2024-10-01 10:55:47  作者:无人挽  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/ncl326452.html

"The value to the US of Japanese BW (biological warfare) data is of such importance to national security as to far outweigh the value accruing from'war crimes'prosecution."


这句话出现在1947年8月1日美国国务·陆军·海军三部协调委员会远东小组委员会(State-Way-Navy Coordinating Sub Committee for the Far East)的一份机要报告的“结论”部分。这份报告目前存于美国马里兰州的国家档案馆(The National Archives at College Park, Maryland)。


This sentence appears in the "Conclusion" part of a Aug 1, 1947 intelligence report circulated within the US State-War-Navy Coordinating Sub Committee for the Far East. It can now be found at the US National Archives at College Park, Maryland. (The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, a precursor to the US National Security Council, was a US federal government committee created in December 1944 to look at political and military issues once World War II ended related to the occupation of the Axis powers.)

1948年11月12日,为审判日本战犯而于1946年5月开庭的远东国际军事法庭(International Military Tribunal for the Far East)宣判结束。日军生物武器研究和作战中心731部队的前成员没有一个人被起诉。

On November 12, 1948, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, which opened in May 1946 to try Japanese war criminals, concluded. None of the former members of Unit 731, Imperial Japanese Army's biological weapon research and warfare center, was brought to the bar.

“受冷战初期紧张局势的推动……华盛顿的决策者们,在盟军占领军总司令道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军的支持下,力求获得日本的生物作战技术资料,以期取得在生物武器方面对苏联的压倒优势。”美国已故学者珍妮·吉耶曼(Jeanne Guillemin)在她2017年的著作《隐匿的暴行——细菌战、东京审判和美日交易》中写道。

"Motivated by early Cold War tensions…Washington decision makers, supported by the American occupation leader, General Douglas MacArthur, sought to acquire Japan’s biological warfare expertise to gain an advantage over the Soviet Union," wrote American scholar Jeanne Guillemin in her 2017 book Hidden Atrocities – Japanese Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the Tokyo Trial.





与此同时,另一本深入研究这一话题的著作,美国历史学家谢尔顿·哈里斯(Sheldon H. Harris)的《死亡工厂——1932-1945年日本细菌战与美国的掩盖》2002年修订版的中文译本也于近日出版。

Meanwhile, another translated book – Factories of Death – Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-up by American historian Sheldon H. Harris, is also hitting shelves in China.

这本书于1994年首次出版后被视为“揭示美国掩盖真相的第一本综合性学术研究”(“the very first comprehensive scholarly research that brings to light the American cover-up”)。在此后的8年里,这位加州州立大学北岭分校的教授几乎把他所有的时间都投入在了修订版上。哈里斯于修订版出版当年的8月份去世。


中国研究员王选长期从事日本在华细菌战研究,她与日本研究员近藤昭二(Shoji Kondi)合编的全六卷《日本生物武器作战调查资料》(Compilation Of Historical Documents On Japanese Biological Warfare During WWII)于2019年出版,以上提及的那份1947年8月1日美国政府三部协调委员会远东小组委员会内部报告就收录其中。




"This coincidence (of the two books coming out together), coupled with the sad deaths of the two scholars, both in their mid-70s, only serves to remind me of the physical and emotional toll taken of them as they wrestled with the dark truth,"Wang said.





The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), which opened nine months after Japan officially surrendered on August 15, 1945 and six months after the Nuremberg trials started, proceeded in what Guillemin called "a radically different geopolitical context", one in which the United States, through General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, "ruled securely".

远东军事委员会国际检察局专门负责收集犯罪事实并提起诉讼,检察长约瑟夫·基南(Joseph Keenan)由杜鲁门总统“钦点”。


必须要提的是,G2的负责人查尔斯·威洛比少将(Major General Charles A. Willouby)是一位不折不扣的“反共斗士”和冷战先锋

In a memo on June 4 Joseph Keenan, a Harvard graduate who had reportedly been handpicked by President Harry Truman to fill the role ofchief counsel at the International Prosecution Section (IPS) of the IMTFE, told all his staff at the IPS that a central interrogation center had been established under the control and direction of G-2, headed by Major General Charles A. Willoughby, a die-hard anti-Communist who would become a Cold Warwarrior. It wasmerely one month after the start of the Tokyo trial on May 3, 1946.


