝鲜人民,爱护朝鲜的一山一水一草一木。译文:The CPVs should maintain and carry forward the fine traditions of the people’s army, always care and protect the interests of the Korean people, and respect the customs of the Korean people. The CPVs should treat the Korean people in the same way as they treat the Chinese people during the civil war and cherish every hill, every river, every tree and every blade of grass in Korea.


landing in Inchon


译文:Especially after the American troops’ landing in Inchon, their ground forces crossed the 38th Parallel and intruded toward the frontiers of China, which posed grim threat to the safety of China’s mainland. The Korean Workers’ Party and Korean government requested China to enter the war on the side of North Korea.


the 38th Parallel


译文1:After the first and the second campaigns, the CPVs drove the UN Forces that had advanced to the Yalu River back to the 38th Parallel and further south, ultimately changing the situations of the Korean War.


译文2:This Policy memorandum clearly defined ultimate objectives and current objectives of the US in Korea and confirmed that the current goal of the US in Korea was to establish a favorable defensive line in the 38th Parallel area and seek conclusion of an armistice agreement to end the Korean War.


chase and attack


译文:After the Taejeon Campaign, the Korean People’s Army, in a high morale, launched the Fourth Campaign without a pause, pushing to the south to chase and attack the enemy in an effort to break the deployment of the US Army and the South Korean Army, cross the Nakdong River, and finally liberate the whole Korea.




译文1:If Sanggamryong were lost, Osongsan would be at risk, and if Osonsan fell thereafter, CPVs troops could not stand firm in Pyonggang while the UN Forces overlooking from the hilltop. For that reason, the CPVs had to hold Sanggamryong firmly, making it a place of vital importance to be wrestled for control by both sides.


译文2:The CPVs and the KPA forces retained the complete initiative on the battle front through successful operations in the Sanggamryong Campaign. The UN Forces, however, had no confidence at all in winning any battle on the front lines. They conceded, as recorded in a South Korean war history book, that “throughout the winter, the enemy superior in number has firmly grasped the initiative in both the offensive and defensive operations.”


the Kimsong Campaign


译文:The Kimsong Campaign was the last major action of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The battles should not have been fought, and an armistice would have been realized by the end of June 1953, had it not been for the Rhee authorities to wreck the POWs repatriation agreement and block the armistice process.


the Armistice Agreement


译文1:It was July 27 1953, a historic time. The two sides of the Korean War held a solemn armistice agreement signing ceremony in the newly built hall at Panmunjom that morning.


译文2:Afterward, the Chinese People’s Volunteers worked to preserve the Korean Armistice Agreement and helped Korean people rebuild their country till October 1958, when all Chinese troops withdrew from Korea.


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