2024-09-29 01:58:52  作者:蔷薇陷  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/rho489241.html




“Do you mean that every flower has its own beauty?” asked my mother thoughtfully. I nodded without hesitation, as if a second wasted could deprive the dandelions of their life. “The same to you,” she added, her voice soft. “Not everyone can be a rose, and it is also an honour to be a dandelion.” Knowing that my mother had realized my pain, I took off the mask that I had worn for the whole lunch time and poured out my unease heartily. She listened to me patiently and patted me on the back tenderly. Suddenly she stopped, as if to say something.

“But you will be a beautiful narrator,” Mom said. She reminded me of how fluently I could deliver my part at home. It was at that time that I understood that maybe I was more suitable for a role back stage like a narrator. From then on, I practiced my lines heart and soul with my mother at lunch time for weeks. And the performance approached ultimately. standing backstage, nervousness came flooding in me. What encouraged me to overcome it was the inspiration from the beautiful yellow dandelions. The performance that night was eventually a big success. Hearing the thunderous applause, I took pride in my role and firmly believed that even a dandelion had its own beauty.


The next morning, Devin went straight to the music room. "I am not the best singer and I have to..." Devin hesitated with his eyes fixed on the floor. Ms. Poltis smiled warmly, "I choose you because you work hard, like the person in the song. So don't be nervous!" Devin raised his head and looked at her, tears welling up in his eyes. It was at that moment that Devin made his final decision. Later that day, Devin went to his coach and teammates. Unexpectedly, they welcomed him and promised that they would spare no effort to win the title.

On Thursday evening, Devin felt a little nervous to see so many people in the concert hall. Devin took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. The bright light coming on, Devin calmed down and sang with confidence. Devin handled the solo perfectly. Hardly had he finished the last word of the song when a wave of applause erupted from the audience. Devin smiled at Ms. Poltis and felt proud of the choice he had made. No matter how hard the struggle, you have to make a decision and never let yourself down.


A brown-haired women with a mask was the only exception.This woman didn’t hesitate.In fact,by the time I had climbed down the rocks and my husband had pulled Wyatt out of the water she had already called 911.She told me that she was a nurse.She gave Wyatt a red,white,and blue striped towel to put under his head.I finally had the chance to ask her name“Lisa.”she said.“and I’m not leaving you,”

The rescue team finally came and took Wyatt out of the park on a stretcher. An ambulance took us to a hospital.As soon as I knew that Wyatt was going to be OK, my thoughts fell to Lisa. If she had not stepped up would someone else have done so? Perhaps.But she was the one who went toward the unthinkable instead of turning away.

四、人车落水 (历险 陌生人的善意)

The water was still rising.By this time,the swelling water had reached the chest of Charlie and Jane,who shivered uncontrollably and could not tell whether they trembled because of cold or fright. Fortunately,they spotted the flashing headlights of Joe's truck and caught a glimpse of his stout figure shape approaching them with a long rope A strong torrent,coupled with the showering rain, washed over Joe and nearly swallowed him.However, this determined man rose to the flood and forged a head painfully and laboriously.

Joe finally reached the couple”.Catching the rope.”he yelled at the top of his lungs.Having received Joe's message, Charlie and Jane twisted their figures and clutched the rope tightly.Together,three of them swam against the torrent along the rope and finally made it to the bank.As Joe hauled the couple from the flood,the breathless Jane was too moved to utter a single word.Only Charlie held Joe's hand tightly and sputtered with a choking tone,"Thank…you... you.. kind stranger,without…. your help,Jane and I would have been. drowned to death.”Joe shrugged off and said anyone at his place would have done the same thing. Indeed,what a narrow escape they had and what a good Samaritan Joe is!


I watched curiously as she went forward。She went across the grass.heading to the hot dog stand.Then I realized what she was doing. Chatting with the stand owner for a moment,she bought another hot dog, crossed back to the trash can, and gave the hungry man the food with a smile. Face lighting up, the homeless man was so grateful,thanked Robby and ate heartily in the sunshine. When she came back to us, Robby said simply,“I was just passing on the kindness that someone gave to me."

That day I learned how generosity can go farther than the person you give to,We appreciated it so much that we got a free gift from the kind hot dog stand owner. What’s most impressive is that Robby passed on the kindness to a homeless man too. We never know what happiness a simple act of kindness will bring about.By giving we also teach others how to give. Remember:The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.


I recalled the lady's words.And I thought it was time to pay her kindness forward,by buying the two men a meal and two cups of coffee to thank them for all that they had done.So I paid for the bill and wrote down my blessings as well as"pay it forward"on the back of the bill. The firefighters were confused at first but upon listening to me explaining everything,they accepted my offer pleasantly.

A few days later, I got a surprise. One of the firefighters posted the picture of the bill and the message from me online, with a comment that explained his experience in the restaurant where I worked and encouraged his friends to do what I had done.Over the next few days. I noticed many people sharing their stories in the comment section about how they “pay it forward”.While viewing those heartfelt comments, I realized that the good deed was paid forward!


A week later, Peter stood nervously at the back of the hall where Go Green was meeting. Finally, it was time for him to do the presentation. Standing in front of several experts from Go Green,Peter was nervous in fear of screwing things up.But unbelievably, when he began to speak,everything went so smoothly.His voice was clear and inferential,and his speech was logical and well-organized. Peter ended his presentation with a deep bow and went out to wait for Go Green's decision.

After the meeting, Isabel excitedly told Peter the good news.Their ideas were approved and Go Green agreed to provide the money they needed to purchase the trash bin.Peter smiled.It meant not only their efforts paid off,but also Tubman park would restore its cleanness and tidiness. Peter and Isabel decided to tell Mrs.Evans this good news first and then worked out the next step they needed to take.


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