2024-09-30 07:21:21  作者:額額拽  网址:







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Today, the editor brings you introduction of MathType software,

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MathType是一款专业的数学公式编辑器,由Design Science公司设计的一个可以在Word、PowerPoint等字处理软件和演示程序中编辑科学公式编辑器,完美兼容Office、 word、excel等700多种程序,用于编辑数学试卷、书籍、报刊、论文、幻灯演示等文档轻松输入各种复杂的数学公式和符号。软件拥有着更加精美的画面和多样化的使用方法,可以支持键盘输入与鼠标手动输入,还加入了最新的虚拟键盘对于打不出的字符可在其中快速的找到。支持TeX和LaTeX,以及国际标准MathML,并能够把公式转化为支持Web的各种图形,也支持WMF和EPS输出。

MathType is a professional mathematical formula editor designed by Design Science Company, which can edit scientific formulae in Word, PowerPoint and other word processing software and presentation programs. It is perfectly compatible with more than 700 programs such as Office, word, and excel. Used to edit math papers, books, newspapers, papers, slideshows and other documents to easily input a variety of complex math formulas and symbols. The software has a more beautiful picture and a variety of usage methods, can support keyboard input and mouse manual input, and also adds the latest virtual keyboard to quickly find characters that cannot be typed. It supports TeX and LaTeX, as well as the international standard MathML, and can convert formulas into various graphics that support the Web, as well as WMF and EPS output.



· 兼容各版本Office

MathType与Office有很好的兼容性,支持各版本的Office软件,如Microsoft Office 2016、Softmaker Office、WPS Office等。

MathType has good compatibility with Office and supports various versions of Office software, such as Microsoft Office 2016, Softmaker Office, WPS Office, etc.

· 多平台支持

MathType可适用于800 软件应用程序和网站,支持在任何文字处理软件、演示程序、页面程序、HTML编辑工具及其它类型的软件,用来建立公式。

MathType can be applied to 800 software applications and websites, supports in any word processing software, presentation program, page program, HTML editing tool and other types of software, used to create formulas.

· 支持手写


The "Open Input Math Panel" in the MathType "Edit" menu supports handwriting input formulas, intelligently recognizes handwritten content, and can be completed with a touch of the mouse.

· 所见即所得


When adding a formula, click the template in the MathType interface, and the style of the template will be directly displayed in the MathType edit box. Appropriate modifications to this template will complete the editing task of the formula.

· 自动化处理


Translator in MathType supports one-click conversion to Latex, Amslatex and other codes, and provides templates of common mathematical formulas and physical formulas. With just one click, the formula will appear on pap








(6)用于公式编号、格式设置及转换Microsoft Word文档的专用命令;



(1) The Euclid font sets hundreds of mathematical symbols;

(2) New templates and symbols applied to geometric chemistry and other aspects;

(3) Professional color support;

(4) Create formulas for global wide area networks;

(5) Translators that translate output formulas into other languages (for example: TeX, AMS-TeX, LaTeX, MathMl and custom languages);

(6) Special commands for formula numbering, formatting and converting Microsoft Word documents;

(7) A customizable toolbar that can accommodate hundreds of recently used symbols, expressions and formulas;

(8) Customizable keyboard shortcuts



Ctrl Shift 连字符 (上横线)

Ctrl Alt 连字符 (矢量制头)

Ctrl (或Ctrl 0) 小括号

Ctrl [或Ctrl ] 中括号

Ctrl {或Ctrl } 大括号

Ctrl 1 100%

Ctrl 2 200%

Ctrl 4 400%

Ctrl 8 800%

Ctrl Shift Space 空格

Ctrl Shift B 加粗

Ctrl R 根式

Ctrl H 上标

Ctrl L 下标

Ctrl J 上下标

Ctrl Alt ´ 单撇(导数符号)

Ctrl Shift 〞双撇(二输导数符号)

Ctrl F 分式

Ctrl / 斜江分式

Ctrl I 定积分

Ctrl Shift I,! 不定积分






That's all for today's sharing.

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and let us meet tomorrow.

I wish you a happy day !

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