2024-11-07 02:06:39  作者:清新淡雅卍  网址:



Through the ABC classification, we got the fourth type of material D materials that do not belong to the above three categories, that is, sluggish inventory, which can be simply understood as inventory without demand for 12 months. The disposal of sluggish inventory is tricky for every business, so some companies often take a very desperate approach to ending these materials, such as deliberately discarding the materials, just to free up more space in the facility. A prime example is when 1983 ataly, maker of video game discs, dumped 20 trailer discs into a landfill in Mexico. However, for enterprises, these sluggish inventory is also money, so dealing with these materials is actually throwing money in disguise. What should we do with these sluggish inventory that take up storage space and increase inventory costs? First of all, we can adopt the order-type production method to reduce inventory and waste; Or it can be handled in a marketing way, drastically reducing the price or implementing a buy-one-get-one strategy of bound sales; At the same time, these materials can also be sold to other companies engaged in the sale of the product.



Inventory turnover is the number of times an inventory can be sold in a year, which can be expressed by dividing the cost of goods sold by the average inventory. Wherein, the average inventory is equal to the sum of the opening and ending stocks divided by 2. At the same time, it should be noted that for any inventory, there is no optimal inventory turnover, we can only change the inventory turnover rate through various factors, but this is not useless, we can understand the competitive situation and production efficiency of enterprises through the inventory turnover rate. Through the expression, it can be known that when the inventory turnover rate is low, it may be due to outdated production or other reasons caused by the need for too long to complete the sale; On the contrary, high inventory turnover may lead to a shortage of inventory in enterprises, but at the same time, it also shows that the product is very popular.






That's all for today's sharing.

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I wish you a happy day today!




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审核 | 李小雪

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