在随后的审判中,华盛顿向麦克阿瑟发出了明确的指示,“从石井四郎(Shiro Ishii, 731部队长)及其同僚那里获得的有关日军生物武器战的情报将被保留在情报渠道中,不会被用作起诉战争罪行的证据。”

For those familiar with the entire trajectory of events, this arrangement, which in effect placed any further war crimes investigation under the control of US military intelligence in Tokyo, would be followed, later in trial, by directives from Washington to MacArthur that declared “information obtained from (Shiro) Ishii (head of Unit 731) and associates on BW will be retained in intelligence channels and will not be employed as ‘war crime’ evidence.”





Unit 731, set up in 1932 by General Shiro Ishii, a microbiologist, in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo in Northeast China, was responsible for some of the most notorious and little known war crimes in human history.Based in Pingfang just outside Harbin, Heilongjiang province, it not only carried out human vivisections behind its high walls and produced vast quantities of germs to spread all over China, but also acted as an evil core for what Harris called “factories of death” that it had set up across Japan-occupied Asia.


1945年至1947年间,美国军方向日本派遣了四批调查人员,他们都是来自马里兰州德特里克堡(Camp Detrick, later Fort Detrick)的军事科学家,那里在1969年前是美国生物武器研究的中心。


Between 1945 and 1947, the US Government sent four investigators to Japan, all military scientists from Camp Detrick, Maryland, the center of the US biological weapons program. Their exclusive access to Ishii and his associates was guaranteed by MacArthur’s occupation authorities. The Chinese prosecution team, headed by Hsiang Che-chun (Xiang Zhejun), was barred from any access to the Unit 731 scientists and withheld all information the US investigators had been collecting from them.


在20世纪90年代接受《日本时报》(Japan Times)采访时,石井的女儿晴美(Harumi)回忆道,美军方调查人员阿沃汤普森“曾说他是作为杜鲁门总统的特使来的”,并“用乞求的口气向我父亲询问有关细菌武器的绝密数据”

Lieutenant Colonel Arvo Thompson was the second of the four. In a 1990s interview with Japan Times, Ishii’s daughter Harumi recalled that Thompson “said he had come as an emissary for President Truman” and “literally begged my father for top-secret data on the germ weapons”.


Around November 1946, the Russians brought to the attention of the IPS affidavits they had acquired through interrogation of several former Unit 731 members they had captured in Northeastern China towards the end of the war.

柄泽十三夫少校(Major Tomio Karasawa)是其中的一位,以下是他的部分证词:“一枚装满细菌的炸弹被放置在地上,大约20个中国人被绑在离炸弹有一定距离——足以防止人死亡——的柱子上,炸弹被引爆。炸弹爆炸,弹片四散,鼠疫杆菌和炭疽杆菌就这样通过伤口进入人体。”

These included Major Tomio Karasawa, whose confession went in part: “A bomb filled with bacteria was placed on the ground and about twenty Manchurians were tied to poles (that is, enough distance to prevent men’s death) from the bomb, which were electrically exploded. By the bomb blast… and its fragments, the plague bacilli and anthrax bacilli penetrated through the wound into human bodies.”


Yet the affidavit was never produced as evidence, nor was the man allowed to testify during court proceedings of the IMTFE.


“Up to that point, Ishii had consistently lied about the issue of human experiments, largely denying the fact that it had ever been conducted,” Wang said. “Armed with the affidavits provided by the Soviets, the Americans believing that they could exploit Ishii’s fear of the Soviets to their own advantage, confronted the sly general, who then seized this opportunity to put forward his demand for the bargain – immunity from ‘war crimes’ for himself, superiors and subordinates.”

