2024-09-28 04:11:36  作者:何曾離開過  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/ptf243399.html

建筑外观 External view of the building ©Krista Keltanen

无人机拍摄陨石木屋©Ateljé Sotamaa

感谢 Ateljé Sotamaa 分享


Unique wood home Meteorite supports interconnected living close to nature

由Ateljé Sotamaa设计的“陨石”是一个住宅建筑,坐落于芬兰东部的Kontiolahti。步行穿过树林,正如建筑师设计的那样,走进并探索,它好像是树林中一个神秘的黑色物体。然而,这座超现代、生态的三层木质建筑的内部是另一个开放的世界,并与周围的景观融为一体。

‘Meteorite’ designed by Ateljé Sotamaa is a residential building located in seemingly remote Kontiolahti in eastern Finland. Approached on foot through the woods – as preferred by the architect – it appears a mystical dark object among the trees. The inside of this ultra-modern, ecological, three-storey wood building, however, is another world of open interconnected rooms that integrate with the surrounding landscape.

建筑外观 External view of the building ©Kivi Sotamaa

建筑外观 External view of the building ©Krista Keltanen


In the middle of the polyhedron-shaped Meteorite, a tall atrium with a large 10 sq. m. skylight provides an unobstructed view to the stars. Another unique feature of the house is a catamaran net at a height of seven meters on which the residents can “float” to stimulate creative thinking. Meteorite is made of prefabricated cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels, it is insulated by air, and it uses natural ventilation. The building that has captured close to 60 tons of carbon dioxide into its materials is introduced to the public for the first time in an exhibition at the Olympic Stadium of Helsinki during Helsinki Design Week.

建筑内外体块分析图 Diagram of Inside and Outside Systems ©Ateljé Sotamaa

爆炸分析图 Exploded Diagram ©Ateljé Sotamaa

建筑师Kivi说:“陨石不是一个大房子, 不像传统的房子,每个房间都有特定的预定用途,相反却展现了使用者和各种生活状态的动态联系。它代表了一种全新、开放的空间组织和生活方式。同时数字化设计和新的预制施工技术能够创造出独特、高美学品质的生态木结构建筑。”

“Meteorite is not a large house, but on the inside it represents a completely new 3-dimensional open-concept way of organizing living space,” says Ateljé Sotamaa co-founder Kivi Sotamaa. “Unlike traditional houses where each room has a specific predetermined purpose, Meteorite’s architecture supports more dynamic relationships of its residents and a variety of life situations. Digital design and new prefabrication and construction technologies enable the creation of unique, aesthetically high-quality ecological wood buildings that add experiential value to their locations.”

森林中的体块 The house in the forest ©Tuukka Koski

四周景观 The surrounding landscape ©Tuukka Koski

这座建筑最初是为Ulla-Maaria Koivula设计的,她是ThingLink的创始人兼首席执行官,坐落于她祖父母在芬兰卡雷利亚农村的老宅地上。然而,由于疫情和在加利福尼亚肆虐的山火,她的家人决定减少全职工作的时间。

The building was originally designed to function as a guesthouse for Ulla-Maaria Koivula, founder and CEO of education technology provider ThingLink based in Palo Alto, California, on her grandparents’ old homestead in rural Karelia of Finland. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the wildfires raging in California, however, her family has decided to live in and work from the province more or less full-time.

开放厨房 The open kitchen ©Tuukka Koski

开放厨房 The open kitchen ©Krista Keltanen

楼梯通向二层 Stairs leading to the second floor ©Krista Keltanen

“每个建筑都体现了我们与自然环境的关系” Koivula表示。“我想在这个国家建造一座独特的木房子的灵感来自科利的岩石山丘和崎岖的树林,那里有很多飘浮的卵石,它们在冬季战争期间曾用于芬兰的防御”,“陨星”反映了我的灵魂与芬兰自然的联系,透过建筑的窗户,望向周围雾气蒙蒙的田野,我仿佛回到了平静的童年时光。我们将这座房子作为远程工作、爱好和休闲的空间场所。在过去,家庭成员在巨大的水平厨房空间里聚在一起;我们现在与周围的自然垂直地相互连接。在这个时代,人们无时无刻不与大城市、快节奏通讯相关联,而这座建筑是我们放慢生活的居所。”

