2024-11-05 10:49:19  作者:恨酒醒  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/vgk213632.html



Well, the evidence is continuing to increase from our first publication in 1999 to the analyst of the nelson, and we're looking forward to the, uh, results in china. Uh, each each of those trials show that ct screening is very effective and saves many many lives. If it's done on an annual basis, it can save eighty percent of those who are diagnosed with lung cancer. That's a huge benefit.


So I think that the evidence is very clear now that there is a substantial benefit to screening. I think we've done enough trials to demonstrate the benefits, but now needs to happen and is happening is that we need to understand, uh, some of the more subtle aspects, how often we need to be screened, how long we need to be screened, the role of bio markers.


Those are the type of questions now that need to be answered. But the question of whether there's a benefit and whether it's a strong benefit has significantly been answered.


不尽人意,据估计大约仅有1%-4%的人接受筛查,这取决于在美国有哪些人有资格接受筛查,相比真正应该接受筛查的人群这是一个非常有限数字。所以,仅有1%-4%的人接受了筛查,我们仍需要去推广筛查项目。筛查项目的推广与发展确实需要一些时间,即使像现在已有超过70%-80% 符合条件的人群参与的乳腺癌筛查,也是经过一定时间发展而来的。

Well, It's been quite poor. So it's estimated that some between one to four percent.

depending on which part of the US of the people have who are eligible for screening, which is already a limited number of those who really should be screened.

So only one to four percent are really opting to be screened. And we need to develop that screening programs do take some time to develop even.

screening for breast cancer, which now is I think over seventy, eighty percent of people who are eligible are screened for breast cancer.


That took a while to develop, and we need to very strongly push it further for ct screening for lung cancer.

Yes even though we had the results of a expensive large randomized trial supporting screening.

The uptake has been surprisingly low. Now some of the explanations for this might be that it's still relatively new and perhaps it will increase over time.


But the other explanation for that relates to, I think, in over emphasis on the harms of screening.Perhaps even an exaggeration of the harms and similarly and under emphasis on what the true benefits of screening are.

I think when you take all these factors together that probably accounts for the low uptake in the united states.and surely it's accounted for the low uptake throughout europe and and even parts of asia as well. So I think that as information continues to come out, the uptake willing improve.



The nelson results will have a big impact in europe because they've been waiting for this trial. And they now have already, uh, set out in eighteen months, sequence of events that need to happen for them to start implementing it throughout europe.

So the nelson results will have a major impact on ct screening for lung cancer in europe, hopefully around the world as well.

Yes. I think many european countries were waiting specifically for that trial to come out.

There's a feeling that they needed their own trial that was done under their own control with then and that would allow them to do their own cost analyses.


So now they have it. I think they're going to be much more in a position to influence governments to change their policies. And his doctor Henschke, she points out, It's not just in europe.

There are several asian countries as well that were waiting for another trial. So now there are too large and very expensive.

Well done randomized trials showing a benefit. So I think that it's gonna be very hard to resist implementing screening.



The Chinese trial has bio markers in it. And that's really the first large trial with ct that includes bio markers. So it should provide a very, very useful information as to the role of bio markers.

It also is looking at two years versus one year. And although the nelson gives some preliminary results on that, this study is where they're randomly selected into one year or two year intervals should provide conclusive evidence.


Yeah. It's also important because It's a trial that's being done in China. And I think,you know the US trial didn't influence europe to start screening, and we've talked about that. Had the nelson come out first, I doubt the US would have started screening until the analyst iii came out.

And I think it's gonna be very important that the chinese have a trial, if they've designed, where it's done on their own people, and they can look at their own cost analysis within their own country to provide the kind of additional assurance that it's going to be effective.

Henschke教授提到的其他方面也非常重要, 我认为这些问题是具有全球性意义的。这些关于筛查间隔的结果,可能会对筛查产生巨大的影响。同样,我们都知道生物标志物最终会被纳入筛查使之更好更有效,我认为这是第一个试验它将以一种非常严谨和有意义的方式结合生物标志物市场,这将产生全球性影响。

The additionalaspects that doctor H

mentioned are very important.

These are questions that I think will have global significance though.

You know these are the additional findings of expanding the intervals. This is could have a tremendous impact on screen.

And similarly we all know that bio markers will ultimately be added to screening to make it better and more efficient.

And I think this is the first trial that's really going to be looking in a very serious and meaningful way incorporate bio markets.

And this will have global impact.



I think so far they've demonstrated very good enrollment in their in their studies.

And every trial has challenges in rolling individuals. You have to really tailor it to the different communities.

And i am sure they're very sensitive to that they have individuals from those communities.

And so I have no doubt that they will be very successful in their enrollment.


And in terms of the analysis, they are also very good in statistical and mathematical and computer technology.

So I have full confidence that it will be it will they will provide very useful and very interesting results. Yeah. This trial was very carefully designed.


Chinese have a large experience already in screening. They have utilized information from around the world, basically and they developed screening programs for research purposes that are smaller so that they've learned all of the intricacies of screening.


And now for their full blown trial, I think they have a large experience already to base the management of all the screening participants.

They have brought in, you know, global consultants to work with them to help.

So I think that this trial will have, as I said, impact not only in china, but really will have global impact as well.


I have no doubt that it will be successful.

The leadership team that they have here within china is outstanding, and I think it should be a very important trial.


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