这张照片是《死亡工厂》作者谢尔顿·哈里斯在美国陆军杜格威试验场图书馆发现的731部队三份人体解剖实验报告(英文翻译本)之一的封面。它们由731部队成员提供给美国人,用以换取对他们免于战争罪的起诉。“A”是指炭疽菌(Anthrax)。这份报告最初保存在美国德特里克堡。“A”下面的三行小字明确写着 “化学部队研究开发总部,生物武器实验室,德特里克堡,弗雷德里克,马里兰”。


On May 6, 1947 MacArthur sent a top-secret radiogram to the War Department’s General Intelligence Division, requesting action by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on an immunity agreement for the Unit 731 scientists.

麦克阿瑟在电报中说,柄泽和他的上级川岛清少将(Major General Kyoshi Kawashima)的证词已经“被石井确认”,石井同时“声称拥有对防御和进攻中使用生物武器的战略战术的系统性理论知识和对在远东和寒冷地区最有效的细菌武器的研究资料。”

In it, MacArthur said the affidavits from Karasawa and his superior Major General Kyoshi Kawashima had been “confirmed tacitly by Ishii”, who “claims to have extensive theoretical high-level knowledge including strategic and tactical use of BW on defense and offense, backed by some research on best BW agents to employ by geographical areas of Far East and the use of BW in cold climates”.


The final deliberation from Washington is laid out bluntly in the Aug 1, 1947 intelligence report for circulation inside the US State-War-Navy Coordinating Sub-Committee for the Far East. “This Japanese information is the only known source of data from scientifically controlled experiments showing the direct effect of BW agents on man… any war crimes trial would completely reveal such data to all nations, it is felt that such publicity must be avoided in the interests of defense and national security,” the report said, noting at the same time that: “Experiments on human beings similar to those conducted by the Ishii BW group have been condemned as war crimes by the International Military Tribunal for the trial of major Nazi war criminals.”

与此同时,石井已经在自己家里宴请美国人, 并鼓励731部队的成员向美国军方的调查官“畅所欲言”。美国调查官们被这些刽子手在讲述人体试验时所表现出的“坦承”所震惊——受害者包括中国人、朝鲜人和俄国人。而更多时候,他们则为获取到如此多的情报感到兴奋

Ishii, who at this point was regularly entertaining his US guests at home parties, encouraged his associates to speak freely with the investigators, who for their own part were occasionally shocked but often impressed by the candor of the Ishii scientists about the use of humans – Chinese, Koreans and Russians – in their research.



“Imperial Japan’s employment of biological weapons in China was full-scale, and unprecedented in human history,” said 69-year-old Wang.“The delay in justice at Tokyo led to the denial of justice,” wrote Guillemin in the final chapter of herbook.

丹·巴伦布拉特(Dan Barenblatt)是《人性的瘟疫:日本细菌战秘史》(A Plague Upon Humanity: The Hidden History of Japan’s Biological Warfare Program)一书的作者,这本2004年出版的书也涉及了美国在东京审判期间掩盖日本对华细菌战事实的主题。


1941年,日本在常德投放鼠疫,造成7000多人死亡。在那里,他遇到了曾在平房总部工作并对自己曾经犯下的罪行痛悔不已的731部队前队员筱塚良雄(Yoshio Shinozuka)。


In 2006, he travelled to Changde, Hunan province, the site of a major Japanese plague attack in 1941, which led to over 7,000 deaths. There, he met Yoshio Shinozuka, who worked at Unit 731’s headquarters in Pingfang, where the germs spread in Changde were cultured and tested on victims.


In Changde for a conference on Japan’s biological warfare, a repentant Shinozuka told Barenblatt how he, then 20 years old, helped prepare for dissection an “intelligent-looking man” who had been “systemically infected with plague germs” and whom he knew because “I had taken his blood once for testing”.


“As the disease took its toll, his face and body became totally black. Still alive, he was brought on a stretcher by the special security forces to the autopsy room,” said Shinozuka, who later washed the man’s body with a rubber hose and a deck brush, under the watch of the chief pathologist.


“Yoshio told me he’d never forget the glare of hate his victim directed at him as they were cutting into him,” Barenblatt said. “One can’t help but think what the victim must have been thinking towards the end of his life, that the world has got to know this.”

栏目主编:顾万全 文字编辑:房颖 题图来源:图虫 图片编辑:朱瓅

来源:作者:中国日报 赵旭

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