”Every building materializes our relationship with the natural environment,” Koivula says. ”My inspiration to have a unique wood house built in this country sprouted from the rocky hills and rugged woods of Koli, rich in erratic boulders that also served Finland’s defense during the Winter War. Meteorite reflects the connection my soul has to Finnish nature, and looking through one of its large windows to the misty fields around takes me back to the calm days of childhood. We use the house as a creative space for remote work, hobbies and hanging out together. In the old days, families gathered into a large horizontal kitchen space to be together; we now interconnect vertically with each other and with the surrounding nature. In this time and age with effective telecommunications and speed trains to the metropolitan region, this is a paradise for us to get settled into the good life.”

中央空间 The central space opens up toward the sky ©Tuukka Koski

“漂浮”的网结构 A catamaran net at a height of seven meters ©Tuukka Koski

房间视角 View of the room ©Tuukka Koski

生活场景 Life scenes ©Tuukka Koski


Healthy low-carbon building made of prefabricated components


At best, the massive wood walls of Meteorite contain 4 metres of air insulation, and all building services engineering and technology is hidden inside the walls. Inside the house, there is light Nordic wood all around, no plastic anywhere in the structure, and nothing prone to moulding. The roof, too, is of solid wood, oiled to resist the elements and age beautifully. The large windows bringing in nature are all electrically heated.

预制构件 Prefabricated components ©Krista Keltanen

施工过程 Construction process ©Tuukka Kosk

“就结构设计和细节而言,这也是一个独特的项目,”Vahanen集团结构工程董事总经理Ahti Rantonen表示。该集团为赫尔辛基的当代艺术博物馆Kiasma和Musiikkitalo等标志性项目提供工程咨询。“我们很高兴能与Ateljé Sotamaa合作,希望在未来,无论在哪里,我们都有更多的机会从事木材建筑结构的项目, 其中的重要方面包括低碳影响和健康建筑。在陨星的生活体验将非常接近传统的原木房子,没有人工材料的痕迹。关于此项目另一个关键元素是数字化设计和制造过程,房子的所有部分都可以在施工现场预制和组装,这意味着它需要高度精确的电脑建模配合成熟的施工管理。”

“This was a unique project also in terms of structural design and detailing,” says Ahti Rantonen, managing director of structural engineering at Vahanen Group that provides engineering consultancy for landmark projects such as the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and Musiikkitalo of Helsinki. ”We are delighted about cooperation with Ateljé Sotamaa and hope there will be more opportunities to work on top wood construction projects in the future, regardless of their locations. Important aspects involved include low carbon impact and healthy building. The living experience in Meteorite will be very close to that of a traditional log house with all artificial materials eliminated. Another key element is the digital design and fabrication process. All parts of the house can be prefabricated and assembled on the construction site, which means they need to be computer-modelled on a highly detailed level and delivered on site just on time.”


一层平面图 Meteorite first floor plan ©Ateljé Sotamaa

二层平面图 Meteorite second floor plan ©Ateljé Sotamaa

三层平面图 Meteorite third floor plan ©Ateljé Sotamaa

剖面图 Section ©Ateljé Sotamaa



设计方:Ateljé Sotamaa

主创设计师:Kivi Sotamaa & Tuuli Sotamaa

设计团队:Filippo Fabi, Irene Pace, Pietro Barcaccia

结构:Vahanen: Ahti Rantonen, Kari Saarivirta and Antti Kalliola施工Lahden Puurakentajat & Joen Kodin Rakentajat.

灯 光:SAAS Instruments

玻 璃:Finnglass

板 材:Hoisko CLT

表面处理材料:Chips and Bricks


Project name: Meteorite wood home

Design: Ateljé Sotamaa

Principals-in-charge/Lead Designer: Kivi Sotamaa & Tuuli Sotamaa

Design Team: Filippo Fabi, Irene Pace, Pietro Barcaccia & William Dusen.

Structural Engineering: Vahanen: Ahti Rantonen, Kari Saarivirta and Antti Kalliola

Construction: Lahden Puurakentajat & Joen Kodin Rakentajat.

Lighting: SAAS Instruments

Glass: Finnglass

CLT: Hoisko CLT

Surface Treatment Materials: Chips and Bricks

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