2024-11-21 10:32:27  作者:胖胖熊  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/oru150819.html


这里所讲的分词包括-ing分词和-ed分词,即传统意义上的现在分词和过去分词。现在分词由动词原形 -ing构成(如listening);过去分词通常由动词原形 -ed构成(如listened),但也有不规则形式(如go-gone)。现代英语的绝大多数都是规则动词,不规则的只是少数。







This story is quite interesting.

The journey without you will be boring.



The man following was obviously in a hurry.(现在分词单独作定语)

They acted just like a conquering army.(现在分词单独作定语)

Do you know the man standing over there by the door? (分词短语作限定性定语)

Last night,we caught a thief stealing John’s bike.(分词短语作限定性定语)

The name Nebraske comes from the Oto Indian word “ebrathka”,meaning flat water.(分词短语作非限定性定语)


a.表示感觉和心理状态的动词,如hear,feel,find,listen to,look at,watch,notice,observe,smell,see等词的宾语可以用现在分词作宾语补足语。例如:

I noticed him slipping away before the end of the meeting.

I can smell turkey roasting,and it's making me hungry.


What I saw just now set me thinking of my childhood in the countryside.

Please don't keep the machine running while you are away.



Rushing out of the room,he was knocked down by a car.(作时间状语)

= When he rushed out of the room,he was knocked down by a car.

Working harder,you will pass the entrance exam. (作条件状语)

= If you work harder,you will pass the entrance exam.

She sat at a window,reading a book.(作伴随状语)

=She sat at a window and read a book.

Having won the championship,he was awarded a million dollars.(作原因状语) =

Because he had won the championship,he was awarded a million dollars.

Even if taking a taxi,I will still be late for the meeting.(作让步状语)

= Even if take a taxi,I will still be late for the meeting.

The road is under construction,thus causing the delay. (作结果状语)

= The road is under construction,and thus caused the delay.

注意,当现在分词作让步状语时,一般放在句首,常常由although,though,even if, unless等连词引入;作结果状语时,一般放在句末,前面可以加so,thus,hence,thereby等副词。





The man looked quite disappointed.

He is greatly discouraged by her refusal.

His hair is nearly all gone.

已经形容词化了的过去分词大多可作表语,常见的有:accomplished,amazed,amused,astonished,broken,closed,completed,complicatcd, confused,crowded,devoted,disappointed,discouraged,drunk,excited,frightened,hurt,interested,lost,satisfied,surprised, worried等。


a) 前置定语的过去分词通常来自及物动词,带有被动意义和完成意义。例如:

We like skating in the frozen lake in the winter.

= We like skating in the lake which has been frozen in the winter.

How many finished products have you got up to now?

= How many products that have been finished have you got up to now?


a retired worker = a worker who has retired

an escaped prisoner = a prisoner who has escaped

a faded/withered flower = a flower that has faded

the risen sun = the sun that has just risen

a returned student = a student who has returned

vanished treasure = treasure that has vanished


Things seen are better than things heard.

= Things which are seen are better than things which are heard.

The lobster broiled over charcoal was delicious.

= The lobster which was broiled over charcoal was delicious.


a) see, hear, feel,find,think等表示感觉和心理状态的动词可以带过去分词作宾语补足语。例如:

Tom found himself involved in an awkward situation.

I saw Tom dressed like a beggar in the street.

Everybody thought the match lost until the last minute.

d) make, get, have, keep 等表示“致使”意义的动词可以带过去分词作宾语补足语。例如:

I have my clothes washed everyday.

Don't get your schedule changed;stay with us in the class.

He’s trying to make himself understood.

Please keep us informed of the latest price.


We don't like such topics (to be) discussed in class.

I wish this problem (to be) solved this week.


用作状语的过去分词通常来自及物动词。过去分词用作状语时,修饰主句的谓语动词,意义上相当于状语从句,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等。过去分词作状语,前边往往可以加when, while, if,as if, though。一般说来,这种结构的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语一致。例如:

Whenever praised,she blushes.(作时间状语)

= Whenever she is praised,she blushes.

United,we stand;divided,we fall.(作条件状语)

= If we are united,we stand;If we are divided,we fall.

Written in great haste,this book is full of errors.(作原因状语)

= Because this book is written in great haste,it is full of errors.Mary was reading a love story,completely lost to the romantic life.(作伴随状浯)

= Mary was reading a love story,and was completely lost to the romantic life.

Although born in Germany,John lives and works in U.S.A. (作让步状语)

= Although John was born in Germany,he lives and works in U.S.A.




Living in the downtown,we found a lot of amusements.

如果现在分词所表示的动作先于句子谓语发生,就要用现在分词的完成式“(not) having 过去分词”。例如:

Having heard from my father,I was relieved.

Not having received any letter from my family,I was worried.

如果现在分词的逻辑主语是现在分词所表示的动作的对象,则要用现在分词的被动形式,包括其一般形式“(not) being 过去分词”和其完成形式“(not) having been 过去分词”。例如:

Upon being questioned,he denied having robbed the bank.

The new method,having been widely used abroad,can increase the working efficiency.



The holidays being over,they began to get down to do their work again.(原因状语)

= As the holiday was over,they began to get down to do their work again.

All things considered,her paper is of greater value than yours.(条件状语)

= All things are considered,her paper is of greater value than yours.

His homework done,Johan went out to play. (时间状语)

= After his homework had been done,Johan went out to play.

The girl was smiling sweetly,her long hair flowing in the breeze.(伴随状语)

当独立结构表示伴随状况时,可变为由with引导的介词词组, 而表示否定意义的类似结构便可由without引导。例如上例可变为:

The girl was smiling sweetly with her long hair flowing in the breeze.

Without anyone noticing,I slipped out of the room.


The manager sat quietly in his office,(his) eyes closed.

He stood in the doorway,(his) wet cloak dripping water on the rug,and waited for some sign of recognition.

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