2024-11-05 03:41:45  作者:极度疯狂  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/xhp410561.html

Dorothy and her dog Toto live happily with Dorothy’s aunt until, one day, a great storm whisks Dorothy and Toto, along with their house, off to a faraway place. The house lands on, and kills, the Bad Witch of the East, but Dorothy is just eager to get home. The Good Witch tells her that only the wise old Wizard of Oz is able to get her back to her family. Dorothy and Toto set off along the yellow road to the Wizard. They meet a brainless scarecrow, a heartless tin-man and a cowardly lion on the way and all three decide to ask the Wizard to solve their problems too. Before the Wizard will grant their wishes, however, they have to kill the Bad Witch of the West, which Dorothy finally manages to do, thus making all their wishes come true. The Oz story has become a classic because it blends elements of traditional magic,such as witches,a Kansas cyclone, a scarecrow, and a man made of tin. In the end,Dorothy and her animals got what they need.We--viewers--also finish our wonderful tour and realize the dreams.,下面我们就来聊聊关于绿野仙踪主要内容英文?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!


Dorothy and her dog Toto live happily with Dorothy’s aunt until, one day, a great storm whisks Dorothy and Toto, along with their house, off to a faraway place. The house lands on, and kills, the Bad Witch of the East, but Dorothy is just eager to get home. The Good Witch tells her that only the wise old Wizard of Oz is able to get her back to her family. Dorothy and Toto set off along the yellow road to the Wizard. They meet a brainless scarecrow, a heartless tin-man and a cowardly lion on the way and all three decide to ask the Wizard to solve their problems too. Before the Wizard will grant their wishes, however, they have to kill the Bad Witch of the West, which Dorothy finally manages to do, thus making all their wishes come true. The Oz story has become a classic because it blends elements of traditional magic,such as witches,a Kansas cyclone, a scarecrow, and a man made of tin. In the end,Dorothy and her animals got what they need.We--viewers--also finish our wonderful tour and realize the dreams.


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