2024-11-21 11:14:02  作者:众星陨灭  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/sil192371.html


# 棱镜补偿

Prisms are special lenses that bend light in a particular way, and can be incorporated into the glasses along with the regular prescription. Many ophthalmologists, and some classical optometrists, use prisms in a compensatory way to treat strabismus. Prisms can be very helpful, especially in cases of strabismus that occur after a brain injury.


However, except in a few specific cases, I prefer not to use them because they do not teach the patient to move the eyes correctly and do not solve the underlying visual problem. In addition, some patients “eat” the prism resulting in the need for stronger and stronger prisms each year to achieve the same results.



# 肉毒杆菌

Botox is a neurotoxin that has many medical uses. Many know this drug through its widespread cosmetic use as an anti-wrinkle treatment. More recently, botulinum toxin has been used in the treatment of strabismus. When injected into the eye muscles, it weakens or paralyzes them,making the eyes look straighter.


As with many other older traditional treatments, it works only on the eye muscles and not on the underlying neurological problem: the brain's control of the eye muscles. It is important to stress once again that for 95% of patients, the problem with strabismus originates in our brain, and not in the eye muscles. Botox is not a good alternative to surgery, and is definitely not a good alternative to optometric vision therapy.


What's more, a 2012 literature review by Rowe and Noonan found many instances of poor response to Botox in patients with strabismus. Botulinum toxin is a powerful drug with potential serious side effects, so that its use, especially in children, should not be taken lightly.


•Botox is not a cure, but only a temporary treatment which lasts for 3-6 months, so it must be injected into the eye muscles and then re-injected time and time again.

•The correct dosage can vary widely, and it is difficult to know the correct amount before the injection. The drug may even cause the strabismus to worsen rather than improve.

•The child can be left with a ptosis(droopy eyelid) which is very detracting cosmetically. The droopy eyelid also acts like a patch, blocking vision in the eye.

•The manufacturers of Botox list many potential serious side-effects including diplopia(double vision), blepharospasm (abnormal twitching of the eyelid), torticollis (abnormal position of the head or neck), or ptosis (droopy upper eyelid). Seventeen percent of extraocular muscles adjacent to the injection site have been affected, causing vertical deviations. Retrobulbar hemorrhage (Bleeding behind the eye) even occurs in 0.3% of cases.





On February 8, 2008, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Botox has, “been linked in some cases to adverse reactions, including respiratory failure and death… due to its ability to spread to areas distant from the site of the injection… causing symptoms similar to those of botulism.”


In January 2009, the Canadian government warned that Botox can have the adverse effect of spreading to other parts of the body, which could cause muscle weakness, swallowing difficulties, pneumonia, speech disorders, and breathing problems.


In September 2005, a study by Cote et al. published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology reported that the use of Botox had resulted in 28 deaths between 1989 and 2003, though none were attributed to cosmetic use.


Parents need to very carefully consider all of the possible adverse side-effects of the injection of botulinum toxin into their children’s eye muscles before agreeing to this treatment. It is a very aggressive and possibly dangerous treatment when compared with other treatment options such as optometric vision therapy. In my opinion, the use of botulinum toxin to treat strabismus is definitely not the most logical, nor the safest treatment choice when so many easier, less invasive, and safer treatment options are available.


Botox (Botulinum toxin) is a strong, and potentially

dangerous drug which can have many negative side effects.



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